Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Saw A Movie Today

I saw Django Unchained today.  A newspaper I browsed through gave it a rating of +C.  I thought it was good.  I give it an -A.  All the actors did a good job.  Mr. Tarantino did well in his cameo being blown up.  Mr. Samuel L. Jackson did a very good job (us house negroes have to scratch each other's backs :).  Spoiler - the guy (Django) gets the girl and their freedom in the end.  I would see this movie again but I wouldn't buy the DVD because I'm not much of a western movie fan.  Worth the price of the Earlybird Special.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Makes Me Wonder (not Stevie)

I was driving to the 7-Eleven to get some cigarettes and I thought, what the heck, I'll upgrade tonight.  An upgrade means instead of getting cheap cigs (Shields) I'll buy some good stuff (Winston Red-Box 100s).  I go in, ask for what I want , & they don't have it.  No surprise to me because they didn't have it the last time I went to this particular 7-Eleven.  I ask for the Gold box which they usually have but they don't --surprise.  A white guy to the left of me was buying a box of Marlboros.

Me - Are Marlboros good?

Guy - They're terrible.

Me - Sometimes being bad is a good thing.

Upon later reflection I thought "If they are bad why are you smoking them?"  I put on my experimentation hat & decide to "go white" for a bit.  I buy some Marlboro Red-Box 100s.  Later that evening, I smoke one.  Wow - no kick to it.  Lite as all heck.  I finish it off and no buzz. Usually in the middle of one Shield cigarette I feel a low, sinking sensation that is kind of pleasant.  I smoked three Marlboros in a row and I got nothing in the form of some kind of effect.  Maybe there is some conspiracy going on.  Blacks - Newports, Whites - Marlboros, what's up? What do Winstons make me, a 1960's wannabe white man (good enough for G.G., good enough for me)?  

Lesson: Not all similar products are created equal.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year


Friday, December 14, 2012


By now you know that I appreciate most cars.  The next two are nice.

This is a Buick Century station wagon.  Check out that wood paneling!  Yeah Boy!!  It's old but still rollin'.  The owner said it just needs a paint-job.

This is one of the new Fiat vehicles.  The owner said it is fun to drive & gets about 37mpg highway.  She said it is similar to a Mini Cooper.

This is Dollicia Bryan.  Wearing the red bathing suit with red lip stick and gold hoop ear-rings??


I love you Ms. Bryan.  Will you marry me?  :)  I know looks aren't everything.  I will still love you when you are old, gray, wrinkly, and sagging but I will probably be dead by then so things will be cool.


Thursday, December 13, 2012


If the end of the world came and went, are we still here?

If everybody is somebody's bitch, what does that say about God?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A BOP Secret

In pop psychology vernacular there is what's called an affirmation.  Affirmations re-solidify what you want, how you want your attitude to be, who you want to be, etc.  Look up the word in a dictionary if you want to get a good definition.  In an army boot camp, they "break down" the recruits to be built back up.  Daily life breaks everyone down.  Problems and challenges will grind on a person day in and day out wearing away their fight.  Affirmation cards used on a daily basis will "remind" your mind of what you are about & what you want building you back up after the daily breakdown.  Used daily & when you want a re-directing back on your path, affirmation cards should be of tremendous help to whom ever uses them.  Energy drinks and a friend in Jesus also help but affirmation cards, regularly tweeked, will see you through.  They will not "save" you, but, they will help you on the journey that is life.  Two cents worth (actually $19.95 with a free bamboo steamer included).


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Seeing The Light: Pain, Suffering, Stress, Pressure

I once heard that beauty is pain.  I think that to make steady progress toward any goal requires one to handle pain, suffering, stress, and pressure on a regular basis.  There is no easy path toward worthwhile endeavors.  I thought that you could bypass hardship if you advance toward your goals little by little.  It doesn't seem so in my experience.  If you want to live, survive, and possibly thrive, you will take on "heat"  at some point in your life.  Suicide might be an out but what awaits you on the other side may be worse than your present situation.  Human existence is competitive and brutal.  There is love, but love takes effort.  It isn't easy most of the time & for the long haul.  Life is a bitch but there will be a few high points and then you will die.  For those of you who were misguided in your early years, or unguided like me, keep learning every day what it takes to get yours, because what it takes can change from year to year, week to week, second to second.  Fuck the universe/may God bless the universe.

"Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone".  -John Cougar Mellencamp  song lyric


P.S.  I guess you can tell that I was not one of the winners of the record $550million Power Ball lottery yesterday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Goodness Factor

Jake Mendelson was an average nobody.  He was going through his life with no aspirations or grand plans other than to see himself through to the next day.  He was 19 years old, worked at a car wash, and still lived with his parents.  Jake's grade school and high school years were ordinary.  He decided not to go to college or to join the military.  He had only a few friends.  He never had a girlfriend.  He paid his expenses with the money he made at his car wash job.  He saved his surplus cash in a coffee can underneath his bed.  He had no plans for the money.  He just stashed it "for a rainy day".  Jake wouldn't call himself a religious fanatic but he believed in a higher power.  He would go to church every Sunday to pay homage to the powers that be who or what ever they were.  Jake was your basic good guy.  He lived a reserved life based on today's standards.  He didn't have much of anything but he was honorable and noble.  Jake didn't want much of anything.  He was happy to be able to party some of the time.  When he did party, he danced and drank.  He had good clean fun.

The powers that be looked into Jake's heart and saw an innocence that was usually gone by the time people reached Jake's age.  Jake's soul was clean and uncorrupted.  The powers that be thought it was a fluke so they tested Jake several times to see if he was...true.  He passed test after test.  One day they gave him an unpassable test.  They were going to corrupt Jake.  They thought it was time he "joined everybody else".  Jake failed a morality test.  He was brought to his knees and enveloped in despair.  Jake was a lost soul.

By some miracle, Jake overcame.  Some way, over time, Jake recleansed his spirit.  Jake maintained his faith and, with time, passed the unpassable test.  The powers that be were astonished!!  Surprise.  After the unpassable test, Jake was never quite the same but he was honorable and noble nonetheless.

Jake Mendelson is a fictitious character.  This is a mini-work of fiction.  Brain candy.


Conspiracy Idea

I was recently introduced to the idea of the "animal spirit" which may be another term for the libido.  Well, some animals mark off their territory by smell usually with urine.  I think the perfume & cologne industry own the world because we voluntarily put on their "scents".  We are marked as their territory.  There are a lot of scents out there: food, smoke, soap, B.O., etc.  The mind is inundated with smells.  Bill Gates has "mind smell" on us which explains why he is the richest man in America.  My two "scents" worth.

T.T.T. Update:
Found this Cadillac hub on the side of the road today in my travels.  I think someone is fucking with me because I saw the same (or similar)  hub on the side of the road a week ago.  I didn't grab it then.  Oh well, que sera sera.



Thursday, November 22, 2012

Car Show

I saw this older Ford Mustang at a local Wal-Mart.  It was looking good.  

This is a Chevy Bel-Air.  I saw this in a church parking lot on my way to KFC.  The owner said it has over 100,000 miles on it.  It looks like it is in mint condition.

                                                   "Beauty Is A Beast"

For D.C. (you know who you are) and all the exotic car lovers out there; this is a McLaren.  This is a photo of a magazine page.  I don't see many exotics live in my area.  The selling price is USD$265,750.00.  I'm getting mine next week :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two car man!

I am going to make the ladies salivate!

I'll have a 1994 Ford and a 1999 Nissan in my possession (they don't make the type of Ford that I have anymore).

A poor man's Lotus and Lamborghini.

Yeah boy!!!

I have to take my babies to get detailed soon ;\


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thank you God

Self medication is the ticket sometimes.  Get a little help from your friends just don't lean on them too much.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Love My Church Thrift Store

Now I admit that one of these came from Walmart but, I think they are all rated "R".  I don't attend church services but I do go to the thrift store most weekends.  The two main ladies who "run the show" were probably smokin' hot babes back in the day but, hey, they still have some smoke left in their cigarettes!!  Fiesty!!  The 35 to 45 year old front end helper is probably married but she isn't trying & she is still...let's just say she has some juice.  Going gives me a sense that I am attending church even though I am really not.  I call it the lazy man's way of worship.  It probably doesn't count but I like to go anyway.  Keep running the store ladies, I love you all.

P.S.  When are you ladies going to start selling cheap cigarettes?  I'll be first in line!!

Cheech & Chong, Up In Smoke
Reservoir Dogs, directed by Quentin Tarantino
Urban Action 10 pack featuring Ralph Tresvant, Eric Lane, Lil' Troy

Monday, October 29, 2012

What to do?

"The greatest expression of power is control."    -Lexus commercial

A lot of people side with the saying of Grantland Rice, so they say, but I have to agree with the minority of people who side with the saying of Henry Russel (Red) Sanders.  There is no substitute for progress toward your goals with the result of getting what you want in my opinion.  If you want to eat you have to hunt, or gather, or farm [or go to a convenience store, or a supermarket, or a restaurant :) ].  You reap what you sow.  Seed time and harvest time.  Returns multiplied.  Hint of a conspiracy?  Holy Smokes...!

Look closely.  The guy with the feather on the back of his head surely got the short end of the stick!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Miracles.  Every-day miracles.  The mundane that we take for granted.  Voodoo.  Two Girls, One Cup.  Craziness.  The not so insane.  Method to the madness.  Being weird.  The not so weird weird.  Wild & loose, that's how it's got to be, that's the only kind of dame, that appeals to me.  Jenny.  867-5309.  +++++


What you know 'bout this?

I don't remember the make or the year, but it is a Rambler.  The owner said it has 38,000 miles on it.  It is garage kept & it looks like it just came off the assembly line.  It would be kind of small for me but I appreciate  & like it none the less.

A while back I said that I couldn't load my photos from my phone to my computer.  Well, it turns out that I have to use bluetooth technology to transfer my photos to my computer by way of a bluetooth adapter.  I got one from Amazon dot com and it works.  It took me a little while to install the driver (by way of CD) & figure it out, but once I understood it the photos downloaded easily.  Thank you Tracphone customer service person, HHGregg sales guy, and Amazon dot com.

P.S.  The adapter cost more than the phone!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Phone Adventure Part 2 :)

I visit my local church thrift store today as I do most Saturdays and "BAM", there is another cordless phone.  I decide what the hell.  I buy it for the greater sum of USD $2.00.  It came with a hand-set, a base, and a power cord.  I get it home and low and behold, it works well.  I didn't even have to buy a new battery thank God.  Panasonic 2.4 GHz Gigarange Model # KX-TG200-B was a steal-deal (even though it was God who really gave it to me)!  I got lucky for the grand total of $14.00.  Yes.  An old phone but a good "throw around phone".


Friday, October 12, 2012

Phone Adventure :)

I'm at my local church thrift store one Saturday and I see a  used cordless phone for sale.  I could use a phone for the other side of the apartment and/or bathroom I say to my self, so I get it.  There was a hand-set, a base, a power cord, and a battery.  It was old but good enough for the position of "throw around phone".  This Vtech, VT-9108 cost me the grand sum of one U. S. dollar with no tax.  It was a steal-deal imo, or so I thought.  I get it home and attempt to charge it up for use.  After plugging it in, I hear bubbling sounds and clicking sounds from the hand-set.  Upon closer inspection I find that the bubbling sounds are coming from the Radio Shack replacement battery.  I decide to stop the charge up because that puppy just might blow up!  I go online & find Batterymart dot com (excellent service, great prices, 5 out of five stars) and order a new replacement battery at a cost of USD $10.94 with shipping.  After a five day wait the battery arrives by USPS.  I open up the packages take out the battery and start the charging process.  The bubbling is no longer there but the clicking is louder.  I examine, fumble, and manipulate the unit to stop the sound.  It doesn't stop.  I think maybe this is the way it works so I let it charge up over night trying to sleep with the clicking sound.  The next day the phone doesn't work.

Thought interruption:  Just got a call from my father.  One of his close friends passed away yesterday.  She was cremated today.  Feeling a little bummed because she was my friend too but she had been sick for a while now so it was just her time I guess.  May God bless her soul.  

Thought resumption:  I'm a little handy in this area so I get some of my tools & disassemble the hand-set housing.  I clean off the terminals & lightly wipe the electronic components off.  I open up the base & do the same thing.  The phone still doesn't work and the clicking sound is still there.  I work on the phone for a couple more hours trying different things to no avail.  It was a wash.  I terminated my efforts to revive the Vtech & stashed it in a cabinet.  Oh well, maybe I'll "get lucky" next time if there is a next time.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bruce Banner smokes

Hello everyone.

Why is it that when I have cheap cigarettes, the ones that cost a little less than six dollars a pack, no one asks for any?  When I travel with my Shields or Pyramids, I don't get the time of day from anybody but the second I "upscale" to good smokes, people ask me for some left and right!!  When I have my Winstons, I'm almost the life of the party!!  They're just too expensive even at six dollars a pack.  Because I don't give anymore out when asked, not many people talk to me when I go out to smoke when I'm at my mother's place.  I feel a little bad but then I don't ask anybody for cigs when I'm out so I'm mostly cool with my behavior.  BTW, I recently bought a Hulk doll action figure from a thrift store for less than 40 cents which would probably go for a little < US$21.00 if bought new.  For the Love of God, why does the good stuff cost so much and why does everyone want some of it??  The Winstons cost more than eight times Mr. Greenman.  If thrift stores sold cigarettes, this would truly be a better world!!  Yeah, cigs are bad but they are so good??!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

WARNING:upcoming rant-read at your own descretion

Lately I have been depressed a lot.  I have been feeling down and out of sorts & not wanting to do anything.  Recently it has gotten a little bad.  I have not left my apartment for two days now (ordered food in but I should get out tonight) and I really don't feel like doing anything.  Now, believe me, I am kind of a nut case (not dangerous to anybody though) and I have seen therapists & psychiatrists but I have always prided myself on being able to function most of the time.  I usually get the have to do stuff done at the expense of want to do stuff.  Recently it has just been hard trying to live and go on.  Trying to live for and play the money game is okay but it gets tired when you can't make any progress.  Being stuck where you are really sucks.  Meaning: I live for my parents, my fish, and my plants.  When you are near or at the bottom, no one really wants to have anything to do with you, especially women.  Unconditional love??  No such thing.  Relationships will always have strings and/or requirements.  Reciprocal relationships that is.  Is it possible to receive from giving?  Is it possible to give from receiving? Life is complicated!!  Damn man!!  You love someone and they don't love you back or they think that they are loving you back by just receiving from you?!?!?  I swear to God man, if I win a lottery jackpot select people will get windfalls then I will "get lost" with the rest of the money.  People like to run marathons, hike trails, swim oceans, canoe, ice skate, etc.  Fuck that!!  I will do a little walking in my area and call it a day.  Read, internet, A.D.I.C. (my dream company), write, blog, maintenance....  A simple life.  Oh yeah, I would pay for hookers on a regular basis since I have no love interest or rather no one is interested in me.  With the money I would have false friends and superficial love but I guess I'm okay with it.  Why am I blogging right now?  What has given me the strength to rant on my computer?  I don't know.  I usually write out my posts on paper before I go to the keyboard.  Feeling like kuh kuh!!  Does anybody out there have any advice for successful living?  Something other than get right with God or take cocaine like everybody else?  Where else can one find meaning?  Where else can one get "the power" to go on living?  The other day my mom told me to go to hell.  We have reconciled a couple of days after that call.  My mom is my mom but she is also a friend.  The author of Blackrageous wrote recently about friendship and being a good friend.  She talked about keeping secrets.  I think that showing who you really are in front of that person (at least some of the time) and them accepting you is a sign of true friendship.  Damn, I need a couple of beers!!!  Let me tell you, it sucks when you're out of beer!!  I guess some of the crappo left over stuff tried from experimentation has to be settled for.  Lol...I drove drunk the other night.  I know you shouldn't do it but it was kind of fun.  It was 3am so not many people (mostly just me) were on the road.  I drove to Walmart which was about five minutes away from my home.  I promise not to do it again.  I just needed some kind of change and that was it.  Deadly change but change none the less.  The pool hall in my area recently closed down.  Where do I go if I want to get my ball & stick on??!!?  Son of a bitch ass bitch!  That really sucks!  I'm hungry.  I have to buy something to eat.  Got to go...BOP will talk later maybe.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yupper Do

"Money can't buy happiness".    -proverb?

"People who say money can't buy happiness don't know where to shop".    -some comedian

"People who say money can't buy happiness don't fucking have any.  Look at the smile on my face -- ear to ear baby".    -Jim Young
                                               fictional character in the movie Boiler Room

You can't please everybody all the time.  I usually visit my mom every Saturday evening mostly without fail.  Tonight I called her to let her know that something came up and that I could visit her Monday or Tuesday night instead.  She told me to "go to hell" and hung up on me.  Holy Smokes !!!  -  no kind of understanding from her.  

Shit happens yo.


Sunday, August 26, 2012

T.T.T. index theory

Finding T.T.T. along the side of the road during a walk is kind of a hobby of mine.  My T.T.T. index theory postulates that the better the quality of T.T.T., the better the economy is.  When people are prosperous, they tend to throw away "good" or better than average quality T.T.T.  When the economy is in decline, people want to hold on to their wealth thereby clinging to good quality stuff & discarding low quality stuff.  The picture above shows a plethora of low quality T.T.T. all collected on one walk.  The peace time economic conflict is getting fiercer.  Being that I go hungry toward the middle and end of the week, I personally know.  Darwinian economics is scary sh** for those of us toward the bottom strata of the economic totem pole.

A preacher recently spoke on the power of words.  I believed in his sermon except that words on green pieces of paper have more power than the spoken word being that they are backed by the federal government and their guns & weapons!  

"Money talks and bullshit walks."  -Angelo Errichetti, former mayor of Camden, NJ

America, what would our forefathers think of the world now?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Burgess Meredith played some memorable roles not to mention the Penguin on Batman the TV series and Rocky Balboa's trainer in Rocky (the movie).  I found out the other night that he did some writing and directing too.  I saw a little of a movie he wrote, directed, and co-starred in called The Yin And The Yang Of Mr. Go.  A very young Jeff Bridges starred in this movie.  All I can say is after the first fifteen minutes, I searched through to the end looking for nudity which there was not much of.  I hope his other stuff was better than this.  Anyway, from what little I know of him, he was a good guy & the stuff I saw him perform in was good soooo...rest in peace Mr. Meredith.



I'm angry.  Over the course of several years I have read many many books on money & personal finance to try to prosper if not just to get rich.  Okay.

Power comes form God but then there are challenges, obstacles, learning experiences, & tests.  Okay.

"The ultimate expression of power is control."  -Mazda commercial      

"You can do everything right and still lose."   -Captain Jean-Luc Picard

In the picture above, who is the real winner?  

Golly gee willikers Batman!  

We all end up here though.


Monday, July 23, 2012


What you young people know 'bout dis?


This is a Galaxy 500 convertible.  I don't know what year it was made but it is in great condition and it has historic license plates.  Yesterday, the owner said it was a great day for it.  *sweet*

P.S.  I'm not talking about the mini-van in the background although it looks like a pretty nice ride too.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I usually blog about money and my lack of it but for right now, I'm going to talk about my previous misperception of the absence of available good women.  The media, T.V., books, magazines, etc., wants & encourages guys to go after "the really hot babe".  Looking for and attaining a "10" whether it be for dating, marriage, friendship, sex, or all of the above is not the way to go.  Granted, I have not been very successful with women but, I am starting to see the light.  A while back I heard somewhere that a lot of the brothers (black men)  would scope out and hit on the ladies that were dressed down.  The hot, sexy ladies dressed in tight revealing close, good make-up, styled hair, and bling would not get the time of day.  My thinking goes that one must see beyond the surface.  You have to kind of be a visionary when looking at the ladies.  When the ladies dress down, I think they don't want to be bothered that day.  They "desexify" themselves to ward off the wolves.  That is when a wolf has to use his x-ray vision & see the true hotness that is so cleverly hidden from plain view.

There was this lady, that I have spoken to a couple of times, who lives in the same building that my mom lives in.  When we spoke both times I noticed the covered hair, the casual frumpy shirt, no make-up, the uncomplimentary shorts, & her flip-flops.  She was not trying to impress or put on a show.  Both times that we spoke I was thankful that she gave me some time out of her day to chat with me though.  I had a little time to reflect on our encounters & upon review I realized that this woman was hot!  Her face without make-up was easy on the eyes.  Her skin was clean & fresh.  Her eyes were open wide, alive, and clear.  She had straight, white teeth with a nice smile.  She sounded like she was intelligent.  She walked steady.  I could see a shapely, pretty fit body beneath her disguise.  I would like to take her out for a cup of coffee some time!  I know you can't judge a person from just a few encounters.  She may be the devil but with all those added up positives, she is one fine sista-devil!  You can't judge a book by its cover but sometimes you can if you can really see what is there.  My two cents for today. Peace.



Not far from the truth.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Review

"The Secret Life Of Money, A Kids Guide To Cash."  by Kira Vermond

This is a good book on money basics for kids and adults.  I was enlightened about the U.S. Federal Reserve's power of seigniorage and exactly what a bubble is as in housing bubble.  It is written with an upbeat, positive attitude.  It might be a little pricey at twenty dollars a pop but hey, that is where libraries come in.  Clayton Hanmer's illustrations were good.  They could of been better but I couldn't of done better so I will shut up now.  I give it 4.25 stars out of 5.

Dear Ms. Vermond, do you live in Canada?  What are your educational credentials?  I think 99% of women who know  & can talk money are hot!  You and me, let's have coffee.  Call me.  Can I call you Kira?  Can I call you K for short?  You and me babe.  I love you :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

fiction stuff

It was another great winter.  The people of Earth were hibernating.  They were waiting for spring to come.  The robot centurians were patrolling the space near Earth and Earth's moon.  The war with the Capscrangees has been over for 15 years but pockets of terrorism  have surfaced throughout the sector.  On the surface, humans and capscrangees tolerate each other but underneath there  is a tension of anger and distrust.

Arron Day was going to get a snack.  Maureen Day and Eva Day were playing a video game.  The mother & father were snoozing together.  It was a Saturday morning.

I may continue the story another time.

Bottom One Percenter  

Little. . . .

What you young people know 'bout dis?



Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Time

I was out & about the other day when I came upon a couple of the maintenance staff  "sprucing up their property."  Steve and Brad were painting curbs.  It was already hot outside but it was going higher to about 100 degrees for the day.  I don't  know how they maintained their cool, but they rocked it hard-core & did what they had to do.  Kudos.

Sunday, July 1st, 2012 - a bad day for T.T.T.  Not much good stuff to be had.  I found a blue drug baggie along with the other items.  If my neighbohood starts to have a serious drug problem, it will be a sad day.

I recently got a camera phone so I can take pictures on the go.  It is not a smart phone but it does the job.  Help - Can anyone tell me how to load photos from my phone to my computer?  Will I have to get an app?  I tried calling customer service for help the other day and they never picked up after I waited on hold for about 45 minutes (800 number thank God).  Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. 

I found this hat outside by my local public libary a week ago.  It's a little dirty & the baseball team it represents is presently at the bottom of this year's standings but hey, I like it and I have & will wear it.  Hell yes this negro will wear free clothes!!  The price - I think I caught some kind of itchy bug from the hat ( I disinfected it before I wore it) but a brother can scratch for all he's worth for a nice hat.

Happy Independence Day


Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I went to my aunt's funeral which was my first.  It went by pretty quick.  I'm sad to have seen her go & hope she is in a better existence. 

I found this T.T.T. last Tuesday.  I like it.  I like most of the T.T.T. that I pick up.  It may not have value to others but I'll enjoy & value it and the other T.T.T. that I have.


I went outside for a smoke at about 3am in the morning.  In the distance, I saw a woman walking around looking kind of disoriented.  I continue smoking then notice her walking in the middle of the street.  She looked like she might of needed help or directions so I approach her.  We talk & I find out she needs a ride home.  She was kind of "out of it" but she was "in" enough to communicate to me.  Jesus!  I hate myself for being a kind of nice guy because I end up getting her in my car, buying her some fast-food, then taking her home.  I gave her some of my cigarettes too!!  I didn't get anything in return.  Can you say sucker?!?!  I'm glad this blog is anonymous because family & friends wouldn't let me live this down.  My mom always tells me to never pick up strangers especially at night.  I just don't know.  To possibly get pussy or not to get pussy, that is a no-brainer kind of. 

Colorado fires are really out of hand when some of the fires have names like hurricanes!!!!

For me, right now, I'm having strange days and strange understandings.  Pray for me please.  Thanks.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Some words can be helpful.  Other words are just lies.  "Do the thing and you will have the power."  If you drive a car and you run out of gas you will not, magically or otherwise, have more gas to continue.  Just by doing the thing you will probably not have the power in most circumstances.  Researchers say that exercise will give you energy.  Maybe so, but, I'm not going to stop "fueling my tank" by eating.  I think exercise makes the body more efficient & effective with the energy it has available.  It probably doesn't  really give you more energy.  "Keep going to the point of death and I will give you the crown of life."  I'm not sure where this gem came from but I think the crown of life is Heaven after you die which makes it a death crown in this realm.  Wow...words can be...wicked.

T.T.T.  The screw & wings were found the other day.  The paper crown was found today.  God knows I have been to the point of death a few times.  Is this my crown of life?

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

please God...

One of my aunts on my mother's side of the family recently had a stroke.  The stroke occurred on both sides of her brain.  She has been in the hospital for a few weeks now and she is mostly unresponsive.  I have not visited her because she and her husband live in Florida & I'm in New Jersey.  I heard from my mom that the family (her husband and adult children) is deciding whether to keep her alive or "let her go."  I assume she is on life-support.  That wasn't made clear to me.  If she is on life-support and insurance will cover it, I think they should keep her alive.  I believe there is always some hope that she can pull through and recover.  If  money is an issue, I guess the deciscion to let her die is understandable.  I swear, if I win the Megamillions jackpot, SHE CAN HAVE IT ALL to keep her alive and possibly recover.  She is a good woman and has always been friendly and accepting of me.  Plus, she is my mom's sister so anything to help the family. Please God, help my aunt to fully recover.  All you guys out there please pray for her.  Thanks.

                                          the individual needs the group & the group needs the individual.

Bottom One Percenter

Friday, June 15, 2012


In my travels, I found some trinket trash treasure the other day.  The L shaped  thingy, the butterfly, and the piece of plastic can be categorized as T.T.T. but I think the small, empty, vodka bottle is just trash.

I knew I was poor but standing outside of myself & seeing me blog about T.T.T. has made me realize that I am very low class.  I am thankful for what I have but my life could be so much more palatable.  Relative to most Americans, I am financially poor.  Que sera sera.

This shoe has been on the side of the road (in my car trips not my walking travels) for weeks just sitting there.  On the way home, at night, I decide to stop, get out of my car and GET THAT SHOE!  Maybe I can refurbish it & wear it.  Upon closer inspection, I determine that it is a little too far gone.  T.T.T.?  Trash?  This goes to illustrate how tight money is in my life.  I'm usually more broke than the Liberty Bell.  Anyway, I'm keeping hope alive with a possible lottery jackpot win for real money.  Have a good one all.

"Money isn't everything, your health is the other ten percent."  -Lilian Day

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

interesting **it

I recently saw a library documentary DVD made by National Geographic (famous for their magazines) covering  & going behind the closed doors of the National Security Agency.  This documentary was released in 2012 so it was relatively new.  The creators interviewed key people in the NSA.  The subjects spoke about what they do there.  The NSA  is supposedly looking out for the best interests of the United States Of America.  Hopefully they are using their powers for good & not evil.

They opened up a bit but not too much.  Now, I have the DVD "Enemy Of The State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman.  This fictional movie shows the powers of the NSA being abused by a few corrupt people.  It also showed possible modern technology (for that time), that the NSA used.  The storyline may be fictional but if the tech stuff was real then this movie was more interesting than the documentary I saw plus the movie is relatively old but still informative imo.  The movie was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer & directed by Tony Scott.  These guys are heavy-weights in the film industry & usually make good films with this one as no exception.

I highly recommend both, the documentary and the film.  I hope their are no people in the NSA like the character John Voight played in Enemy Of The State.  If so, we Americans should be very afraid.

Now, I have to try to figure out a way to apply hacker technology to stock speculation so I can hit the jackpot & rise from the bottom one percent to the top .0001 percent.  Forbes 400 here I come ;)  

Bottom One Percenter

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Trin Tra Trea

While walking, I found this.  I like it.

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have been a little depressed lately.  Progress on all fronts seems to have come to a plateau.  Even my blogging has slowed considerably.  I guess this is what happens when you have a lack of real money and power.

Blessings Count:

1   I have a roof over my head.

2   I have some food in my refrigerator.

3   I'm relatively healthy.

4   My car is okay (knock on wood).

5   My parents & relatives are doing well.

6   I have an income.

7   Spot & Goldie seem well.

Oh well, maybe God will decide to give me a better situation in the next life-time or in Heaven or what ever happens after death.  It could be worse but it could be better.

When President Obama responded to Jaden Smith's question about aliens, I think he was being truthful.  The thing is, I think there are higher life forms on our own planet.  We can't directly experience them but there are "other entities" right here on Earth.  Illusions, possibilities, reality, imagination,...some things defy logic in my opinion.  I am shutting up now before "they" end my life for talking too much.

                                            They are sitting right there!

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

red ram

Be thankful for the health that you have.  I have gone deaf in my right ear.  I think that it can be corrected because this has happened to me a few times in the past (clogging) but I can't really afford to see my doctor right now.  Pray for me that it doesn't become permanent.

I found the ball a few days back wedged in a sewer grate.  It's in good condition.  One of these high-bounce balls usually sells for USD $1.00 new.  I found the ram thingy the other day along the side of the road almost in the same location that I found my VW disc.  This crap trinket trash treasure has brought me some joy.  BTW, the release of Men In Black 3 is next week.

Live well everyone.

Bottom One Percenter