Thursday, November 29, 2012

Seeing The Light: Pain, Suffering, Stress, Pressure

I once heard that beauty is pain.  I think that to make steady progress toward any goal requires one to handle pain, suffering, stress, and pressure on a regular basis.  There is no easy path toward worthwhile endeavors.  I thought that you could bypass hardship if you advance toward your goals little by little.  It doesn't seem so in my experience.  If you want to live, survive, and possibly thrive, you will take on "heat"  at some point in your life.  Suicide might be an out but what awaits you on the other side may be worse than your present situation.  Human existence is competitive and brutal.  There is love, but love takes effort.  It isn't easy most of the time & for the long haul.  Life is a bitch but there will be a few high points and then you will die.  For those of you who were misguided in your early years, or unguided like me, keep learning every day what it takes to get yours, because what it takes can change from year to year, week to week, second to second.  Fuck the universe/may God bless the universe.

"Life goes on long after the thrill of living is gone".  -John Cougar Mellencamp  song lyric


P.S.  I guess you can tell that I was not one of the winners of the record $550million Power Ball lottery yesterday.

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