Tuesday, May 15, 2012

red ram

Be thankful for the health that you have.  I have gone deaf in my right ear.  I think that it can be corrected because this has happened to me a few times in the past (clogging) but I can't really afford to see my doctor right now.  Pray for me that it doesn't become permanent.

I found the ball a few days back wedged in a sewer grate.  It's in good condition.  One of these high-bounce balls usually sells for USD $1.00 new.  I found the ram thingy the other day along the side of the road almost in the same location that I found my VW disc.  This crap trinket trash treasure has brought me some joy.  BTW, the release of Men In Black 3 is next week.

Live well everyone.

Bottom One Percenter

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