Friday, June 28, 2013

Q - T's

I let Spot & Goldie go, hence, I got lonely.  I bought four feeder guppies.  I didn't know they existed.  I was going to the pet store for two Rose - Reds but their tank looked good whereas there were a lot of dead fish at the bottom of the feeder guppy tank so. . . cheap pets saved from being Oscar food.  They are "the chosen".  They are very small.  Two to a tank seems good.  I shouldn't have to change the tank water every week which is what wore me out.  Hopefully these guys will be low-maintenance friends.  No names yet being that I can't tell who's who so names will come later.  The fearsome foursome have already lifted my spirits a bit so maybe this will be a good thing for me and the guppies.  Wish us well please.


P.S.  Just looked in on them after giving them some food.  One crisp is bigger than one guppy's whole body & the crisps are pretty small.  

Monday, June 24, 2013


I got tired.  I got tired of changing the water in the two fish tanks.  I released Spot & Goldie, my goldfish, into a local lake yesterday.  May God be with them.  I had them each for over five years.  I loved them and they both gave tremendous love in return which I could never repay them for.  You are not suppose to release domestic fish into the wild but hey, better let go in a lake rather than down a toilet, not that they would fit but you get the idea.  If I had a dog or cat I would be in trouble because they would probably be put to sleep.  God forgive me for being a weak man.

More apartment inspections.  I was called & informed that maintenance will do a "pre-inspection" of my apartment tomorrow for a fire marshal inspection some time later.  LOL --wow.

The strip-club in my area has been closed down and fenced off.  This particular establishment was a noted landmark so I don't know what they were thinking.  Because of this closure we are sure to have more real crime in the area with all that pent up lust building.  I didn't go there.  I go to one a few towns over  :) , which I think is still open thank God!

While I am writing this I get a response call from my apartment alarm letting me know that someone has entered my apartment without my consent.  The thing about my alarm is that it doesn't know when to stop calling.  I'm in the library right now & I've received seven to eight calls so far from my apartment.  I would call the cops but I just don't care any more.  Living in fear of eviction is tiring.  Living in fear because you don't live up to the standards of others sucks!  Being afraid sucks!  I just don't care any more.  FUCK THEM.    LOL, at least my fish are free to put up with other stressors.  Spot, Goldie, take me with you!!

Bye Spot.

Bye Goldie.


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Beware - rant

I like cigarettes.  What I don't like is when someone abuses your generosity concerning cigarettes.  Somebody asks you for a cig and you say okay, take one.  A few days pass and you have given a few cigarettes to the same person on chance-encounter/different days.  The day comes when I need a cig from that person, expecting generosity in return, and he/she doesn't have any.  Okay not having any the first, second, third, and even the fourth time but five times in a row??  Damn dude!  I mean I was giving freely to someone in need and when I need I am rejected five times out of five?  The scenario has even gone like this:

Guy - Can I have a cigarette?

Me - Okay.
[I hold out the pack for him to take one]
[While reaching supposedly for one]

Guy - Can I have two?

Me - Sure.

Being the sucker that I am I agree to the gift.  That scene has happened a few times with a few different people.  I swear to God, an elderly lady , probably in her late 70's, pulled the "one-two" question on me and I gave in!  It's like when others need, I'm there  but when I need, others are not there.  I have mostly been "good" to a fault.  I have seen a lot of television shows when I was young espousing good, ethical, honest, behavior.  You have to be good most of the time or society would not function, but, I'm here to tell you that you have to be bad some of the time.  People, groups, and society will screw you over if you let them.  Recently, the fire marshal in my town was going to do random apartment inspections in my apartment complex.  WTF, they already did an inspection of all the apartments a few months back!!  Technically, I pay the rent up in here so I should be able to live however I please fire hazard be damned!!  Not that my apartment is a fire hazard, it's just that my township is picky and hyper-critical about what you can and can not do.  Jesus!!!  They are already squeezing blood from a stone in the form of rent increases and the residents have to put up with this shit!?!?!  Bastards.

Another cigarette scenario:

Guy - You got a cigarette?

[not may I have, or can I have, or can you spare, but pretty-muchly ordering, give me a cigarette!]

Me - [I raise my hands and shrug my shoulders knowing that I have one, just one left.]

Smoking that last cigarette knowing that I saved it for me and my consumption was sweet as hell!  When I have a good chance at winning, I'm going to outright lie when needed, cheat when needed, and basically be kind of bad to get what I want.  I should know this now but I revert to "good guy" a lot.  I'll have to keep re-reading the very, very good book (excellent really) "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" by Tucker Max.  I've been good, too good most of my life.  Good guys do finish last.  TIME TO BE BAD for profit & pleasure.  Greed and hedonism?  Yes - time to get mine punishments be damned!  MY TIME!!!    smooth criminal.

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wealth Quiz

Can you identify some of the wealthiest people in American history?






1.  Andrew Carnegie on the right with his wife
2.  J.P. Morgan
3A & 3B  William "Bill" Gates III
4  John D. Rockefeller Sr.

These guys represent "real" money.  


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Relationship update

I was walking down an isle of Walmart and the woman I was interested in came down the adjacent corridor.  I stopped and looked at her. 

Lady - Why are you standing there?

Before I could respond, she turns to her left and walks away.  I follow her for a few seconds then she turns around to head in another direction.

Me - I wrote you a poem.

Lady - No you didn't.  Leave me alone.

Me - Okay.

I turn and head toward the electronics section to recover by looking at dvds in the $5.00 bin.  She thwarted my advance but I could tell she was nice about it (thanks for the attention and interest but I'm just not interested in you).  I guess I will not be wearing her down.  Maybe another life-time.  Anyway, on to better things.

If you are reading this:

Fuck you bitch!  I LOVE YOU.

Plenty of fish in the sea.  Where the hell is my fish!!??!!?



Is trash-picking bad?  Is dumpster-diving bad?  I have had many jobs in my life.  One of them was as a dishwasher.  The guy who trained me on day one had me eating food that had been left on plates from customers.  I was a little shocked at first but, upon reflection I realized that people will do almost what ever they can to survive.  I didn't know the situation of my trainer but he did what he did as a normal event in the day.  Would you eat after a stranger?  Would you eat "used food"?  How low will you go to survive?  Be prepared because God/life/the Love Phenomenon will test you in ways you may never expect.  Just saying.  Just some talk.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Contrary to popular belief, if you are rich, you are not 100% "care-free".

Jack Reacher  starring Tom Cruise was a good movie.

Financial basics must be practiced every day.

You will have set-backs but you must press on.

Yard by yard it's hard but inch by inch it's a cinch.

It is good to have goals but you must be about the money.

The accumulation of money must be an end in itself if you aspire to be a miser.

Be and do good most of the time.

Everyone has a dark side.


Might makes right.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.



Money can do a lot.

Man's laws.

God's laws.

Nature's laws.


Idle hands are the work of the devil.

Doing the devil's work is okay some of the time.




Why?  Because.


Sometimes you gotta be "crazy".

How now brown cow.

Too much truth can be a bad thing.

Love Phenomenon.

When you think you've got it figured out, in baseball sometimes you find you don't know nothing.

--Yogi Berra

The Philadelphia Soul are 5 - 5.  They just came off a loss to the Arizona Rattlers last Saturday by a score of 64 - 57.  The Rattlers beat the Soul earlier this season too.  Head coach Clint Dolenz will have to spark a fire under the player's butts if they want to make it to and win this year's Arena Bowl.  Dear Mr. Jaworski, owner pep-talks may help.  Just saying.

