Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I went to my aunt's funeral which was my first.  It went by pretty quick.  I'm sad to have seen her go & hope she is in a better existence. 

I found this T.T.T. last Tuesday.  I like it.  I like most of the T.T.T. that I pick up.  It may not have value to others but I'll enjoy & value it and the other T.T.T. that I have.


I went outside for a smoke at about 3am in the morning.  In the distance, I saw a woman walking around looking kind of disoriented.  I continue smoking then notice her walking in the middle of the street.  She looked like she might of needed help or directions so I approach her.  We talk & I find out she needs a ride home.  She was kind of "out of it" but she was "in" enough to communicate to me.  Jesus!  I hate myself for being a kind of nice guy because I end up getting her in my car, buying her some fast-food, then taking her home.  I gave her some of my cigarettes too!!  I didn't get anything in return.  Can you say sucker?!?!  I'm glad this blog is anonymous because family & friends wouldn't let me live this down.  My mom always tells me to never pick up strangers especially at night.  I just don't know.  To possibly get pussy or not to get pussy, that is a no-brainer kind of. 

Colorado fires are really out of hand when some of the fires have names like hurricanes!!!!

For me, right now, I'm having strange days and strange understandings.  Pray for me please.  Thanks.


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