Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Howdy Y'all

Doo Doo Dish

A couple of years back, I had a problem with my toilet.  There was the sound of water trickling in the tank section.  I had a work-order filled out (I rent) & one of the maintenance guys fixed it.  Fast forward to three months ago.  The trickling water sound comes back.  I find that when I jiggle the handle, the sound stops.  I do this for a while until jiggling the handle no longer works. I tackle the problem & this is what I found:

A deteriorated flapper.  I replaced the flapper. . . living happily ever after now with a noise-free toilet.

Car Of The Moment

This is an El Camino.  The lady said her son lets her drive it.  Other than the fading paint, it is in great condition.


I found these items on two separate walking trips.  I think consumer confidence is starting to rise.  Purses & wallets are starting to open.  My advice to myself and you readers is to stay on the "frugality train" until you have a $50,000.00 stash of cash.  You won't be so vulnerable with a rock like that.




Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Economic Uncertainty

The Dow & the major indexes are all setting records.  Housing starts are up.  A lot of major corporate earnings reports are positive.  Things seem to be looking up.  According to my Trinket Trash Treasure indicator there is still a lack of consumer confidence.  I have not found any good junk along the side of the road for my collection which shows that people are being more careful with their stuff.  When people are more careful with their stuff, they tend to be more thoughtful about how they use their resources, especially money.  

What I am saying is the signs are positive but a true economic recovery is still in the works.  Executives and upper-level managers have seen their incomes increase but the rank & file worker has yet to see an increase in pay that keeps up with inflation.  A real turnaround may take a few years.

If the United States doesn't improve it's money management skills, Asian countries like China, Japan, and Singapore will out-maneuver  the U.S. and decimate the lower and middle classes. Being that I am mostly a bottom one percenter, I have been financially castrated.  I am barely able to function let alone procreate because of my lack of money.

Let me be a warning to those of you who think you have it bad.  I have a roof over my head and some food to eat but I am one step away from destitution.  Be on guard most of the time & definitely watch you ass!!

P.S.  Remember, just some talk.  I may be totally wrong or not. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blackrageous no more :(

Damn!!!  Ms. Tha L decided to close out her blog.  I guess she outgrew the need to self-publish.  Oh well, may she live long and prosper.  I'm going to miss her.  It seems that good blogs go by the wayside a lot.  Thanks for the good times.  Thanks for the education.  Thanks for sharing.  Hopefully you will come back to the blogosphere and participate in the communication that is blogging.  Are you on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?  I have not evolved to those mediums but maybe in the future.  Talk at ya Ms. L.W.

Petty and childish?  Yes.  Fun to do?  Hell yes!!  May God bless you.


Friday, March 8, 2013


I was visiting the shop that I usually take my cars to for maintenance & repair to shoot the shit with the guys there for a bit.  I was there for a good ten minutes around the area when all of a sudden I see this:

A DeLorean DMC just pops into my view!  This babe was sweeeett!!  They don't make these any more.  I don't know the specs (google them if you must) but back in the day. . . this stainless steel puppy was theee car!!!!  It was not for sale (lol, like I could afford it) & I think the owner had it in the shop for repairs.  He/she is one lucky dude to have a DeLorean.  Now, back to our regular program of the poverty-stricken life that is mine.

B.O.P.  out
P.S.  Back To The Future bitches :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Comment

The Willpower Instinct is a good book imo.  There are good ideas on trying to gain greater self-control but I find it lacking in respect to specific, concrete actions that can be taken to get the sought after willpower.  If you want more of it, I suggest continued investigation including the ingestion of this book.  To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin: Energy and persistence conquer all.

Car Pics.

Ford F250.  Is the height of this truck away from the wheels & tires legal?  Someone let me know please.

Toyota minivan.  I'm not sure of the model but it is new & it is nice.
