Monday, November 30, 2015

In The Money

If you ever get a chance, lay down on a table heads up next to each other a penny a nickel a dime a quarter and if you can get them, a half-dollar and an Eisenhower dollar.  Why is President Lincoln facing one direction and all the other people facing the opposite direction?

It may not mean anything but I see something yo.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Happily Breaking Up To Pieces?

If life is a test, I have failed and I am failing.

I am 50 years old.

-no "real" friends
-limited family
-no family or kids of my own
-no girl-friend/ no wife
-small income
-high apartment rent (studio)
-high expenses
-no savings
-car needs "a lot" of work
-presently broke

Bible quote from a friend.

"We also rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."       Romans 5, 3-4  NIV

I just don't know.  Sometimes life makes sense.  Other times it doesn't.


Happy some of the time.  Kind of happy under the present circumstances - go figure.

Optimum situational happiness for me (other than church):

                                          -some beer
                                          -some cigarettes
                                          -a sunny, clear with a few clouds, 72 degree day
                                          -space to lay down

Sloth may be one of the deadly sins but, ohh soo heavenly!!!!

Happy Friday 13th


Sunday, November 8, 2015


Last week I was chosen to read scripture for this week's worship service at my church.  I have not done any type of public speaking since my college days so this was going to be an experience.  Plus, me and a guy named Mike are the only two non-white congregants in the church.  Me being black and Mike an Asian guy hang tough.  It's a small church but enough people to give you the "willies" if you speak in front of them. 

I went up, read the three sections and sat back down.  Only a few minor slips but I think I did well because quite a few people told me that I did a good job in front of the audience.  I said that I would read if they needed me because I'm not really an official church member but, at the end of the service when people were leaving, the pastor said that he's going to put me in the rotating line-up for readers and we would work on me becoming a member.  I go practically every week because I think I need to be a part of something bigger than me.  I also need to publically show my love for God.  The church is in you where ever you go I've heard but being with like-minded people in worship can't be beat.  No matter how often I hear organized religion criticized, I will always believe that society needs this type of group.  I know the church scandals are bad but I think the good out-weighs the bad. 

Just some talk.


Monday, November 2, 2015

Hold On To Something

Rule # 1:   Never lose money.

Rule # 2:  Never forget rule number 1.

                            ----Warren Edward Buffet

