Monday, April 20, 2015



Bottom One Percenter.


Bright Opulent Playboy

Was thinking about:
Bad-ass Over-avaricious Power-player
Bountiful Outstanding Provider
Beautiful Original Peace-maker

The negative ones:
Big Over-weight Pussy
Bottom-feeding Ostracized Piker
Bull-shit Only Person
Boring One-upping Pontificator

Dr. Wayne Dyer influenced me.  Bill Clinton did it.  I'm doing it for my blog.

Bright Opulent Playboy

Friday, April 17, 2015

To A Former Blogging Friend...

I feel you.

When a relationship gets toxic and the implied rules are overstepped more than a few times to the point of harassment...time to change the rules or end the relationship.  I just had to "cut off" a former friend because she was abusing my help.  I put up with her "coldness" but it reached a breaking-point when she imposed on me for an "extra ride" when our deal was just for the weekends.  It wasn't just for this one failing but for an accumulation of sleights that I self-deluded would correct themselves and even out.  I was wrong.  A friend told me that she was just using me.  I didn't want to believe him.  I thought she was, deep down, a descent person.  Not so.  Some time in her life she was probably hurt, so much so that others in her life don't matter.  No empathy.  A sociopath who can "put on a great act for the moment" to get what she wants. 

It's over.

To the former blogger friend; I will never darken your world by commenting on your blog unless you choose to invite me back whereupon I will mostly behave.  Sorry if I scared you.  Sorry if I came on too strong.  Sorry for getting over-emotional.  Sorry if I cared too much.

"Life is some trippy shit yo!"     
                         -Character from the movie Training Day

To my former friend.  Yes, it "is" that deep and even deeper.


P.S.  Spring is here.  Get out and enjoy this great weather!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


For a reward...hell yeah!!

Control what you can.

Hate everybody.  Honckies and Negroes and Spics and Waps, etc.

Hate yourself.

Death is there.


Does this shit make sense?                       Crazy is as crazy does.

Peace (maybe war)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Making It

If you've ever been truly "on your own", just your God and you, you really (at least you should) appreciate the money that you earn.  Real work makes money real to you and you will not frivolously spend or waste it.  You will respect other people's time & money because they may have gone through some shit to get their money just like you did.

I believe that self-support (with the help of God) & being debt-free, if you're so lucky, is the mark of achieving true adulthood.  Bullshit jobs, nepotism, and favoritism, is kind of okay if you can swing it but you are not a real adult.  Surviving then dying in "the jungle", serving your time in hell is excellent honor.


P.S.  Smarten up folks, the shit is about to hit the fan!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

For All

This guy is not me but he is right on point.  



The Exposed Rock, Hacking The Universe, Self Discovery - Secret Love From The Grace Of God.


You might want to try this in the privacy of your own home.  Just take off all your clothes & chill.  Being nude, with no sexual expectations is a release in itself. 

I felt I had a need to buy some "stuff" this evening.  I was going to buy a porn DVD (a high-end one).  Then I added donuts to my list.  I would of burned gas and spent effort & time not really fulfilling my supposed need for diversion or release.  I took off all my clothes including my eye glasses (especially my eye glasses) and just sat albeit smoking a cigarette.  My need to spend was gone.  I was butt naked except for my necklace & I felt really, really relieved. 

Appropriate nudity is a good thing. 

I was right on track when I was exploring nude beaches which is something I want to try. 

Anyway, if you feel the need to spend money & part of you doesn't want to, try getting naked.  I bet the need to spend will not be there any more. 

Just a personal self observation.
Just some talk.


Monday, April 6, 2015