Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Doing.  Doing for money.  Doing to survive.  Making a living.  Do you live because you have to or because you want to?  Right now, I am time rich and money poor.  I don't answer to a time-clock, but, I am very hard-up for cigarettes.

Bill Gates  -  wealthy, retired, philanthropic...What have you done lately?  What's next?

Unless you are somehow severely damaged, I find (at least for me) that you have to do something; some sort of activity.

Being able to "call the shots" and do almost what you want to do when you want to do it and have enough money to take care of yourself   ---   priceless.

Being rich and being free and being healthy and answering to no one but God is the way to go.

S.I.S. - S.I.S.

If you ever achieve a state of "thriving", keep it hush-hush because people will love to bring you down just to see you fall if not because of jealousy.  Be cool, live your mostly drama-free life and....

Just talking.



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reality Check

I kind of believe in the "win-win" outcome of life situations.  The sad truth is somebody is going to win and somebody is going to lose.  

Zero sum game.


I heard this on tv one time and never heard it mentioned, ever, anywhere.

"For me to succeed, others must fail".  

Cold, hard truth yo.  If they really teach this kind of stuff in business school.  .  .  going to church may be a waste of time.  It's like, if you do almost the opposite of what is preached in church, you most likely will get along fine in the secular world.  

I will always believe in the power of love but I get more and more cynical as my days on Earth pass.  

If you can find the original, 1995 Money Magazine article on Anne Scheiber, I suggest you read it.  She did what she had to do.  It's a cold world.  You have to generate your own warmth by the grace of God.  

I'm freezing my ass off, but, being that I smoke...I carry fire with me most times, lol.  



Wednesday, September 9, 2015

a note to Jesus

Dear God,

Please help me.  Help me to get the part time seasonal job, that may turn long-term, at Dollar Tree. 

Please bless me with some money.  I can use some gas and some food.

Please bless my mom and my dad.

I turned off my land-line today.  I know, I should of had more faith.  Saving $60.00 a month will be nice but the missed convenience of a home phone...sadly missed.  May everything be okay.

Thank you for the blessings that I do have.

May you be blessed.


Friday, September 4, 2015

CLASSIFIED: Delta 1-1-7-9 Foxtrot:Top Secret

Some shit that's "open to all" is, in fact, confidential yo.

What is confabulated may be true.
