Monday, April 30, 2012

delta one clearance


cascading layered recurring memory points
identifying neural timing sequences
truncated elevation portals

holy smokes...who made up this stuff??

flux capacitor ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

thank you

A Saturday a while back I was visiting my mom.  I drove to her place like I usually do most Saturdays.  I pulled into the parking area in the front of her apartment building and looked for a spot.  I drove to the end of the area.  All of the spaces were taken.  I started to back up to go to the rear parking area to get a spot when some one suddenly pulls out and leaves an open space.  I immediately just back in right after the spot was vacated.  A couple in a red car pulls close and starts to protest.  Apparently they were waiting for the spot.  I got out of my car and the guy on the passenger-side of the other car got out.

guy - We were waiting for that spot.  Why do you have to be an a**hole?

me - I don't see you in it.

lady on driver's side of other car - Don't worry about it.  Let's go.  We'll get another spot.

The guy walks to the passenger-side of their car & clearly wanted to fight (verbally at least) for the spot.  The lady-driver wasn't having it.  They left & I went on my way.  When we got out of our cars, I was ready to discuss, & possibly even give them the space but when the guy called me an a**hole . . . thank you, you lose punk bitch.  A**holes finish first & nice guys finish last.  I was going to be the usual nice guy that I kind of am but I re-realized that I want to develop my inner-a**hole.

Bottom One Percenter

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cheap is as...

Go Soul!!  This photo has nothing to do with this post.  Just happy they won yesterday.  Dan Radabaugh & the team are great!!!  Anyway...

Being that I am a newly reformed miser, I try to buy good deals.  When I buy movies on DVD, 9 times out of 10, I only look through the five dollar bin when at a big-box store.  I picked up two DVDs out of the bin to purchase yesterday.  The thing is sometimes more expensive DVDs are mixed in the bargain bin.  Either it's an honest mistake or the merchants are trying to pull a fast one.  Anyway, I get a price check on a two disc DVD case thinking it might be more than five dollars and it turns out to cost five dollars so I green-light the purchase. The total comes to over the $10.70 expected (about +$17.00).  The other single disc DVD turns out to cost about $13.00!!  They tried to sneak it past me.  It's okay happening one or two times a year but this happens almost every time which is why I always get a price check.  I still love the big-box stores.  I guess they are just trying to keep us on our toes.  BTW, good deals on used DVDs can be had on  This site also sells used books, text books, video games, music CDs, & gaming systems.  Save on.

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  Maybe chaos can be a good thing.

Friday, April 20, 2012



When we first made contact, if I remember correctly, our POF emails were okay.  We had one live chat over the internet and that was kind of okay.  We met in person after a long while at the ***** ***** Diner.  You looked good.  Then you smiled.  You had big teeth.  It shook me a bit but in the back of my mind I was saying that it was not too bad but I wanted to leave quickly before I received any other surprises.  I was surprised that you agreed to have lunch with me because, technically, you were my first date (date with a girl) ever.  I was wondering why you went out with me which is why I asked if someone paid you to be with me.  I didn't intend to call you a hooker/prostitute.  When you have never really been "in the game" you wonder why someone shows interest in you out of the blue.  What were your true motivations?  To this day I am still not sure.  We texted each other a bit.  We emailed each other a bit.  Then, we met one night and hung out at the C******** Bar & Grill during a POF event.  You looked okay.  You were taller than me with heels on which made me step back at first but I was cool with it.  During the evening I asked you to dance & you said no thank you.  Now, I thought most women liked to dance.  I was thinking that we could have a little fun, but you were not down with it.  The party ended, we kissed, then went our separate ways.  I know some women like to take it slow but our courtship was creeping in my opinion.  I visited you at your new house in ************ to watch a movie.  It went okay.  I think you had your teeth changed which shook me because I was becoming cool with the way you were.  Then you visited my place.  This time you changed your hair to a low cut afro.  That shook me but I could live with it.  After a while our texts declined to nada.  I would text you but you would not respond.  Is Maxine tired of me?  Am I boring her?  Was I a rebound relationship?  Is she trying to hurt me?  The thing with me is if anyone becomes a close friend with me, I will have their back for life to the best of my ability, even after the relationship ends if it does.  I had a close buddy in high school named Jeff.  We were friends but that was what I call a friendship of proximics.  Because we lived near each other & went to the same high school, it was only natural that we would associate together.  We went to the same college at first then he moved away to Wisconsin.  We lost contact and have not spoken since but if we ever connect again I will be okay with it even thought I was torn up when he moved away.  I wasn't sure about letting you in my world all the way which is why I bought a second cell phone to use with you.  Not good enough to get in my "inner circle"?  True colors be shown, I guess not.  All's fair in love and war?  I guess so.  You were not my first love, or my first kiss but you were my first date even though it lasted only about 20 minutes.  Being that you treat me like S*** now, I guess you got what you wanted.  No hard feelings.  Thanks for the ride.  May God bless you and your family.  Bye.
P.S.  I hope you and your doctor have a happy life together ;)

Hi John,
I have to say thanks for your brutal honesty.  But let me be honest as well.  I was definitely taken back by your out of date mismatched attire but thought to look past it.  Then I think you made me pay for my tea if I remember correctly.  That along with your statement had me just about done.  But we continued to email and talk.  When we met at the C******** Bar & Grill it was nice but I didn't dance with you because your underarms were a little smelly and that was a complete turn off.  But I figured you were a sweet guy and we could always hang out and be friends.  Until the day at your house.  I had a good time up until you kissed me when I was leaving.  It really threw me because I thought we were just friends.  The first kiss you mentioned I don't even remember so it must not have been as intrusive as the second one at your house.  I was fine with us being friends but when you tried to take it to another level it totally pushed me away.

Names have been changed to conceal identities.

Bottom One Percenter

The Way?

I'm starting to get into Arena Football (as a fan).  The Philadelphia Soul will take on the Tampa Bay Storm tonight at 8pm.  I have, available to me, two free tickets to the game.  It would be great to go to the game but...gas expense, car depreciation expense, (gotta have some snacks) concession stand expense, parking expense, (beer?!) beverage expense, bridge toll expense, etc.  It would be great but at what cost?  I don't have anyone to go with too.  Damn!  Football is good but my money for other purposes is better.  I guess it's about what you want & can afford.  Reminding yourself of your goals will keep you on track.  Self-punishment? Maybe.  Winning down the road?  Maybe.  Gotta roll the dice & gamble on delayed gratification.

Bottom One Percenter

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I believe that no matter where you are in life, you can find some joy.  Who ever you are, you have something.  Look hard, it might be right under your nose.  Religion can be helpful.  When you think you have nothing and no hope, Jesus can be a good friend.  Use your imagination to bolster your spirit.  Sometimes you have to just do it.  Find something for yourself & keep it to yourself.  Sharing is good but, some things, ideas, places, etc. should be yours and yours alone.  When everybody gets you down, f*** everybody!  Some of your worlds should be your own.

"Secrecy is success, success is secrecy."  -Fred Lenon

Buzz words for this day:  Unstructured Data

In my travels, I found this metal disc with the Volkswagen logo on it today.  It was on the side of the road.  This trinket-trash-treasure will bring a little joy to my miserly life!  Thanks God.

Bottom One Percenter

Monday, April 16, 2012


John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Love, the oldest myth running.  A fiction created by people to keep them from jumping out of windows.
                                                                                                           -Gordon Gekko

Did I pray today?

Did I take my meds today?

Have I had a beer lately?
Just had one.

One more beer for the road won't hurt!
Miller Time again.

Bottom One Percenter

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Way of the miser?

I went shopping on Saturday morning.  Yes, I visited two church thrift stores.  The first one I visited was a church shop I go to every so often.  The second church store was an unscheduled visit.  I walked two long blocks from church #1 to visit church #2.  It was my first time at #2.  Being that I am a born-again miser, what am I doing shopping for stuff that I don't need?  Out of all the things in the picture, I only really needed the ash tray.  What the H*** do I need a wooded unicorn head for?  I gambled on the music CD.  I scored - the music is good (title - Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil.  Music inspired by the motion picture.  [new to me]).  The metal index card box and index cards were pure wants.  I like boxes & the cards came with the box.  The wooden block shaped like a house was nice so I got it.  Forgive me father, for I have sinned.  I have betrayed the way of the miser and par-took in the lust of material acquisition & gratification.  I am bad.  I have done wrong.  I know that it is okay once in a while to go to church, let alone two churches, but I must control my desires.  Please help me lord.  I didn't mean to spend so much money either.  The three dollars spent could have been saved or, better yet, put toward the purchase of lottery tickets.  If I had done better in my earlier years, I would not be wanting of money now.  Damn!  I was weak but I will try harder to be more economical with my financial resources.  I will be better.  Thanks for the blessings that I do have though.

Bottom One Percenter

Friday, April 13, 2012

Eli Wallach

He is a good actor!  I first saw him as an old, wealthy executive in The Associate starring Whoopi Goldberg.  The feisty, old, rich character played by Mr. Wallach was done incredibly well.  I would dare to say excellently.  Well done sir.  Then, I saw him play an old corporate executive in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.  This movie was released in 2010.  He looked old but he still had the juice!  The scene where his character gets mad at Josh Brolin's character was priceless.  He was on even at his advanced age (96 at present).  I heard, a while back from an acquaintance, that he starred in a lot of westerns during his acting career.  I have not seen any of his early or mid-career work but judging by the enthusiasm he displayed in some of his late-career work, I really missed out.  Tonight I saw a movie called Samurai starring Eli Wallach.  The movie was made in 1975.  It was a western/comedy.  I bought the DVD at a close-out sale for fifty cents.  It was blank midway for a bit but what I did get to see was outstanding!  It was fun!  After seeing the movie, I felt like I owed the store $9.50.  I like most movies but Samurai was fun in my opinion.  I will have to see more of his stuff.  By the time you read this, I will have checked out his filmography on Wikipedia.  I recommend his works (at least the ones I have mentioned).  You still have some good years left Eli!  Keep on truckin'!  Keep doing what you love.

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  Apparently the movie Samurai was a low-budget spaghetti western directed by Sergio Corbucci.  It was also called The White, The Yellow, And The Black and Shoot First...Ask Questions Later.  Multiple titles aside, it was still fun!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My War Has Begun

If It's Going To Be It's Up To Me - by Robert H. Schuller

Possibilities must be weighed                       The price must be paid
Priorities must be swayed                             The timing may be delayed
Plans must be laid                                         The course must be stayed
Commitments must be made                       The trumpets will be played

It is my experience that getting what you want requires some sacrifice of other things.  You have to be all in.  I tried to make my journey pleasant by doing a little saving at a time and spending all the remainder of my disposable cash on little wants & desires.  For me, little by little doesn't work.  You have to feel the pain, stress, and suffering of getting ahead.  I was in the parking lot of the pet store today getting ready to buy some filters when I saw Arby's restaurant next door.  They had Reuben sandwiches for sale.  Jesus, I love Reubens!  I wanted one so bad that I sat in my car for about ten minutes making the decision to buy or not to buy.

Demon - Go ahead, buy a couple.  You know they will taste great!!

Angel - Stick to your plan.  Hold on to your cash.  Stay the course & way of the miser.

I resisted.  I didn't buy any Reubens today.  At this stage of my life, I will probably not get the five-bedroom house & other major goals I want on my own (unless I win a lottery jackpot) but I have to try.  I have to press on even though the effort may be futile.  There may be a greater good just in the attempt at achieving your goals. Failure sucks, but you have to keep trying & doing.  Press on people.

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ms. Janet Jackson

I was checking my email today and I saw a highlighted home page article on Janet Jackson & how she lost a lot of weight.  She is a spokes-person for a weight loss company.  I clicked and saw her picture and I saw a clip of the commercial she was in.  Wow, she looks good!  When I was in my twenties, I had the audacity to write a letter to Janet asking her out on a date.  I got her address from a celebrity/V.I.P. address book.  She never wrote back but I did get re-directed to her fan club.  To this day, a framed photo of Janet (the plexi-glass is broken in one corner but she still looks good) hangs on the wall in my father's basement where his pool table sits.  LOL, when ever I see that picture...I don't think much at all about it.  She blew me off.  She is hot, she can sing, she has money, she is kind of connected, she can act, omg, she is a goddess!  She is a little on the short side but I'm willing to give it a shot.  Actually, I could be friends with Janet because I'm really into Danielle Nicolet.  Danielle rocks my soul.  Anyway, being that I am a bottom one percenter, I don't bring anything to the table which is probably why I am, was, and will be girlfriendless.  Maybe I will get lucky in the next life-time.  Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink (for me anyway).  Janet, if you are reading this, I am sorry about the passing of your brother Mike.  He was a good guy.  He went way too soon.  Be a good aunt to his kids and do well at everything you do.

Bottom One Percenter

Monday, April 9, 2012


Timothy Harris, Herschel Weingrod, & John Landis helped to make the film Trading Places starring Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy.  They made the film where the character Ezra received a five dollar Christmas bonus.  Now I think that Ezra probably has been working all his life being that he was up in age and still served milk to the big shots.  Randolph and Mortimer could of at least given him a couple grand!  I received a $15.00 turkey voucher bonus for Thanksgiving a few times.  The film was made in 1983.  I got my fifteen buck turkey  bonus around 2003.  I'm not sure how that works out considering inflation but I think I did worse off than Ezra and he was a fictional character.  The idea of caring capitalism seems to me to be an oxymoron.  The Duke brothers summed up the way it is in the world - more for me and a crumb for you.  If I ever make big money, nobody is getting sh** from me!  I use to tithe to a few charitable organizations.  I was a Donny-do-good then.  I have changed my ways to dark-side-Donny now.  Good guys finish last and a**holes finish first.  I will be selective as a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality.

Anything Goes

By Any Means Necessary

What Ever It Takes

A.B.W.  Smooth Criminal.  God help us all.

"Who ever said crime doesn't pay had to be kidding.  Crime does pay, and often very well."
                                                                                                -Joshua Halberstam, PhD

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  Women love bad boys contrary to what they say.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Wake Up Sleepy-Head

                                            Photo Credit: "The Truth About Money" by Ric Edleman

If you are not inside, you are outside.  An acquaintance of mine believes that people can be too rich.  When there are others struggling and scraping to just get by, rich & super-rich people live the beautiful life.  I think everybody should experience what it is like to be at the bottom.  If you've been at bottom & you somehow make it near or to the top, you will have no regrets about being one of the wealthy.  I have worked low status, low paying jobs most of my life.  No one really cares about you, just what they can get from you.  Your employer would have you as a slave for no pay if he could.  I have been going through life believing that love is all.  I now realize that love is not enough.  I've never been rich but if I ever get there, I will try to hold on & get richer for the rest of my life.  I "was" a 40 year old virgin (41 to be exact).  I would still be a virgin if I didn't break the law and pay for sex.  Sad but true.  We may be civilized, but it is still a jungle.  Eat or be eaten.  As a child you are blinded by ideals of goodness.  When you can see the truth of man's inhumanity to man, you will be awake.  There is a place for charity.  Mother Teresa did good work.  If you are healthy, you must struggle & fight for most of what you get.  You must pay the price even if you don't have money.  THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.  I thought that if the words & phrases exist, then the concept can possibly be true.  Semantics.  There is no free lunch.

"You adapt, evolve, compete, win, or die."    -Paul Tudor Jones

Smoking is good for you.  Cigarettes are packed with vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids.

You must find truth every day.

God's ways may not be man's ways, but as long as you are in the jungle....  Play life's game.  Compete.  Play to win.  Win.  Some insanity can be good for you.  BTW, I smoke.

Bottom One Percenter

Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Life

The world can be a cold place.  I think that you have to love yourself & show self-respect for you and God within you.  My chance for a really good life is over, but, I am going down swinging.  I am going to embrace a living death (aside from some simple pleasures) and be a miser.  Believe me, in my life, and probably a lot in the rest of the world's peoples, it is about the money.  A life of being able to function with financial abundance backing you up is the way to go.  God has his reasons for everything.  Say your prayers then do what is right for you.  I will derive some happiness & satisfaction from a growing net worth.  Yes!  F*** the levelers!  Winning isn't everything, it is the only thing.  I read a book called The Lucifer Principle by Howard Bloom.  It made sense.  I'm in the process of reading The Holy Bible, King James Version.  I'm toward the end of the Old Testament.  Not much practical stuff relevant to today's world so far.  If I go to Hell, so be it.  I feel that I am self justified for wanting a better life.  Damned if you do, damned if you don't.  Wish me luck.  Air conditioning during the winter months?  I will adapt to a cold world & make it even colder.  Happy Easter.
Bottom One Percenter

Friday, April 6, 2012


I've been taking an informal survey from random people I have come into face-to-face contact.  What do you agree with more:

It is not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game.


Winning isn't everything, it is the only thing.

I have surveyed about eight or so people and all of them sided with the former.  I have played by the rules.  I have given life a reasonable amount of effort to "get ahead".  I am starting to think that cheating and crime are the way to go to make it.  I am starting to think that winning is everything.  I am thinking that the people I surveyed lied to me or are trying to keep me in the dark or are naive themselves.  Good guys do finish last.  The Google guys, Sergey Brin and Larry Page might be nice guys but they say that behind every fortune is a crime.  Was Gordon Gekko really "the man"?  I think so.  I guess I will be easing my way into the dark side!
BOP (bottom one percenter) out.


Welcome to my blog.  I'm just a guy expressing himself about almost anything under the sun through words and possibly some pictures.  Hopefully I will entertain, educate, inform, and maybe make the universe a better place for all involved.  Be prepared, I will be bitching about how poor (financially) I am so don't say I didn't warn you all.  Anyway, everyone have a good holiday weekend and, maybe this blogging of mine will be a good thing.
 talk at ya