Friday, May 31, 2013

some thoughts


How now brown Cow      cooperation            caring capitalism

stars        Candy bars        cars        jars

It is the responsibility of the individual to get and have money.

There are those who have and those who don't have.

To be a have, you must think of yourself as important.

You must self-label yourself as royalty.

Death to life - you must raise yourself up through sacrifice by living the living death until your income can support an elevated lifestyle.

Every day is not a highlight.

You must do some form of work every day.

Self-medication is needed to survive.

Every day is a war.

Every day requires effort.

Secrecy is success, success is secrecy.



Jesus Christ.


Love Phenomenon.

Your money is an extension of you.

Your money is your life-energy.

People want your money.

People want your shit.

Give a little, take a lot.

Over-generosity can "blow your budget".

The blackness, keep ta keep on.  Never say die.

Control yourself.

Bottom One Percenter

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Cars of the moment

These are autos I would not mind having if I could afford them.  The last two pics are of an old Jaguar that looks great.  Poetry time.

Cruising down the boulevard
With the top down
From ear to ear a smile on your face
In sight, no frown...

Happy Memorial Day everyone.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Some stuff going on

One of my fish tanks sprung a leak.  When I came home the other night, Spot was floating at the  top of the water not moving.  Half of the tank water was on the floor.  I thought he was dead!  He almost died but he recovered after I put him in a separate oxygenated tub.  He came around in a couple of hours thank God.  I bought some silicone to try to plug the leak.  It takes 24 to 48 hours for the adhesive to cure so Spot has been in his "cell" for about three days now.  I will test the tank later today.  Hopefully Spots home will be almost good as new.  Tank repair silicone is expensive from the pet store.  If there is a next time, I will try Home Depot.  LOL, $8.99 plus tax for three ounces??!!?!  Ouch.

This is some of the recent stuff I bought that kind of satisfies my need to spend.  These things were not all bought at the same place but the total price was $3.35.  

Yeah, sooner or later I will wear this hat out in public.  What kind of fashion statement does this hat say?  When I'm alone what the heck!

3000 classic books on a USB flash drive for twenty bucks.  It may be too good to be true but I ordered it.  We shall see.  



Monday, May 13, 2013

Simple Man, Simple Life

Cold today here in Southern NJ but spring is here.

Recent trinket-trash-treasure.  The cup is practically new.  I cleaned it up.  It is usable.  I used it once with water.  Just holding onto the other stuff (top picture) for the heck of it.  

I hurt my back playing with these dog-gone blocks!!  The ladies know.  They will not even talk to me now.  Come on ladies, I can perform through the pain :)  

The car of the moment is this older Toyota Corolla.  It has 92,000 miles on it.  The asking price is $7,495.00.  If I had the money, I would buy it.  It still has plenty of life left, at least from the looks of it.  



Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Some of someone else's stuff - some of my stuff

Rosemary and Stephen Vincent Benet

Thomas Jefferson,
What do you say
Under the gravestone
Hidden away?

"I was a giver,
I was a molder,
I was a builder
With a strong shoulder."

Six feet and over,
Large-boned and ruddy,
The eyes grey-hazel
But bright with study.

The big hands clever
With pen and fiddle
And ready, ever,
For any riddle.

From buying empires
To planting 'taters,
From Declarations
To trick dumb-waiters.

"I liked the people,
The sweat and crowd of them,
Trusted them always
And spoke aloud of them.

"I liked all learning
And wished to share it
Abroad like pollen
For all who merit.

"I liked fine houses
With Greek pilasters,
And built them surely,
My touch a master's.

"I liked queer gadgets
And secret shelves,
And helping nations
To rule themselves.

"Jealous of others?
Not always candid?
But huge of vision
And open-handed.

"A wild-goose-chaser?
Now and again,
Build Monticello,
You little men!

"Design my plow, sirs,
They use it still,
Or found my college
At Charlottesville.

"And still go questing
New things and thinkers,
And keep as busy
As twenty thinkers."

"While always guarding
The people's freedom--
You need more hands, sir?
I didn't need' em.

"They call you rascal?
They called me worse.
You'd do grand things, sir,
But lack the purse?

"I got no riches.
I died a debtor.
I died free-hearted
And that was better.

"For life was freakish
But life was fervent,
And I was always
Life's willing servant.

"Life, life's too weighty?
Too long a haul, sir?
I lived past eighty.
I liked it all, sir."  

I had a crush on a blogger but she got married to someone else so I've moved on.  I now have a crush on a Walmart cashier who works a few towns away from where I live.  I can tell she isn't really interested but I will wear her down like Eurkel did to Laura!  The thing about it is that she is not really my type but I still love her for some reason or other.  I'll keep you updated on where the "relationship" goes.  Anyway, here is a poem I wrote for her.

Cashier girl I love you
Cashier girl, me & you make two
So thin and svelt I love your shape
So tall and lean , I want to kiss your neck nape.
You have eyes that sparkle like diamonds in the sky,
Oh how wonderful you are, let me touch a thigh.
Your smile radiates joy to everyone
I love you, will you have my son?
Please young lady give me the time of day,
I'm telling you I'll love you back without delay.
You've touched my soul you've sparked my desire,
You've turned me into a man on fire!

3:47pm Saturday, May 4th, 2013
By B.O.P.
Muse - My late aunt  

Bottom One Percenter