Monday, April 25, 2016

Stuff Is Always Going On

I thought Rihanna's album Anti was only available on iTunes and Tidal.  I was in Walmart the other night. . .no title and no words.  Just a picture of the child with the crown pulled over his eyes and a sticker on the front indicating that it is Rihanna's album.  It's not in your standard CD jewel.  It's packaged in hard paper covered in shrink-wrap.  I'm not even totally sure it is in fact a CD!  They have the regular version ($12 bucks) and the deluxe version ($16 bucks).  I may buy one when I get some cash.  Choosing between cigarettes and music that I can get at the library basically for free is a hard decision because if I buy the CD, I can have the music at home.  Decisions, decisions....

Thought my dad hated me because he's always on my case.  Dude dropped $16K on a new used Honda Accord for me!!!  MY FATHER BOUGHT ME A FUCKING CAR!!!  I bought my last car but it was probably not going to pass it's upcoming inspection unless I got a worse-case scenario repair of about $1,500.00 which I didn't have and my father was not going to put money into a 17 year old car. 


Lol, God is good.  My dad  Sometimes you just don't know when you think you know.



Sunday, April 10, 2016

Making Your Own Luck? God Is Good.

I'm in the library parking lot after church today, waiting for it to open.  I decide to make some print outs but I have no money.  I search my car, my pockets, and my laptop bag.  No luck.  No print outs today - so I thought.  I remembered my "secret stash" of a few bucks and am able to get the print outs that I want and have change left over!

Also very hungry right at the moment with no food.  I have some starlight mints and candy near my stash.  POW - hunger pains gone!!

Improvise, adapt, overcome.  God helps you to do that.



Monday, April 4, 2016

Can't Even Pay For It!

Dude!!  I tried to buy Rihanna's single work from ITunes or Tidal.  For Tidal, you need a subscription.  That was out.  Just want the single.  ITunes just didn't work on the library computers.  I asked help from the monitor and she said the only way to buy and download music from the library is to load it from YouTube on to an MP3 player.  I wanted to save the song to a flash-drive then load it onto my computer at home but it was not happening. 

Rihanna, you should manufacture and distribute some physical CDs to us poor people who love your music.  If you do CD's I bet you'd make more money yo!
