Saturday, May 23, 2015

Had to blog about this!

I'm sitting in my kitchenette finishing my ramen noodles preparing to handle my business while riding out this holiday week-end (lol, bone-dry broke) thinking I'm alone when I look over in my sink and see this...

This dude looks much bigger in person yo!  I think it's a species of a Brown Spider that may be native to the United States.  

Scared the crap out of me but I looked him/her over, started talking to him and observed that one of his legs is stuck on the fly trap.  I would like to release him but, he's history because I really don't want to get bit.  

I don't know why I felt the need to share this but I am.  I used the little gas I have to drive to the library to post this.  I hope you "enjoyed my surprise & fear"  :)

Happy holiday guys.



Friday, May 22, 2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

A Few Words

In this life, you have to "run".  Run fast, run slow, run medium, what-ever the speed, running must take place.  You can hide but not for long.  Try hiding in your running and running in your hiding.  Bill Gates runs.  The lowliest, low bum runs (they hide too).  Life (the devil?) can trip you up no matter what you're doing so pray to God and roll those dice! 

May God bless us all.


Bright Opulent Playboy