Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Secret


A lot of the time I'm just not happy.  What I discovered is that you have to make yourself happy some of the time. 

Find a quiet, private spot and just smile.  Put on a grin from ear to ear and hold it for a little bit. 

I read somewhere that when you smile, your brain releases endorphins and other chemicals that make you feel good.  I've done it a few times just recently and it does help me.  Putting on a "happy face" is something I rarely do in public and when I do do it in private, it is kind of a release.  Celebrities and "the beautiful people" smile a lot in front of the cameras.  They know something that we ordinary people don't know. 

Now you know.

I try not to smile much when I'm in public's just not a good idea to broadcast your attempt at some happiness.  Better done in seclusion or with an understanding friend. 

Smile.  You'll be all the better for it. 

Don't smile too much.  The universe may throw a wrench in your gears.

After my happiness session, I started having multiple problems with my car.  The problems weren't serious but they were enough to cool my jets and make me remember that I'm a worrying type being and I can't be too happy.  I think God wants me to be happy some of the time just not all the time.

Anyway, do some smiling during this holiday season and use those brain chemicals that are your birthright.
