Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Burn, Baby, Burn, But, Burn Smart

"Man must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind him to the fact that each moment of his life is a miracle and a mystery."     --H.G. Wells

I've given away a lot.  I'm gonna cut back and spread it out over time so I'll have something to post about in the future.  I may be empty already but, what the hell.

requirements of life: (at least for me)     


Unless humans are able to achieve immortality, your life will be spent.  Spend it your way.

"Success follows doing what you want to do.  There is no other way to be successful."
                                                                       --Malcolm Forbes

You gotta play life as if you will be around for a while AND as if you will die within the next two minutes.

Crazy is as crazy does.


Miranda Warning

-You have the right to remain silent.
-Anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law.
-You have the right to an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.
-If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you if you wish.
-You can decide any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements.
-Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?
-Having these rights in mind, do you wish to talk to us?

Dude, there is no solid, set wording of the Miranda Warning.  It can vary from state to state.

Payback is a bitch.

P.S.  Lol, if you saw the movie Beloved, do you remember the scene where there was no food in the house & Thandie Newton's character looked completely depressed when, all of a sudden, she hears the sound of eggs crack open & start frying, to which her eyes open up wide as hell like she saw a ghost?  I was out of cigarettes & I rediscovered, in my apartment, a stash of a half a pack!  I think I've never awaken & moved so fast in my entire life!!  :) 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

They WILL Take Your Money!

I'm use to paying some of the time part cash and part debit card for some of my purchases.  I may be low on cash, I may want to conserve the cash that's in my pocket, etc.  I do do a "two phase transaction"  once in a while. 

I was really low on cash, well, not enough dough to make a purchase of a portable CD player for my mom.  Sitting in my car in the Walmart parking lot, I came up with the idea of paying part cash and using two different debit cards to make the purchase.  I ask the cashier at the self-serve section and she said, "sure, no problem."  I walk to the electronics department, get the device, then, boom, I pay for it using twenty dollars cash, four dollars on one debit card, and 48 cents on the other debit card.  Smooth as silk.  I and you now know of a way to pay for stuff in a pinch.  My mom says that poor people use the part cash/part debit payment method.  Hello ma??  I'm not exactly part of the top ten percent of wealthiest people in the world!!!  

Do what you gotta do and be thankful that you can do what you can do.

Just some talk.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Movie Talk

I have some time available since I'm technically disabled so I fill some of my time by watching movies.  Most of he time I will check out a recent Grab & Go DVD  movie from a local library but some of the time I will go to a movie theater (matinees mostly).

To make a long post short:

Deliver Us From Evil
Van Helsing
The Girlfriend Experience
Romance And Cigarettes
Capitalism: A Love Story
Jupiter Ascending

All pretty good.


P.S.  I had to walk out on Chappie when the bad guys cut off his arm in the middle of the movie.  Yeah, I'm a wimp but hurting an innocent, especially one at the level of a young kid...shit, inappropriate for all ages!  Hugh Jackman's character was a dick!  (Got me emotional at the time & right now.  Beer tonight yo.)

P.P.S.  I have The Equalizer, starring Denzel Washington, on request at the library.  I really want to see one tough good guy kicking a lot of bad guys asses.  Trailer looks good.

Monday, March 9, 2015

OMG, I am old

Some of the time, when I'm on the road, I have to go pee.  Some times the urge is overwhelming to the point that I do "the pee dance" to hold it in until I make it to a bathroom.  I kind of don't know how you ladies do it but a guy should be able to hold his water but getting to a make it but a little spillage occurs. 

I was in the 99 cent store today and I saw and bought  -  Certainty-guards for men.  A pack of eight costs $1.07.  I will wear them if I ever have to go on long trips.

I drink coffee and it is a diuretic so I visit the bathroom a bit. 

I would like to think that I'm still a man's man even though I will be wearing a pad under my clothes.  I hope they don't show anything like panty-lines on a woman (I kind of like the look of panty-lines on a lady, a little sexy imo).  I already wear glasses so what's next?  Hearing aides, false teeth, and knee-replacement seem to be on my horizon.  Pray for me.  Thanks.


P.S.  50 years of age is not so bad.  I wish I had been more aggressive in attaining the favors of women in my younger years.  I really, really missed out which is why I'm a bit bitter but I'm cool.  I have beer, cigarettes, DVD pornos, and an occasional visit to my local massage-parlor.  I'm on lock-down so you ladies have missed out on the B.O.P.

Friday, March 6, 2015

One Of The Worst Jobs I Ever Had

I was a "job floater".  I've had over 75 temporary and permanent jobs in my life-time.  One job that stands out in my mind as being hellish to me was working in this one factory.  It was a Nabisco plant.  They were making margarine in boxes.  My job was to unload every box as it came down the rolling, wheeled conveyor and palletize them.  I had to move skids (wooden pallets) in place after the completion and removal of a load of margarine.

If I had the weapons then that I have now, I could of dealt with it, but I quit after one day.  You're in this tiled room with no windows, by yourself doing labor that the regular, permanent employees probably will not do.  It wasn't really difficult for me except the part about working alone in a relatively small room.  I'm an only child and I had no wife or children & I lived alone in a studio apartment.  I know I would of been too tired to go out after work let alone be able to financially afford to go out so....

I'm not too much of a people-person but that type of disconnected isolation was draining physically and painful psychologically.  One man's heaven is another man's hell some of the time.  Most private-sector employers don't give a rat's ass about front-line people who do the grunt-work.  Everyone is in it for themselves - I get that, but doing something you know the top people wouldn't consider doing is kind of not cool.  Persisting, going on & dreaming of one day getting a promotion then realizing after years of service that you are now 70 years old & they want to replace you is tragic beyond tears (hypothetical example).  That shit is ice cold!  Watch out, be cool, make good decisions & handle your business.



Sunday, March 1, 2015


Is charging interest, on a loan for example, morally wrong?

Is profit wrong?

Will you break the law to survive?


Thought crimes?

Thought police?





My dad and I were talking about cause and effect.  Your actions or inactions have consequences. I mostly agree.

When I got home, I reflected on my life.  Me & my father, when I was young, had a major disagreement.  He wore shoes.  I wore tennis shoes (sneakers).  I remember him always trying to convince me to wear shoes.  My major concern was traction.  Leather shoes slip and slide when you play in them whereas sneakers give you "ground-control" in my opinion.  My life turned out crappy because I chose to primarily wear sneakers and not shoes?


I stand by my decision.  I probably would be dead if I couldn't run, cut-back, stop, start, etc., effectively in my play.  I would wear shoes for the occasion but my primary footwear was and still are, to this day at 50 years of age, sneakers.

Pro-Keds - Converse - Adidas - Avia - New Balance  ---------------  Thank You.

