Monday, February 25, 2013


Secrecy is success, success is secrecy.    -Fred Lennon

I believe that the quote above is mostly true.  The opposite, transparency, openness, exposure, etc., has something to it.  There is a certain amount of freedom being an "open-book", but we all have secrets, even ones we hide from ourselves.  There is a universal connectedness between everything & everyone so...there  is secrecy but the element of time brings into & pushes out of the sphere of the unknown.

The best is the guy who has the most in all walks of life.  -Fast Eddie Felson (movie quote)

I never judged a man's success by the size of his wallet.  -Carl Fox (movie quote)

You decide.  For me, I will refrain from a lot of exposure of all kinds.

Shut the hell up B.O.P.  You talk too much!!!


Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What a date

Some times I feel like one of the Africans, recently featured on 60 Minutes, who had the facial deformities, because, obviously, I repel.  The lady that I had a date with (breakfast date) stood me up.  I know it's a numbers game & you have to have a "thick skin" but damn!  When you say you're going to show up - be there.  I was actually early so I couldn't of missed her.  It hurts a little, but I'm okay.  What I have learned & just conveyed to an acquaintance of mine is that, basically, you really have to have your life together - money wise and charisma wise.  The day before the date I got the digits from a lady outside of a restaurant.  She wasn't too hot but she was pretty plus she was kind of a BBW, brick house, which is okay in my book.  Still in the game - still sniffing out the discount yamomasa!  When life gives you lemons, you throw that shit out, buy some pineapples & bake a fucking cake God damn it!
Hell Yeah!
Lessons to be learned, life to be lived.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

I Got A Date!

I met this lady on the date site Plenty Of Fish a while back and we have never been able to "jibe" for a face to face meet.  Well, I asked her out tonight telling her my birthday is on Tuesday, which it is, and she agreed to meet me at a diner for breakfast in the area.  I would of preferred lunch but she works the third shift on her present job so I had to accommodate her schedule.

Being the realist that I am, I would of just broken the law & paid for a hooker and called it a day but, right now, I'm priced out of that kind of experience.  Cash-flow deficiencies.  I'll stay legal this time & try my luck "the regular way".  Maybe we will become friends.  She is a very busy person so I consider myself lucky for her to take the time to go out with me.  Even though it is my birthday and I will be paying for our meals I consider it an honor to have the privilege of being accompanied by this beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman.  

Wish me luck.  God knows that I will be praying that I don't fuck it up.  Anyway...


P.S.  When was the last time you kissed your significant other?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Random Comments, Random Pics

Doing hard work: for what?  Pain, suffering, stress, and pressure...why?  What is worth the price?  Why sacrifice (if you must sacrifice)?  Memories.  The present.  Kill or be killed.  Eat or be eaten.  Fuck or be fucked.  Traffic.  Stop-light justice.  World (global) truth.  I have never seen perched birds move side-ways on a telephone cable before.

Some times the grass is greener on your side of the fence.

Keeping busy.  Peace.

P.S.  May become an auto technician for the remainder of my working life.  The pay isn't that great but it involves cars which is something that I like.  Pray for me.  Thanks.