Monday, March 21, 2016


I don't think I got the video I wanted up, but I came close.  

Good enough?

Thank you Ms. Rihannna and Mr. Drake!!!



Update - The UMG company will not let me upload this video.  Watch on Youtube if you can.

Peace again.

P.S.  Work by Rihanna  and Drake.  "The Shit Yo"!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Dead Man Blogging Rant

I died a few hours ago.  I sold one of my laptops for forty bucks (sold my soul) and am now one of the walking dead.  I was one of the living dead a long time ago but now I kind of "feel" it.  I feel uneasy, unsettled, ruffled in the whole of my body.  I think I'm experiencing a low level of hell in my living death.  I've never quite been this way.  I took an extra dose of my meds but it's not helping too much. 

As I was walking into the library, I felt the cool breeze across my face.  I saw the crystal-blue sky scattered with a few fluffy clouds partially obscuring the afternoon sun.  I took a deep breath of clean air from the southern New Jersey atmosphere that solidified the life-affirming spring time is coming next week idea.  New life, new love, rebirth. . . . 

I am dead.

My mom's nursing-home roommate died this week.  She was 90 years old and in pretty bad condition.  It's like I died along with her. 

I have two tattoos, one on both of my forearms.  The word death is on both my arms along with two private symbols.  I got the death tattoos some time in 2005 to 2006.  The job that I held for four years prior to the tats was to death, death to life kind of experience that I may have to go back to so I can continue on this deathly living journey. 

At the end of the movie Repentance, one of the characters said that "we are alive but our souls are dead", then, off screen, shot himself. 

My soul is missing.  I have a body.  I have a mind.  Spirit? 

I've been mostly a good person in my opinion.  I even attend Sunday worship at my church on most Sundays.  I'm mostly happy.  Lol, are we all in The Matrix?  There may be some truth to that movie.  I'm not a slave though.  I'm a corpse that walks and breathes. 

I don't mind being dead.  It's just this new, "thorn in my being" that feels soooooo bad. 

I would have some beer.  I would drink until I get smashed and just float on some days but I can't afford beer!!!  That, getting my car up to code, and cigarettes are the main reasons I will be going back to work at age 51.  I would go out and buy a mid-life crisis Corvette but I can't afford to download a picture of  Corvette let alone buy one. 

Damn, damn, damn.

Any ideas people?  What can I do to "patch the hole" in my boat and continue on my life's travels?

Have a good spring.  Have a good Easter.  Enjoy March Madness.




Monday, March 7, 2016


I think that every day you live life, you gain a little more wisdom.  I don't and probably never will "get" women, but I kind of get them a little bit when it comes to men, dating, and "mate selection".  

Chuck the deuces.  

My world.

My life.

My time.



Tuesday, March 1, 2016

And The Winner Is...

"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game".
                                                        -Grantland Rice

"Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing".
                                       -Henry (Red) Russel Sanders

"Sometimes when you win, you win.  Sometimes when you win, you lose.  Sometimes when you lose, you win.  Sometimes when you win or lose, you tie and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose".            

                           -Rosie Perez's character in the movie White Men Can't Jump

wow----you decide.
