Saturday, April 27, 2013


A nugget from some of Anthony Robbin's stuff from back in the day.  Yes, I did try to buy success.  His stuff helped a little bit.  Does anyone know how he's doing now?

The Ultimate Success Formula

1.  Know your outcome.

2.  Take action.  (Decide)  Break thru the fear.

3.  Follow thru.  Is it working?  Know what you are getting.

4.  Change your approach if it is not working.  (Role modeling)

Good luck!  


Monday, April 22, 2013

Holey Jacket

Today I replace my favorite hoodie jacket.  The old hoodie was dirty with holes at both elows , a rip in the back, and fading color.  I love that jacket but my mom says "people are talking", so I got a new, grey hoodie jacket.  Bad move imo.  When I'm in the old jacket, people leave me alone.  They may talk but they don't bother me much.  In the new jacket I was hit up on three times in one day for stuff & the day wasn't even over!  I'm visiting my late aunt at the cemetary and a guy has the audacity to ride up to me on his bike and ask for a cigarette.  I declined but he persisted and I end up giving him one.  On my way to the deli a woman outside of the deli asks me for spare change.  I give her some thinking that there is no such thing a spare change in this day and age.  The aura is so strong that a friend of mine calls me to ask for a ride somewhere.  I'm away from my home-town so I turn him down.  Shucks, I drove him to four places yesterday!  The new jacket makes me out to be okay.  The holey jacket says I got nothing so you might as well not ask.  I guess when I'm with my mom I'll wear the good stuff and when I'm by my self I'll be bummin' with my favorite jacket!!!  


Last Thursday's Words Today

If there are no secrets - if we live in a world of "free and open information", then why is some information classified top secret by the United States government?  I'm just saying we are all ignorant on different levels.

Surprise?  surprise surprise surprise.  


Frontal view of the DeLorean from a previous post.

Rolls Royce.  I heard that these cars are hand-assembled hence the high selling price and high status.


No trinket trash treasure to report except a metal socket that goes to a socket wrench.  I hope this is a good omen toward me going to and successfully completing my auto tech training.  There is a lot to know.  When training is over it is just the beginning because you need a lot of experience.  A while back, Shawnna over at Debtchallenger blog said you should try to have a career & not just a job.  Well, this is the real deal!  I'll be starting in life late but this career will probably consume the rest of my working adult life.  I will not get rich but I will be out of trouble, keeping busy, and possibly a contributing member of society.  Believe me, I like my life the way it is now but I must "add to the universe" & not just be a drain on the universe.  'Til next time.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Show Rooming

Show rooming is the way to go!  I was in a book store today and I saw a book I wanted.  The price was $15.00.  I waited until I got outside then wrote down the title and author name on paper (writing down titles  & authors while in the store may be "against the rules") from memory.  I get to an online computer and find the hardback edition available on a discount site for .75 cents!!  Granted, postage and handling will be $3.00 but that is still a savings of over $11.00 for a good condition, slightly used edition instead of the brand new paperback book.  If it is not against the law, do it.  I think a virtual book store browser would kill brick and mortar book stores.


Check out  They have a virtual book store.  It is a good experience.  There was a site called Zoomii that had a virtual book store but it is not in operation right now.  


Sunday, April 7, 2013

What I Know

By Unknown

Who has your back
Who has your back
No nigga, no nigga

Floatin' in the world
All by yourself
Traversing your life
Alone in your strife

Elevated to a grownup
Not young anymore
All you can count on
is the money for your whore

Gettin' a car 
With the cash that you got
Ridin' down the street
In ya Hyundai Excel
Poor as shit
Wishin' you could go to hell

No nigga, no nigga

Goin' to work
Every day - your life
Puttin' in the time
Givin' it what you got
Nothin' to show
Your life is shot

Who has your back
Who has your back
No nigga, no nigga.

Friday, April 5, 2013


I have only written one poem, in my life, to a girl who worked at a Hyundai dealership.  It was a while ago & it was after she had me banned (for lack of a better word) from visiting her at her place of work.  I got signals from her & I thought she was into me but I guess I was wrong.  Anyway, I am going to throw in some poems (written by others) on my blog to add a a little different content.  BTW, if you have any thoughts on any of my posts, feel free to comment.  Good or bad, all comments are welcome.  I may or may not respond.  Thanks.

Dylan Thomas

Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
Kept their baby in a milking pail
Flossie Snail and Johnnie Crack
One would pull it out and one would put it back.

O it's my turn now said Flossie Snail
To take the baby from the milking pail
And it's my turn now said Johnnie Crack
To smack it on the head and put it back.

Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
Kept their baby in a milking pail
One would put it back and on would pull it out
And all it had to drink was ale and stout
For Johnnie Crack and Flossie Snail
Always used to say that stout and ale
Was good for a baby in a milking pail.

The book that I got this poem from was copyrighted 1957.  It made me smile.  I hope it did the same for you.  [Ja Ja Ja Johnnie Crack :) ]
