Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Where have I been?

New personal finance book out -

Money, Master The Game      by Tony Robbins

I bought Personal Power tapes by Mr. Robbins back in the day when they were advertised on infomercials.  He's a positive, good-guy with good ideas.  I'm not a quadrillionaire but I'm much better off for having purchased his tapes.  I bought quite a bit of his other stuff too. 

His take on the money game will be interesting. 

To paraphrase some guy - "There is a crime behind all fortunes." 

Robert Greene's books seem more in tune with what it takes to get rich, but Mr. Robbins is a good guy. 

Not too sure what to think.

No woman, no crime.  No crime, no money.  No money, no woman.      -  wow

I bought and will read this book. 

Anyway, you know, Just Some Talk.


Monday, December 8, 2014

Recent Successful Personal Acquisitions

I don't dumpster-dive regularly but I do occasionally scan my nearby dumpster for good stuff I can possibly use or sell.  Recently while taking out some trash, I look over the container contents and I see a desktop computer.  No accessories, just the CPU box.  Along with a couple of other items, I fish it out & take them to my apartment for later inspection.  I'm thinking the computer probably doesn't work but I could at least have fun taking it apart & checking out it's guts.

The next day I connect a monitor, mouse, keyboard, and speakers to the computer and "bam", it works.  The PC had no documents or information on it, but Windows Vista Business operating system was on the Acer desktop.  There seems to be nothing wrong with it.  I have another toy to play with.

Long story short, I bought a used Sony flat-panel monitor that supposedly was not working for $3.21.  I had a hunch.  Bought a new power cord & monitor cord from Walmart and it works fine.  Slightly scratched up on the edges but other than that I think I scored an item that would of set me back for at least $200.00 new (if it was a new Sony monitor it may of started at $300.00).

For all of my good luck, the Philadelphia Eagles lost to the Seattle Seahawks last night.  DAMN IT!!

I guess two out of three isn't bad.

Eagles play Dallas the up-coming Sunday for the division title.

Good Luck Eagles!
Come on Chip, time to bring out some of the big guns.

Hope you guys had a good Thanksgiving.

May God bless us all.

P.S. Note to Debt Challenger, aka The Wealthy Wallet --- I'm sorry.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014




walk on.

Bottom One Percenter

Monday, December 1, 2014


I'm not mad at you for blocking me on the dating site.  I'm not mad at you for giving me the brush-off when I tried to start a conversation.  You are "out of my league" but you could of let me down easily.  I'll always love you for the way you look because you are fine as hell but, I guess I don't strike your fancy.  May God bless you and have a good life.

I don't know your name so I'll call you T.B.O.  "The Beautiful One".


Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Secret


A lot of the time I'm just not happy.  What I discovered is that you have to make yourself happy some of the time. 

Find a quiet, private spot and just smile.  Put on a grin from ear to ear and hold it for a little bit. 

I read somewhere that when you smile, your brain releases endorphins and other chemicals that make you feel good.  I've done it a few times just recently and it does help me.  Putting on a "happy face" is something I rarely do in public and when I do do it in private, it is kind of a release.  Celebrities and "the beautiful people" smile a lot in front of the cameras.  They know something that we ordinary people don't know. 

Now you know.

I try not to smile much when I'm in public's just not a good idea to broadcast your attempt at some happiness.  Better done in seclusion or with an understanding friend. 

Smile.  You'll be all the better for it. 

Don't smile too much.  The universe may throw a wrench in your gears.

After my happiness session, I started having multiple problems with my car.  The problems weren't serious but they were enough to cool my jets and make me remember that I'm a worrying type being and I can't be too happy.  I think God wants me to be happy some of the time just not all the time.

Anyway, do some smiling during this holiday season and use those brain chemicals that are your birthright.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Standards & Ramen


Trying to maintain a style of living may be too much to handle.  Being Mr. or Mrs. perfect just doesn't work in the real world.  The guys who are billionaires seem to have the perfect life with "all that money" but, something must be missing in their lives.  I think it applies to everyone.  No matter how satisfied you get, contentment and satisfaction do not last.  You can taste it but you can't keep it permanently. 

No matter where you are in your life, you will have to put in some effort & hustle toward some goal or endeavor even if you are not really really struggling. 

Some movement must take place.

Some thought must occur.


"Realize that life is an end in itself.  Functioning is all there is".  -Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Yes and no. 

God has an idea.  God has a plan. 

Moving on:

Not all ramen noodles are made the same. 
In my opinion, Nissin Ramen (chicken) is much more flavorful and satisfying than Maruchan Ramen. 

Maruchan - Powdered, cooked chicken
Nissin - Powdered chicken and "rendered" chicken fat

What ever makes them different, I will get Nissin from now on if I can.  I don't think Wal-Mart, which is my main store of choice, sells Nissin so, ShopRite it is for noodles at least.

Just talking.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Food Revisited

Got them on the blog this time yo. 

Change of subject:  What Is Justice?  Is there a deeper justice than what is on the surface?

The movie Bonfire Of The Vanities makes my point.  The guy did what he had to do to save himself. 

My mom is going through some issues where she is living.  I try to help but it just goes on and on.  Her difficulties are starting to affect my own personal "harmony".  I'll be okay but I hope she overcomes her apparent problems.

Blip: I was talking to a newly minted real lawyer about the show How To Get Away With Murder.  She saw the first episode, as did I, and said that the show was nothing like real courtroom life.  She flat out implied that the show had no semblance of truth to it what so ever. 

"There is some truth in fiction and some fiction in truth."  - anonymous

She might have been covering up for lawyers, being that she is one, to the idea that they do that kind of stuff.  Lawyers can be devilish noting the way this new woman lawyer carried herself (confidence and an air of "don't fuck with me or you will regret it) and how she spoke (conservative & with-holding with her words).  I think some of this show does have a little flavor of reality to it or she wouldn't have been so adamant to denounce its validity.

Anyway - Peace.  Talk at ya.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Oh My Goodness!

I am hungry.  I need some good food.  I need some tasty food.  I want 50 hot-wings with barbeque sauce, two large french-fries and a two liter bottle of Coca-Cola.  I swear, I would go to town!!  Dear God...please!

I tried down-loading pics but I was not able to so...use your imaginations.


                                                      FRENCH FRIES


God have mercy on my please.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I Learned A Lot Working As A Gas Station Attendant

Women want men with money and power.  When a girl says I love you for you,...bullshit. 

Trading words in conversation doesn't happen often but trading or rather giving of resources rarely if never happens.

It's a cold world.  Interpret this in multiple ways and see the statement for what it is saying.

Life is an every-day thing.  The fight goes on and on.  Find some time to rest & rejuvenate even if it's only for five minutes.  Five minutes used well can keep you going.

The dynamic has to be experienced first hand.  Not in books.  Can't get it from friends.  Just sayin', just some talk.


P.S. I think Jeff Bezos was a gas attendant some time in his life.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Working In The Hole

I failed.  I bought Domino's, I bought from Walmart, plus I got cash back.  I'm "in the hole" without a credit card for almost $500.00.  I tripped up big-time.  Miser mode will be in effect for the rest of the year.  I'm going to be tight as hell.  I will eat, sleep, and breathe Ramen noodles until I claw my way out of financial hell.  I will have to practice thrifty behavior for the rest of my life.  Although, in war, shit happens so... - P.E.W.

Ya neva kno


P.S.  This is the woman I'm talking to over the internet.  I didn't know she was a BBW until today (new pics to her page).  I still like her though.  Nice personality, nice smile, nice hair, nice eyes, a good package, not the complete package but a good package plus nice boobs to boot!

P.P.S.  Eagles vs Steelers this Thursday.
War of Pennsylvania
Go Eagles!        Go Steelers!      

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Come On!



I don't understand.

Jesus Christ!  I seriously don't get it.

Life?  Death?  Pleasure?  Pain?

The meaning of existential systems is fucking beyond my comprehension.

Bottom One Percenter

Discipline Challenge - Can I Hold On & Overcome?

All of my bills are covered except electric and my isp.  I should have the money for these two bills when they're due around the 17th of August.  I have no real food.  I have Ramen soup but it isn't really "satisfying" especially if I try to survive on it alone for the next several days straight.  Pray for me please because it's going to take all I got to keep from dipping into my money & accruing overdraft fees just to eat good.

I'm discovering that you have to sacrifice to stay even & you have to sacrifice and lie to get ahead.

I have no one.  Where do you get support & help to fight financial battles?

Anne Scheiber managed to overcome.  She must of been a very, very strong woman.

What it takes to win.

Dance with death.
Play your cards.
Roll the dice.


You're suppose to stay hungry but this sucks!!!



Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Jake Mendelson was an average nobody. He was going through his life with no aspirations or grand plans other than to see himself through to the next day.  He was 19 years old, worked at a car wash, and still lived with his parents.  Jake's grade school and high school years were ordinary.  He decided not to go to college or to join the military.  He had only a few friends.  He never had a girlfriend.  He paid his expenses with the money he made at his car wash job.  He saved his surplus cash in a coffee can underneath his bed.  He had no plans for the money.  He just stashed it "for a rainy day".  Jake wouldn't call himself a religious fanatic but he believed in a higher power.  He would go to church every Sunday to pay homage to the powers that be who or what ever they were.  Jake was your basic good guy.  He lived a reserved life based on today's standards.  He didn't have much of anything but he was honorable an noble.  Jake didn't want much of anything.  He was happy to be able to party some of the time.  When he did party, he danced and drank.  He had good clean fun.

The powers that be looked into Jake's heart and saw an innocence that was usually gone by the time people reached Jake's age.  Jake's soul was clean and uncorrupted.  The powers that be thought it was a fluke so they tested Jake several times to see if he was...true.  He passed test after test.  One day they gave him an unpassable test.  They were going to corrupt Jake.  They thought it was time he "joined everybody else".  Jake failed a morality test.  He was a lost soul.

By some miracle, Jake overcame.  Some way, over time, Jake re-cleansed his spirit.  Jake maintained his faith and, with time, passed the un-passable test.  The powers that be were astonished!!  Surprise.  After the un-passable test, Jake was never quite the same but he was honorable and noble nonetheless.

The End

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Carl Fox Way

Probably most of the passengers of flight MH-17 were innocents.  War, money, wealth, and profit at the expense of lives is not good.  Granted, the fact is "some" will suffer and/or die, but, it is wrong when 90% or more suffer & die.  With our technology, most should be able to live good lives.

I am at the bottom.  I have been lower than my present bottom.  Those experiences remind me that if I EVER rise to some serious financial heights, it will be, for me; fuck everybody, my time.

In the movie Wall Street, Gordon Gekko was a bad guy.  If you read Wall Street the book, you would of gotten some background on the G.G. character & found out that he started relatively with nothing at a young age & clawed his way to the top, in the trenches, mostly alone.  He earned what he had be it legally or illegally.

My point is the Carl Fox character is ethically correct, but, the Gordon Gekko character is realistically correct.

Kind of a paradox.

No one gets through life without touching on some negatives.  You will feel pain, suffering, stress, pressure, confusion, etc., some time in your existential journey.

Just Some Talk

Bottom One percenter

P.S.  I'm still pondering a movie that is over 20 years old.  Dude - it really was a good one.

P.P.S.  Time, Space, Dimensions, Light, Parallel Worlds.  J.S.T.

P.P.P.S.   This woman I knew was a Bi-lateral, Interpretive, Teaching, & Coaching Historian.  Good work if you can get it.

P.P.P.P.S.  What did Hitler know to lead him to do what he did?  Just sayin'.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Negative things

1   Low net-worth
2   Low income
3   Lonely
4   I'm an overall loser
5   Future high expenses starting next month
6   My apartment is a crash-pad for a friend
7   Car mirror not fixed yet
8   Fish tanks need water changes
9   Car seat-belt light on when it shouldn't be on
10 Three coveralls worn out
11 Home internet out
12 I have no real friends
13 No girl-friend
14 Contemplative
15 No cash
16 M.M. stopped communicating with me on dating website
17 Internet acquaintance shut her site down


1  Fish are mostly good
3  I have some cigarettes
4  I have a roof over my head
5  My car runs
6  I have some food to eat
7  I have plenty to read & possibly re-read
8  I have an income
9  I'm mostly healthy
10 On good terms with parents
11 Contemplative
12 Mostly happy
13 I have some clothes to wear
14 I have some goals & dreams
15 God is there
16 Baseball field visits available
17 On the road toward building a life


I think I'm among the lucky ones even though I'm mostly dirt poor.

Being poor vs. being broke?
For another post



No Man Is An Island



Big Smoke, Big Mirrors

There was a Star Trek The Next Generation episode where a lost astronaut was taken care of by higher beings.  He was provided with all of his needs based on a novel set in a casino.  He was well taken care of, but, basically he was a prisoner.

Heaven can be hell and hell can be Heaven.

I read a quote that basically says you make your own reality.  A man in Heaven can still be miserable while a man in prison can be free & engaged.   (?)

I figure drastic, forced, environmental change will shake up the best of us.  This is probably where one must improvise, adapt, and overcome.  I heard IAO from a Clint Eastwood movie called Heartbreak Ridge which imo was very good.

Learning can take place almost anywhere, not just in a classroom which may be a punishment/prison in its-self.

Do the best you can, where you are, with what you've got.      -anonymous

Do what you can, where you are, with what you've got.      -Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

Ups    -    Downs    -    Level & Even

Ride on.

Bottom One Percenter

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Random Pictures

Being that my computer has a virus, I had to rush to the library to post these pics before they closed.  Not in any particular order.  Just to make you think a little.
Stuff Happens.  Pictures for thought.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Learning Every Day

I had a screw in the rear passenger side tire of my car with a slow air leak.  I put on my spare tire & planned to get it fixed in a couple of days.  I was familiar with the idea of "plugging a tire" but I had never done it myself before.  I went to my local library, got on-line to Youtube, and saw four different videos on how to plug a tire.  In about forty-five minutes, I learned how to plug a tire.  I spent seven dollars for supplies from an auto-parts store.

I successfully plugged my tire!  Not too big of a deal but I'm proud of myself.

My car people charge $15.95 plus tax to plug a tire.

BOOM  -  I saved a little cash by doing it myself.  Plus I have a new skill under my belt.

You should learn stuff most every day.  Just sayin'



Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Personal Finance Vent!!!

MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS -----------------

I was in the process of saving money by slashing the price of a couple of my bills.  I switched my land-line plan to a no-frills basic plan.  I cut $20.00 off my regular bill (cha - ching!).  I dropped the insurance coverage on my 2nd clunker because it is not running now (broken, maybe a bad alternator).  I saved about $35.00 to $40.00 on my auto insurance bill.

I'm thinking I'll have money available for a few splurges and my savings plan.


The girl who moved into my apartment, the one I briefly mentioned in my last post, IS KILLING MY CASH FLOW!!!  I normally don't run my air-conditioner, ever, because I can't afford it.  It is running (guest - you know - right?) & burning a hole in my bank account.  She sleeps with the TV on most of the night with the air running.  I don't mind it but it annoys my shallow, shallow pockets all to hell.  I let her pawn my gold-diamond ring so she could pay for her cell phone bill.  FUCK!  I hope I can get that ring back.  It has high sentimental value to me.  

I know I'm getting burned, but, she is a family - friend and I love her (Platonic, mostly) but....

I once saw a bumper-sticker that said "Gas, Grass, Or Ass, nobody rides for free."  I'm just sayin'.  

It has been about a week and I'm surprised that she is coping & surviving in my low-living lifestyle.  Did I mention that the day after she got here she lost her job!!??  I may be in for trouble.  

Damn, Damn, Damn!

So, how about those Philadelphia Eagles?  Mandatory mini-camp is over.  I think they are working on some stuff in secret.  This may be the season the Eagles win the bowl!  Go Eagles!

Anyway, over the weekend, while I'm visiting my Dad on Sunday, a guy & his step sister back their Nissan Altima into my stationary Nissan Sentra.  They dented the passenger-side bumper & cracked the blinker.  They could of driven off, & I would not have known about the damage until I left my father's house for home, but they came to me after the accident.  I was unlucky and lucky.  Ethical Question:  Did they do the right thing or did they do a stupid thing?    

Two steps forward , three steps back.  A losing formula.  

It is kind of nice having company but the price is too high for me.

Did I mention that my rent is going up?  I misplaced my regular blogging notebook.  There is a screw in my rear - passenger - side tire.  I have slept on the floor of my apartment for five days straight.  Two of my land-line phones have died.  I have one cigarette, no beer, no alcohol, and less than half a tank of gas.

I am getting a fifty dollar credit on my rent next month so I'm getting a little break.  God knows I'll need it.

If you read this post, thank you for listening.

P.S.  Team USA will take on Germany tomorrow in the World Cup Soccer Tournament.  Go USA.

P.P.S.  Venus Williams tastefully naked (for my male readers) from ESPN.

Love, Peace, And Soul.  - Don Cornelius

Monday, June 16, 2014

Robin Hood

Crime for the betterment of the people is a good thing.  Philanthropy, charity, giving...spread the wealth.

I don't like my stuff being taken from me.  I will willingly give you some of my stuff if it will help you and not hurt me.

If I give you my heart & you don't want it, fine, give it back to me.  Don't throw it on the ground, stomp on it to a pulp, then set it on fire!!!

If I give you my mind & you don't want it, fine, say thanks but no thanks.  Indifference & unresponsiveness is a hell that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

If I give you my soul & you don't want it, fine.  I'm sure the devil will give me at least twenty bucks for it.

"I'll never stop breaking the law for you.  I'll never stop helping to pull you through.  What ever it takes, to get what you need, ignore the alarms, ignore the police, I'll never stop breaking the law for you."    -Emeli Sande

All is fair in love and war.  It is ALL love and war.

I got some gold jewelry from my regular thrift store this past week-end.  I paid one dollar for a pair of ear-rings and two pins.  They probably are not real gold, but, if I cash them in and I'm able to get a "great" return on my investment, should I share some of the proceeds with the thrift store?

Is profit evil?

What is crime?

Just Some Talk

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  A friend just called me up needing a place to stay for two days.  She's not really a friend of mine but a friend of a friend.  She had a drug problem and now she is "hooking me in" to her world.  Pray for me people.  These may be my last days because she said I couldn't tell my father about her situation.  Wish me luck.  Pray for the lady..

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Trinket Trash Treasure!

True story:

I was walking around my apartment complex collecting extra unwanted McDonalds coupons from building mail trash boxes.  I had planned on going to four buildings.  I got what I could possibly use and was on my way home when I saw a flattened gold ear-ring in the street.  I passed by it thinking it was just junk but I thought, what the hell, it might be worth something.

I took it to a gold buying store today and the guy gave me FIFTEEN DOLLARS CASH for it! 

Finding $15.00 in the street is a good thing for the finder.  It was bent & mangled up a little so I think the owner really didn't want it or didn't realize the true value of the ring.

Anyway, I just spent $3.00 on used library books.  I will spend the rest on inexpensive food and cigarettes.  I know I should be saving some but my low income warrants a "spend it now and to hell with the future" mentality. 

Small windfalls are nice and highly appreciated.  Thank you God!!!



Friday, May 30, 2014

An Open Letter

To a blogger who will remain nameless:

I followed you on the internet for over eight years.  I commented on your blogs.  We exchanged emails a little.  We were "open" to a degree with each other.

We had something (so I thought).

Out of the blue, you get married to a guy that you didn't mention was in your life.  You marry a real prince no less.  How was that suppose to make me feel?

I got upset and said some negative things that, maybe, I should not have said.  I was hurt.  You "broke my heart" then silenced me out of your internet life by leaving the blogosphere.

I found your new blog recently and made a few attempts to re-connect.


Do you hate me because I am, maybe, not at your level financially?  Do you dislike me because I gave you a taste of my dark side?  Do you not talk to me because I listened to you (familiarity breeds contempt)?

I accept that you are taken off the market.  I respect your choices.

You are beautiful, attractive, intelligent, smart, and sexy.  I loved you.  I will always love you no matter what.  I will not apologize for "going dark" on you and getting angry though.  No physical violence will come from me except in defense.  I will not stalk you.

May you prosper, get out of debt, and be rich some day, but, may you have a strand of hair on your head that goes grey that you can't dye & can't get rid of.

Love You


Bottom One Percenter

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

When Coffee Fails

Black coffee with no sugar usually is a good, lasting pick-me-up.

Adding a little sugar, for taste, may diminish the caffeine's ability to wake you up.

A product called Up Your Gas works well for a time.

A tolerance may be built up for what-ever you use to get you going.  More and more coffee may be needed over time.  

Age is a factor.  Motivation comes into play.  Desire also comes into play.

Pray to God, roll the dice & hope.


P.S.  Most women (people for this matter) are individuals and unique.  Don't take them for granted most of the time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Working Hard Or Hardly Working?

Paraphrase - "Hard work never killed anybody but why take the chance?"
                                   -Ronald Reagan, former U.S. President

"If people really liked to work, we'd still be plowing the land with sticks and transporting goods on our backs."
     -William Feather

Working hard "and" working smart are not  guarantees for success, or is it?

Does "Lady-Luck" play a part in gaining success?

Please chime in with a comment.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Jace Nicole


When you win your first academy award, remember that BOP over here at Just Some Talk knew that you would win at least one.  

I may have a touch of puppy-love for you but you have more than just great looks.

When you win your second oscar, promise to give me a kiss on the cheek.  By then you will be married with kids so a cheek kiss will be highly appreciated and not misinterpreted by your husband and family as anything serious.  

Scorcese, Stone, Fuqua, Zemeckis, Howard, Lucas, Speilberg, and others, keep an eye out for her availability to be in your work.  Guaranteed movie ticket purchase & attendance from me!!

Ms. Nicole,
Hustle hard.


Saturday, May 17, 2014


I believe LOVE (or the word LOVE) can be expressed, defined, manifested, thought of, etc., in

an infinite number of ways.

There is no such thing or idea as LOVE.




Are you lucky if you're insane like me?

Truth or crazy-talk...tomorrow is another day hopefully, thank God we survived yesterday & can

reflect on it.

Just Some Talk
Bottom One Percenter

P.S. It's about the pennies!!!!?
P.S.S. I may try going to church tomorrow.  I may need God.  I will have a beer and a cig tonight
though.  Thank God for beer & cigarettes!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


What I will call "extreme surprises" are not wanted by anyone in my opinion.

Correction - upon a little further thought, some extreme surprises may be wanted by most, i.e., love attraction, lottery jackpot win, surprise party, etc.

The argument could go both ways.

Some things are black and white, but, aren't they just extreme shades of grey?

Just Some Talk

Friday, May 2, 2014

Holding On

"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."  
                                                             -William Feather

Life Law #7: Life Is Managed; It Is Not Cured
Your Strategy: Learn to take charge of your life and hold on.  This is a long ride, and you are the driver every single day.          -Life Strategies by Dr. Phillip (Doctor Phil) C. McGraw

Paraphrase:  We don't eat just one time.  We don't breathe just once and then we are done.  A lot of things must be done over and over.  This is not a one-time-thing.  Life is a process.
                                                           -Naomi Judd

I'm starting to understand that in order to build something lasting, you kind of have to keep on building for most of your life.  You have to go beyond the satisfaction of your immediate needs to make progress.  

You have to  push the envelope, accept that there will be pain every so often, then endure & elevate to a higher level of being.  

God?  Evolution?  Maybe a little of both, maybe neither.  A touch of insanity....

Bud - How much is enough Gordon?
G.G. - It is not a question of enough.  It is a zero sum game.  Somebody wins and somebody loses.

Money and/or love...I'm taking a smoke & beer break!!!

Be well

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


We will give you the $7.99 pizza deal.

The cost to fix your car is $1,877.29.

I paid $200.00 for my Jordans.

For me to love you long time will set you back $100.00.

A research fee of $29.00 is required for consideration.

You must have your ticket ready to board the plane.

To survive in this realm you must pray to me at least once a day.

The unwritten laws must be obeyed or you will be punished.








Revel In Production?

Remunerate Inside Pussy?

Dam, Damm, Damn, I need a drink!!!


Saturday, April 12, 2014


I had the idea that I would try cross-dressing.  I'm a man who would attempt to pass as a woman by wearing female clothing in public.  I want to see how the other half lives.  I am pushing the envelope through experimentation.  I'm not gay.  If anything I'm bi because I know I like ladies.  Upon reflection back to the ninth grade when my first serious crush said "you're weird", I realize that I'm a little underdeveloped.  I think I'm slightly retarded.  My father said way back that I have low self esteem.  He was being kind.  Anyway, I told Marilyn, one of the ladies at the church thrift store that I go to, about my idea & she said that when I'm ready they would be able to help outfit me.  I could probably get a dress, a handbag, and a pair of shoes but I'd be on my own when I get a wig, make-up, stockings, & whatever else I would need.  If Ru Paul can do it....  I would be doing it now but I spent fifty bucks signing up on the website What's Your Price dot com where guys pay women for dates.  I offered $37.00 to this one woman and she counter offered $50.00.  She, imo, is clearly not fifty dollar material so I countered with $35.00 to which the site responded by saying I could not go lower so I countered with $39.00.  She hasn't responded yet.  You can go as low as $5.00 to start so I thought I was generous.  We will see what happens.  It's mostly SSDD with me so I'll report back later on my two projects.  Thanks for reading.  Talk at ya.  

Bottom One Percenter

P.S.  May God bless the passengers & crew of flight MH-370.  Hopefully they are okay.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


What does it mean to be home?  Where do you call home?  Is your home safe?  Are the words house and home synonymous?  Is home where your hat is?

The saying goes, "you can run but you can't hide".  I don't think the previous statement is totally true especially if you think about it.  Home should be a place that you can hide from everything and everyone depending on your definition of home.

A friend of mine said that one of her "hot - buttons" was the search for truth.  I think that when truth hits you, you should be able to go home, recover, then go another round with truth later on.  Mrs. Truth can be one tough bitch!

When you're a child, parents give the illusion of home.  When you become an adult, you must make a home of your own if possible.

Rest at home, rest in peace, find rest the best that you can, almost any way possible.  Riding to school today, I realized that I find "home" when I'm smoking.  They say that smoking is bad for you, but, when I'm home it's all good.

Just some talk.


P.S.  I'm out of home-sticks so I'm a little homeless :)

The truth you seek to fathom lies so deep
in the abyss of the eternal law,
it is cut off from every creature's sight.

And tell the mortal world when you return
what I told you, so that no man presume
to try to reach a goal as high as this.
(Paradiso, XXI, 94-102, TR. MarkMusa)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

buzz blogging

Yes, I had a few beers.  I feel like sharing so...

I am not a destroyer of companies.  I am a liberator of them. The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word is good.  Greed is right.  Greed works.  Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.  Greed in all of its forms, greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge in mankind, and greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.  Thank you very much.  

-Gordon Gekko 
 Character from the movie Wall Street

The Wolf Of Wall Street  -  Sex, Drugs, Money, Power - "wow".  

Feel good to function.  Function to feel good.  

If I had the money, I would for sure order a pizza right now!!!  It definitely would make the beer a little better!  

In the words of a former college friend, "I am no more good"!


P.S.  More snow baby!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A LIFE HIGHLIGHT FOR ME - among the top ten

Dear Ms Paula Patton, I love you.  I know you're married but hey, I can dream & fantasize!  This pic was taken from the movie 2 Guns starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg (sp.).  

The picture is not that great but it's good enough.  Tasteful and sexy imo.  Thank you Ms Patton, thank you Jesus!!!!  If you ever do Playboy magazine, I'll be the first one in line for my copy!

greatly appreciative,

Bottom One Percenter

P.S.  Lol, more snow anyone?  The weather in the North Eastern United States is crazy.  We have not had a winter like this for some time.