Tuesday, June 19, 2012

please God...

One of my aunts on my mother's side of the family recently had a stroke.  The stroke occurred on both sides of her brain.  She has been in the hospital for a few weeks now and she is mostly unresponsive.  I have not visited her because she and her husband live in Florida & I'm in New Jersey.  I heard from my mom that the family (her husband and adult children) is deciding whether to keep her alive or "let her go."  I assume she is on life-support.  That wasn't made clear to me.  If she is on life-support and insurance will cover it, I think they should keep her alive.  I believe there is always some hope that she can pull through and recover.  If  money is an issue, I guess the deciscion to let her die is understandable.  I swear, if I win the Megamillions jackpot, SHE CAN HAVE IT ALL to keep her alive and possibly recover.  She is a good woman and has always been friendly and accepting of me.  Plus, she is my mom's sister so anything to help the family. Please God, help my aunt to fully recover.  All you guys out there please pray for her.  Thanks.

                                          the individual needs the group & the group needs the individual.

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