Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Random Blogging

I may not "know the streets" but....  Two pieces of road from my area were acquired by me in my travels.  I guess I picked them up just to have if not for conversation pieces.  With the snow we've had up here in the north-east, potholes have cropped up.  Road salt and plowing probably also contributed to road damage.  Do you think it's illegal to "own the road?"  I was a tax payer so I think I'm entitled to "hit the road" when I want to no less own some of it.  I probably will not hit the roads because I'm not too violent a person.  I'll just put them in time-out.  Don't ever cross the streets.  They may seek revenge.  These roads are nice.  They are quiet & don't cause a lot of trouble (bad writing, I know, but somebody has to do it).

This girl has a Nikki Minaj thing going on and I really like Nikki Minaj.  I may be shallow but girls who look like this...tingling in my nether regions for sure.  I like most women.  For a guy sex without love is still sex - wanted & desired.  This 26 year old Canadian probably sent out a mass wink on the dating site because she didn't view my profile.  She says in her profile that she will travel if airfare and accommodations are paid for.  I now know for sure that deep love, love that doesn't care about how much money you have, how beautiful/handsome you look, how smart you are, etc., is very, very, very rare.  For a woman, attraction to someone is mostly determined by the size of the intended's wallet.  Love doesn't last long in sickness, for poorer, or through thin.

When you least expect something, it happens.  LOL...I am a really on person expecting anything to happen so nothing probably will happen but maybe it will.

SURPRISE!   Miracles never cease.  Miracles never occur.  Paradox.  Insanity (temporary).



Bottom One Percenter

Monday, February 23, 2015


Mothers can be tricky (damn old ladies!).  I love her infinity times two but she will get her way when she really wants it.  I planned on visiting my dad Sunday & visiting her on Monday.  I give her her daily phone call and at the end of the five minute talk she says, "I'll see you later on today, bye" and hangs up before I can respond in protest.  She plays like she has ALS/dementia (she really does slightly) but she is a sharp, crafty bitch behind her façade of ill health.  She is 78 so I respect her greatly & just put up with her shit.  Love is a mystery.  She now wants to move to a nursing-home because she doesn't like her neighbor across the hall from her.  I won't get into the drama but I will say they had a friendship that went sour.  When her social worker comes out again, the wheels will be set in motion for her to move.  LOL, I'll really be "out of the money" (her money) but I'll be okay.  I will have a lot less pizza than I'm use to.  Que sera sera.  I will visit her when I can.  Mother's Day is every day.  I got no one else so I'm cool with it.  Us retarded people tend to be outcasts so...(my mom is not retarded but I probably am :) ).


Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Continued from part one...

I go in and inquire about the sign.  The manager said the system was down and they could not take credit or debit cards.  Luckily, I had some cash on me so I could buy some of what I wanted.  I was thinking this was bull, but remembered that this sort of thing happened at Aldi with other people's Family First food stamp cards more than a few times.  They said they couldn't process the cards so I guessed this store's system was truly down.  Guy behind me in line had an arm full of stuff.  I stepped to the right after my transaction was complete to straighten out my wallet & bagged goods.  Guy behind me hands the cashier a credit card.  The cashier tells him cash only & hands him back his card.  He leaves his stuff on the counter & walks out empty-handed.

BOOM --------cash is king.

If a marriage goes sour and one of the partners "has most of the control & power" the other person may get hurt.  Trust, but watch out for yourself.  I've been vulnerable.  I've been hurt.  I've been hurt to the point of not being able to function ---not being able to get out of bed.  No more for me.  I may be poor and alone, but, I have some power.  I CAN buy some ice cream at 2am in the morning and this contributes to some of the happiness I have.

Most people live live's of quiet desperation.

Fuck that!

Put on the mask of anger, discontent, poverty, insanity, desperation, etc., in public but be happy in private.  Your big secret.

The Millionaire Next Door.

Matress Mogul

"What is the name of that song? 'Money can't buy me love.'  The trouble is it can.  Money can buy you anything.  Anything you like.  It can buy you love, respect, loyalty, anything.  It's wonderful being alive."     ---Mr. Polandry    ---  The Krays

Upon reflection, that makes most women hoes but that is for another post.

My two cents for today.



"Secrecy is success, success is secrecy."     --Fred Lenon

A lot of personal finance people advocated the idea of making your money work for you by investing.  I partly agree on this point because it is mostly true.  What they fail to tell you (most of the time) is the importance of a "cash-stash".

Having liquid currency on hand in your house or apartment is vital in dealing with unexpected events (emergencies or opportunities).  Keeping it a secret away from all other humans (spouse, family, friends, government) is an important part of your cash-stash.  Money is a form of power.  Everyone should have some of this power.  Being able to buy some ice-cream at 2am in the morning should be the God-given right of every body on planet Earth should he or she decide to do so.  A little cash can make you feel good so just imagine if you had a cool $1 million stashed under your mattress.  You could lose it in a fire, but hey, people lose money in stock market crashes & corrections.  Life is a risk.  You can do everything right and still lose.  Having an edge - secret -secret money, can help you avoid a life melt-down.

I went to a local store one evening intending to buy some items.  I don't remember what I was going to buy (less than twenty bucks) but I was going to use my debit card.  I had money in the bank.  I walk up to the door, about to go in I see a posted sign written in black marker on orange flourescent poster-board --cash only.

---to be continued.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lonely 2

Holy Smokes!!!!  I couldn't post pics at my local library to my blog.  I downloaded the Google Chrome browser to my library's computer and got the job done.  

I should get my home internet connection back up.  There is a problem with my apartment's wiring or the modem on my computer.  I'm going to test my computer at a friend's house soon to see what the problem is.  Chrome at the library for now.

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


As you guys may already know, I had a crush on a fellow female blogger for a bit.  I'm a little over it now since she made it crystal-clear that she's not interested.  I feel bad and lonely but when I watch Days Of Our Lives some times, even though it is fiction, I don't feel so bad.  A character named J.J. was dating this girl (I forget her name) then they broke up because he slept with someone else but that someone else turned out to be the girl's mom!  I think on tomorrow's episode, the girl will find out who J.J. was sleeping with even though they are not together anymore, I bet she will still be furious that her mom got with her former boyfriend.  I tellin' you, this is real Jerry Springer ish!  I may be lonely, but I'm not on a super rollercoaster ride that is bound to crash & burn. 

Anyway, have a good week everyone.
