Wednesday, March 19, 2014


What does it mean to be home?  Where do you call home?  Is your home safe?  Are the words house and home synonymous?  Is home where your hat is?

The saying goes, "you can run but you can't hide".  I don't think the previous statement is totally true especially if you think about it.  Home should be a place that you can hide from everything and everyone depending on your definition of home.

A friend of mine said that one of her "hot - buttons" was the search for truth.  I think that when truth hits you, you should be able to go home, recover, then go another round with truth later on.  Mrs. Truth can be one tough bitch!

When you're a child, parents give the illusion of home.  When you become an adult, you must make a home of your own if possible.

Rest at home, rest in peace, find rest the best that you can, almost any way possible.  Riding to school today, I realized that I find "home" when I'm smoking.  They say that smoking is bad for you, but, when I'm home it's all good.

Just some talk.


P.S.  I'm out of home-sticks so I'm a little homeless :)

The truth you seek to fathom lies so deep
in the abyss of the eternal law,
it is cut off from every creature's sight.

And tell the mortal world when you return
what I told you, so that no man presume
to try to reach a goal as high as this.
(Paradiso, XXI, 94-102, TR. MarkMusa)