Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Saw A Movie Today

I saw Django Unchained today.  A newspaper I browsed through gave it a rating of +C.  I thought it was good.  I give it an -A.  All the actors did a good job.  Mr. Tarantino did well in his cameo being blown up.  Mr. Samuel L. Jackson did a very good job (us house negroes have to scratch each other's backs :).  Spoiler - the guy (Django) gets the girl and their freedom in the end.  I would see this movie again but I wouldn't buy the DVD because I'm not much of a western movie fan.  Worth the price of the Earlybird Special.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Makes Me Wonder (not Stevie)

I was driving to the 7-Eleven to get some cigarettes and I thought, what the heck, I'll upgrade tonight.  An upgrade means instead of getting cheap cigs (Shields) I'll buy some good stuff (Winston Red-Box 100s).  I go in, ask for what I want , & they don't have it.  No surprise to me because they didn't have it the last time I went to this particular 7-Eleven.  I ask for the Gold box which they usually have but they don't --surprise.  A white guy to the left of me was buying a box of Marlboros.

Me - Are Marlboros good?

Guy - They're terrible.

Me - Sometimes being bad is a good thing.

Upon later reflection I thought "If they are bad why are you smoking them?"  I put on my experimentation hat & decide to "go white" for a bit.  I buy some Marlboro Red-Box 100s.  Later that evening, I smoke one.  Wow - no kick to it.  Lite as all heck.  I finish it off and no buzz. Usually in the middle of one Shield cigarette I feel a low, sinking sensation that is kind of pleasant.  I smoked three Marlboros in a row and I got nothing in the form of some kind of effect.  Maybe there is some conspiracy going on.  Blacks - Newports, Whites - Marlboros, what's up? What do Winstons make me, a 1960's wannabe white man (good enough for G.G., good enough for me)?  

Lesson: Not all similar products are created equal.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year


Friday, December 14, 2012


By now you know that I appreciate most cars.  The next two are nice.

This is a Buick Century station wagon.  Check out that wood paneling!  Yeah Boy!!  It's old but still rollin'.  The owner said it just needs a paint-job.

This is one of the new Fiat vehicles.  The owner said it is fun to drive & gets about 37mpg highway.  She said it is similar to a Mini Cooper.

This is Dollicia Bryan.  Wearing the red bathing suit with red lip stick and gold hoop ear-rings??


I love you Ms. Bryan.  Will you marry me?  :)  I know looks aren't everything.  I will still love you when you are old, gray, wrinkly, and sagging but I will probably be dead by then so things will be cool.


Thursday, December 13, 2012


If the end of the world came and went, are we still here?

If everybody is somebody's bitch, what does that say about God?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A BOP Secret

In pop psychology vernacular there is what's called an affirmation.  Affirmations re-solidify what you want, how you want your attitude to be, who you want to be, etc.  Look up the word in a dictionary if you want to get a good definition.  In an army boot camp, they "break down" the recruits to be built back up.  Daily life breaks everyone down.  Problems and challenges will grind on a person day in and day out wearing away their fight.  Affirmation cards used on a daily basis will "remind" your mind of what you are about & what you want building you back up after the daily breakdown.  Used daily & when you want a re-directing back on your path, affirmation cards should be of tremendous help to whom ever uses them.  Energy drinks and a friend in Jesus also help but affirmation cards, regularly tweeked, will see you through.  They will not "save" you, but, they will help you on the journey that is life.  Two cents worth (actually $19.95 with a free bamboo steamer included).
