Monday, July 23, 2012


What you young people know 'bout dis?


This is a Galaxy 500 convertible.  I don't know what year it was made but it is in great condition and it has historic license plates.  Yesterday, the owner said it was a great day for it.  *sweet*

P.S.  I'm not talking about the mini-van in the background although it looks like a pretty nice ride too.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I usually blog about money and my lack of it but for right now, I'm going to talk about my previous misperception of the absence of available good women.  The media, T.V., books, magazines, etc., wants & encourages guys to go after "the really hot babe".  Looking for and attaining a "10" whether it be for dating, marriage, friendship, sex, or all of the above is not the way to go.  Granted, I have not been very successful with women but, I am starting to see the light.  A while back I heard somewhere that a lot of the brothers (black men)  would scope out and hit on the ladies that were dressed down.  The hot, sexy ladies dressed in tight revealing close, good make-up, styled hair, and bling would not get the time of day.  My thinking goes that one must see beyond the surface.  You have to kind of be a visionary when looking at the ladies.  When the ladies dress down, I think they don't want to be bothered that day.  They "desexify" themselves to ward off the wolves.  That is when a wolf has to use his x-ray vision & see the true hotness that is so cleverly hidden from plain view.

There was this lady, that I have spoken to a couple of times, who lives in the same building that my mom lives in.  When we spoke both times I noticed the covered hair, the casual frumpy shirt, no make-up, the uncomplimentary shorts, & her flip-flops.  She was not trying to impress or put on a show.  Both times that we spoke I was thankful that she gave me some time out of her day to chat with me though.  I had a little time to reflect on our encounters & upon review I realized that this woman was hot!  Her face without make-up was easy on the eyes.  Her skin was clean & fresh.  Her eyes were open wide, alive, and clear.  She had straight, white teeth with a nice smile.  She sounded like she was intelligent.  She walked steady.  I could see a shapely, pretty fit body beneath her disguise.  I would like to take her out for a cup of coffee some time!  I know you can't judge a person from just a few encounters.  She may be the devil but with all those added up positives, she is one fine sista-devil!  You can't judge a book by its cover but sometimes you can if you can really see what is there.  My two cents for today. Peace.



Not far from the truth.


Monday, July 16, 2012

Book Review

"The Secret Life Of Money, A Kids Guide To Cash."  by Kira Vermond

This is a good book on money basics for kids and adults.  I was enlightened about the U.S. Federal Reserve's power of seigniorage and exactly what a bubble is as in housing bubble.  It is written with an upbeat, positive attitude.  It might be a little pricey at twenty dollars a pop but hey, that is where libraries come in.  Clayton Hanmer's illustrations were good.  They could of been better but I couldn't of done better so I will shut up now.  I give it 4.25 stars out of 5.

Dear Ms. Vermond, do you live in Canada?  What are your educational credentials?  I think 99% of women who know  & can talk money are hot!  You and me, let's have coffee.  Call me.  Can I call you Kira?  Can I call you K for short?  You and me babe.  I love you :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

fiction stuff

It was another great winter.  The people of Earth were hibernating.  They were waiting for spring to come.  The robot centurians were patrolling the space near Earth and Earth's moon.  The war with the Capscrangees has been over for 15 years but pockets of terrorism  have surfaced throughout the sector.  On the surface, humans and capscrangees tolerate each other but underneath there  is a tension of anger and distrust.

Arron Day was going to get a snack.  Maureen Day and Eva Day were playing a video game.  The mother & father were snoozing together.  It was a Saturday morning.

I may continue the story another time.

Bottom One Percenter  

Little. . . .

What you young people know 'bout dis?



Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Time

I was out & about the other day when I came upon a couple of the maintenance staff  "sprucing up their property."  Steve and Brad were painting curbs.  It was already hot outside but it was going higher to about 100 degrees for the day.  I don't  know how they maintained their cool, but they rocked it hard-core & did what they had to do.  Kudos.

Sunday, July 1st, 2012 - a bad day for T.T.T.  Not much good stuff to be had.  I found a blue drug baggie along with the other items.  If my neighbohood starts to have a serious drug problem, it will be a sad day.

I recently got a camera phone so I can take pictures on the go.  It is not a smart phone but it does the job.  Help - Can anyone tell me how to load photos from my phone to my computer?  Will I have to get an app?  I tried calling customer service for help the other day and they never picked up after I waited on hold for about 45 minutes (800 number thank God).  Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. 

I found this hat outside by my local public libary a week ago.  It's a little dirty & the baseball team it represents is presently at the bottom of this year's standings but hey, I like it and I have & will wear it.  Hell yes this negro will wear free clothes!!  The price - I think I caught some kind of itchy bug from the hat ( I disinfected it before I wore it) but a brother can scratch for all he's worth for a nice hat.

Happy Independence Day