Thursday, January 5, 2017

Yes, I'll Take Your Pennies

After I came out of a store from shopping the other day, I paused at the side of the entrance to organize & put my stuff in there proper place before I went on my way.  A guy comes out of the store after having bought some small item then proceeds to throw money to the ground.  

Me   -   Sir, you dropped some money.  Don't you want it?

Him  -  It's on you.

He keeps walking to his car as I go to the money spot and pick up the three pennies he casually discarded.  I know it's only three cents and he probably thought that I was a shmuck picking up after him but for me, money is money.  I think that if you respect the small amounts, the big amounts will take care of themselves.  The saying goes that pennies make dollars and I'm all into making dollars.  I will not be able to buy a mansion, but I hope the universe will see that I am willing to be a good steward of all the money that comes into my life and hopefully give me more.  He was not driving a fancy car so I hope he has his financial house in order.  When that young guy gets older, he may understand my thinking.

