Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lol, Stealing From The Little Guy!

I love, love, love the big-box store Walmart, but, they are thieving crooks!!  Being that I'm a small-fry, a low roller, a tiny tiny fish, I respect and cherish each and every penny I have, get, find, and manifest.  For me, literally, every penny counts.  I guess I'm anal like that.  A penny is no big deal in the grand scheme of things right?

I bought a roasted chicken on sale for $2.49.  At 7% tax which should be .17 cents they charge me .18 cents!

A penny here , a penny there, over the span of the Walmart empire over the course of a few weeks, I bet it could add up to a few million dollars total.

A few people or one person is making out "like A FAT CAT!!!".

Pennies make dollars and a few billion pennies make millions of dollars yo.

           x    .07
              o.1743                              Five or over, you round up.  Four or less, you stay the same.

How do you round off to .18 from this?

Fuck Walmart or fuck the government, or fuck both you mother-fuckers!! (I love you too though cock-suckers).

Taking money from a "barely getting by" negro is totally fucked up.

Lol, I tried to post Rihanna's song " Bitch Better Have My Money" but I couldn't do it.  You get the idea though.



Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kind Of Felt What She Felt

Steve Harvey made a mistake but the slighted woman deserves some sort of "compensation" for the verbal blunder in my opinion. 

I was in Walmart the other day buying some energy-shots.  On my way out, I stopped by a food display near the exit to re-look at the cooked chicken products on sale.  A container of barbequed chicken wings selling for $2.07 caught my eye and I snatched them up because I had two bucks and some change left from my energy-shot purchase.  I go the cashier and pay for them during lite conversation.  She hands me the receipt and I go sit down to review my receipt.  I get in my car, drive home, enter my apartment, and prepare to eat those succulent looking wings.  I lay out a few slices of bread, make some cold tea, then...HEY, where are my wings?  I realize I forgot to get the bag from the bag carousel after I paid for them!!  I was really, really looking toward eat those wings then to have them not be available???  Dude, it hurt a little.  I checked to make sure I had not left them in the car and they were not there.  I wasn't about to go back over a two dollar purchase but joy/pleasure was taken away from me at the very last minute.  It was a double loss because not only did I not have the wings, I paid for them with cash to which I will never see again. 

Rule # 1  -  Never lose money

Rule # 2  -  Never forget rule number one

Mr. Buffett would be disappointed in me.

I ended up buying pizza later that evening.  Damn!!  Totally off my program!

Anyway, have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Learning Every Day

I had my own personal film festival one night by viewing three basketball movies in a row.  The first one was White Men Can't Jump.  This was a good movie and the best out of the three in my opinion.  The second was Coach Carter.  This was also a good movie.  The third one was Love And Basketball.  A good movie too.  

In all of them, there was gain and loss by the characters.  

One lesson I learned is that life rarely goes exactly the way you want it to.  

Another one is that there is no such thing as total happiness.

Another one is that stress and drama will be with you no matter what.

The last one I will share today of the many more is that there are different levels of love.  The levels and intensities vary.  Who and or what you love is your decision and you have to live with your decision(s).  

Stuff goes on every day.


P.S.  The Eagles beat the Patriots last Sunday!  Woooo-Wwwhhooooooooooo!!!