Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I usually blog about money and my lack of it but for right now, I'm going to talk about my previous misperception of the absence of available good women.  The media, T.V., books, magazines, etc., wants & encourages guys to go after "the really hot babe".  Looking for and attaining a "10" whether it be for dating, marriage, friendship, sex, or all of the above is not the way to go.  Granted, I have not been very successful with women but, I am starting to see the light.  A while back I heard somewhere that a lot of the brothers (black men)  would scope out and hit on the ladies that were dressed down.  The hot, sexy ladies dressed in tight revealing close, good make-up, styled hair, and bling would not get the time of day.  My thinking goes that one must see beyond the surface.  You have to kind of be a visionary when looking at the ladies.  When the ladies dress down, I think they don't want to be bothered that day.  They "desexify" themselves to ward off the wolves.  That is when a wolf has to use his x-ray vision & see the true hotness that is so cleverly hidden from plain view.

There was this lady, that I have spoken to a couple of times, who lives in the same building that my mom lives in.  When we spoke both times I noticed the covered hair, the casual frumpy shirt, no make-up, the uncomplimentary shorts, & her flip-flops.  She was not trying to impress or put on a show.  Both times that we spoke I was thankful that she gave me some time out of her day to chat with me though.  I had a little time to reflect on our encounters & upon review I realized that this woman was hot!  Her face without make-up was easy on the eyes.  Her skin was clean & fresh.  Her eyes were open wide, alive, and clear.  She had straight, white teeth with a nice smile.  She sounded like she was intelligent.  She walked steady.  I could see a shapely, pretty fit body beneath her disguise.  I would like to take her out for a cup of coffee some time!  I know you can't judge a person from just a few encounters.  She may be the devil but with all those added up positives, she is one fine sista-devil!  You can't judge a book by its cover but sometimes you can if you can really see what is there.  My two cents for today. Peace.



Not far from the truth.


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