Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Time

I was out & about the other day when I came upon a couple of the maintenance staff  "sprucing up their property."  Steve and Brad were painting curbs.  It was already hot outside but it was going higher to about 100 degrees for the day.  I don't  know how they maintained their cool, but they rocked it hard-core & did what they had to do.  Kudos.

Sunday, July 1st, 2012 - a bad day for T.T.T.  Not much good stuff to be had.  I found a blue drug baggie along with the other items.  If my neighbohood starts to have a serious drug problem, it will be a sad day.

I recently got a camera phone so I can take pictures on the go.  It is not a smart phone but it does the job.  Help - Can anyone tell me how to load photos from my phone to my computer?  Will I have to get an app?  I tried calling customer service for help the other day and they never picked up after I waited on hold for about 45 minutes (800 number thank God).  Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. 

I found this hat outside by my local public libary a week ago.  It's a little dirty & the baseball team it represents is presently at the bottom of this year's standings but hey, I like it and I have & will wear it.  Hell yes this negro will wear free clothes!!  The price - I think I caught some kind of itchy bug from the hat ( I disinfected it before I wore it) but a brother can scratch for all he's worth for a nice hat.

Happy Independence Day


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