Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Jake Mendelson was an average nobody. He was going through his life with no aspirations or grand plans other than to see himself through to the next day.  He was 19 years old, worked at a car wash, and still lived with his parents.  Jake's grade school and high school years were ordinary.  He decided not to go to college or to join the military.  He had only a few friends.  He never had a girlfriend.  He paid his expenses with the money he made at his car wash job.  He saved his surplus cash in a coffee can underneath his bed.  He had no plans for the money.  He just stashed it "for a rainy day".  Jake wouldn't call himself a religious fanatic but he believed in a higher power.  He would go to church every Sunday to pay homage to the powers that be who or what ever they were.  Jake was your basic good guy.  He lived a reserved life based on today's standards.  He didn't have much of anything but he was honorable an noble.  Jake didn't want much of anything.  He was happy to be able to party some of the time.  When he did party, he danced and drank.  He had good clean fun.

The powers that be looked into Jake's heart and saw an innocence that was usually gone by the time people reached Jake's age.  Jake's soul was clean and uncorrupted.  The powers that be thought it was a fluke so they tested Jake several times to see if he was...true.  He passed test after test.  One day they gave him an unpassable test.  They were going to corrupt Jake.  They thought it was time he "joined everybody else".  Jake failed a morality test.  He was a lost soul.

By some miracle, Jake overcame.  Some way, over time, Jake re-cleansed his spirit.  Jake maintained his faith and, with time, passed the un-passable test.  The powers that be were astonished!!  Surprise.  After the un-passable test, Jake was never quite the same but he was honorable and noble nonetheless.

The End

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Carl Fox Way

Probably most of the passengers of flight MH-17 were innocents.  War, money, wealth, and profit at the expense of lives is not good.  Granted, the fact is "some" will suffer and/or die, but, it is wrong when 90% or more suffer & die.  With our technology, most should be able to live good lives.

I am at the bottom.  I have been lower than my present bottom.  Those experiences remind me that if I EVER rise to some serious financial heights, it will be, for me; fuck everybody, my time.

In the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko was a bad guy.  If you read Wall Street the book, you would of gotten some background on the G.G. character & found out that he started relatively with nothing at a young age & clawed his way to the top, in the trenches, mostly alone.  He earned what he had be it legally or illegally.

My point is the Carl Fox character is ethically correct, but, the Gordon Gekko character is realistically correct.

Kind of a paradox.

No one gets through life without touching on some negatives.  You will feel pain, suffering, stress, pressure, confusion, etc., some time in your existential journey.

Just Some Talk

Bottom One percenter

P.S.  I'm still pondering a movie that is over 20 years old.  Dude - it really was a good one.

P.P.S.  Time, Space, Dimensions, Light, Parallel Worlds.  J.S.T.

P.P.P.S.   This woman I knew was a Bi-lateral, Interpretive, Teaching, & Coaching Historian.  Good work if you can get it.

P.P.P.P.S.  What did Hitler know to lead him to do what he did?  Just sayin'.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Negative things

1   Low net-worth
2   Low income
3   Lonely
4   I'm an overall loser
5   Future high expenses starting next month
6   My apartment is a crash-pad for a friend
7   Car mirror not fixed yet
8   Fish tanks need water changes
9   Car seat-belt light on when it shouldn't be on
10 Three coveralls worn out
11 Home internet out
12 I have no real friends
13 No girl-friend
14 Contemplative
15 No cash
16 M.M. stopped communicating with me on dating website
17 Internet acquaintance shut her site down


1  Fish are mostly good
3  I have some cigarettes
4  I have a roof over my head
5  My car runs
6  I have some food to eat
7  I have plenty to read & possibly re-read
8  I have an income
9  I'm mostly healthy
10 On good terms with parents
11 Contemplative
12 Mostly happy
13 I have some clothes to wear
14 I have some goals & dreams
15 God is there
16 Baseball field visits available
17 On the road toward building a life


I think I'm among the lucky ones even though I'm mostly dirt poor.

Being poor vs. being broke?
For another post



No Man Is An Island



Big Smoke, Big Mirrors

There was a Star Trek The Next Generation episode where a lost astronaut was taken care of by higher beings.  He was provided with all of his needs based on a novel set in a casino.  He was well taken care of, but, basically he was a prisoner.

Heaven can be hell and hell can be Heaven.

I read a quote that basically says you make your own reality.  A man in Heaven can still be miserable while a man in prison can be free & engaged.   (?)

I figure drastic, forced, environmental change will shake up the best of us.  This is probably where one must improvise, adapt, and overcome.  I heard IAO from a Clint Eastwood movie called Heartbreak Ridge which imo was very good.

Learning can take place almost anywhere, not just in a classroom which may be a punishment/prison in its-self.

Do the best you can, where you are, with what you've got.      -anonymous

Do what you can, where you are, with what you've got.      -Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

Ups    -    Downs    -    Level & Even

Ride on.

Bottom One Percenter

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Random Pictures

Being that my computer has a virus, I had to rush to the library to post these pics before they closed.  Not in any particular order.  Just to make you think a little.
Stuff Happens.  Pictures for thought.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Learning Every Day

I had a screw in the rear passenger side tire of my car with a slow air leak.  I put on my spare tire & planned to get it fixed in a couple of days.  I was familiar with the idea of "plugging a tire" but I had never done it myself before.  I went to my local library, got on-line to Youtube, and saw four different videos on how to plug a tire.  In about forty-five minutes, I learned how to plug a tire.  I spent seven dollars for supplies from an auto-parts store.

I successfully plugged my tire!  Not too big of a deal but I'm proud of myself.

My car people charge $15.95 plus tax to plug a tire.

BOOM  -  I saved a little cash by doing it myself.  Plus I have a new skill under my belt.

You should learn stuff most every day.  Just sayin'

