Monday, September 30, 2013


This area of the country has had and will have for the foreseeable future BEAUTIFUL weather.  It has been mostly clear, sunny & in the 70's for a while now.  Not too hot and not too cold.  God is giving us some love.  Thank you God.  If I could now win a megamillions jackpot, things would be extremely rosy (maybe a little too rosy for real life but I would be thankful).

What government shutdown???

May God bless The United States Of America.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Mary mother of Jesus, please help me!  I have two beers left and I'm out of cigarettes.  

"In all of your getting, get understanding".    -Bible
                                                                          -Creflo Dollar

Everyone please pray for me.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stuff From Last Week

I started auto tech school.  I've been to three classes so far & I think things should go okay.  The professor has experience in the field.  He is very knowledgeable from listening to him in class.  I will learn a lot.  Look at the size of the issued books!!!

Carrying these bad boys WILL give me a work-out mentally and physically.  We will be issued uniforms too.  I would rather wear my own clothes but I can go with the program.  On the last day of the first week we got to go into the shop.  We went in by ourselves to locate and label certain items in the shop, mostly safety items, on a map.  There were a few vehicles on lifts in the shop.  The shop was clean and well organized.  I think it could use a little more lighting being that the adults work at night.  I did see a full-sized house oven in the shop.  I don't think it belongs in there but there is probably a good reason for it being in there.  The experience should be educational.

Car Watch

Older Mustang in good condition.

New Nissan Z.  The owner said he had it on a track & drove it up to 200 mph.  I called him out & said bullshit but he said it was true.  I still don't believe him.  A production street-car doing 200 mph??  Doubtful.  Anyway, it looks good & I know it can go faster than your average car.  If I owned it, I would drive it once then give it to my girlfriend.  I'm a little too tall for a Z on a daily basis.

Got to see the movie Flight starring Denzel Washington & directed by Robert Zemeckis.  I really didn't want to see the movie (on DVD) which is why my attention was on it only about 27% (my mom wanted to see it) but I did focus on the beginning of the movie when the stewardess was walking around in the hotel room naked.  She had a beautiful, slammin' body & pretty face.  She  walked a little, then put on a thong then walked topless a little more.  She was so hot that after visiting my mom, I went home & viewed that scene a couple of more times.  I may be a little bit of a pervert but hey, it's human nature.  She was a "dream woman".  Gee, I want to be a pilot if pilots roll like that!  

Have a good week people.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Ghetto Head-Stone

Long story short: saved $1000.00+.  I think it looks interesting to boot.  I.A.O.!  Blackstar....


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Night School

If things go as planned, I should be starting my auto technician training this Tuesday.  Three nights a week, four hours a night, lasting about nine months.  If things work out, I will get a job as a mechanic some time in mid to late 2014.  

My fantasy of becoming the first trillionaire is way out the window so I have to settle for what I can scrape up especially since my low-low-low savings rate of a penny a day will really get me no where.  If I have school success, I may be able to increase my savings but working for the money will leave me way-shy of my dream.

Anyway, being that I will be a little busy, my blog posts will be rare to none coming the next several months.  There are others in the blogosphere so you have my permission to stray, cheat, par-take of other people's blogs.  Come back from time to time to check in please.  Thanks for reading.


Bottom One Percenter

Monday, September 2, 2013

It's not the. . .

size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.

"You know, I am sure, that not numbers or strength brings victory in war; but whichever army goes into battle stronger in soul, their enemies generally cannot withstand them."




P.S.  Happy Labor Day