Wednesday, July 29, 2015



meanings of words & phrases

interchangeable meanings


"Money and power, that's all there is."          -Bud Fox, Wall Street movie character


                                                        the end

Friday, July 24, 2015


I was writing a blog post today and the post turned into a kind-of-good work for my dating profile.  If you would like to read it, go to Plentyoffish(dot)com, username, Wafcal1.  I am almost begging!  Anyway, if you go there, welcome to one of my worlds.


Saturday, July 11, 2015


God is good all the time.  All the time God is good.

Handling drama.  

Thank you God.



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Family Love

I saw this story on Allfinancialmatters dot com.  I thought it was a good one so I'm going to repeat it.


There was once a boy named Bradley.  When he was about eight years old, he fell into the habit of thinking of everything in terms of money.  He wanted to know the price of everything he saw, and if it didn't cost a great deal, it did not seem to him to be worth anything at all.

But there are a great many things money cannot buy.  And some of them are the best things in the world.

One morning when Bradley came down to breakfast, he put a little piece of paper, neatly folded, on his mother's plate.  His mother opened it, and she could hardly believe it, but this is what her son had written:

                                Mother owes Bradley:
                                     For running errands                                3  dollars
                                     For taking out the trash                           2 dollars
                                     For sweeping the floor                            2 dollars
                                     Extras                                                     1 dollar  
                                         Total that Mother owes Bradley          8 dollars

His mother smiled when she read that, but she did not say anything.

When lunchtime came she put the bill on Bradley's plate along with eight dollars.  Bradley's eyes lit up when he saw the money.  He stuffed it into his pocket as fast as he could and started dreaming about what he would buy with his reward.

All at once he saw there was another piece of paper besides his plate, neatly folded, just like the first one.  When he opened it up, he found it was a bill from his mother.  It read:

                                   Bradley owes Mother:

                                             For being good to him                               nothing
                                             For nursing him through his chicken pox  nothing
                                             For shirts and shoes and toys                   nothing
                                             For his meals and beautiful room              nothing

                                                     Total that Bradley owes Mother         nothing

Bradley sat looking at this new bill, without saying a word.  After a few minutes he got up, pulled the eight dollars out of his pocket, and place them in his mother's hand.

And after that, he helped his mother for love.

--The Moral Compass: Stories For A Life's Journey by William Bennett, pgs. 22-23

In the words of an old movie - That's The Fact Jack!
