Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Personal Finance Vent!!!

MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS -----------------

I was in the process of saving money by slashing the price of a couple of my bills.  I switched my land-line plan to a no-frills basic plan.  I cut $20.00 off my regular bill (cha - ching!).  I dropped the insurance coverage on my 2nd clunker because it is not running now (broken, maybe a bad alternator).  I saved about $35.00 to $40.00 on my auto insurance bill.

I'm thinking I'll have money available for a few splurges and my savings plan.


The girl who moved into my apartment, the one I briefly mentioned in my last post, IS KILLING MY CASH FLOW!!!  I normally don't run my air-conditioner, ever, because I can't afford it.  It is running (guest - you know - right?) & burning a hole in my bank account.  She sleeps with the TV on most of the night with the air running.  I don't mind it but it annoys my shallow, shallow pockets all to hell.  I let her pawn my gold-diamond ring so she could pay for her cell phone bill.  FUCK!  I hope I can get that ring back.  It has high sentimental value to me.  

I know I'm getting burned, but, she is a family - friend and I love her (Platonic, mostly) but....

I once saw a bumper-sticker that said "Gas, Grass, Or Ass, nobody rides for free."  I'm just sayin'.  

It has been about a week and I'm surprised that she is coping & surviving in my low-living lifestyle.  Did I mention that the day after she got here she lost her job!!??  I may be in for trouble.  

Damn, Damn, Damn!

So, how about those Philadelphia Eagles?  Mandatory mini-camp is over.  I think they are working on some stuff in secret.  This may be the season the Eagles win the bowl!  Go Eagles!

Anyway, over the weekend, while I'm visiting my Dad on Sunday, a guy & his step sister back their Nissan Altima into my stationary Nissan Sentra.  They dented the passenger-side bumper & cracked the blinker.  They could of driven off, & I would not have known about the damage until I left my father's house for home, but they came to me after the accident.  I was unlucky and lucky.  Ethical Question:  Did they do the right thing or did they do a stupid thing?    

Two steps forward , three steps back.  A losing formula.  

It is kind of nice having company but the price is too high for me.

Did I mention that my rent is going up?  I misplaced my regular blogging notebook.  There is a screw in my rear - passenger - side tire.  I have slept on the floor of my apartment for five days straight.  Two of my land-line phones have died.  I have one cigarette, no beer, no alcohol, and less than half a tank of gas.

I am getting a fifty dollar credit on my rent next month so I'm getting a little break.  God knows I'll need it.

If you read this post, thank you for listening.

P.S.  Team USA will take on Germany tomorrow in the World Cup Soccer Tournament.  Go USA.

P.P.S.  Venus Williams tastefully naked (for my male readers) from ESPN.

Love, Peace, And Soul.  - Don Cornelius

Monday, June 16, 2014

Robin Hood

Crime for the betterment of the people is a good thing.  Philanthropy, charity, giving...spread the wealth.

I don't like my stuff being taken from me.  I will willingly give you some of my stuff if it will help you and not hurt me.

If I give you my heart & you don't want it, fine, give it back to me.  Don't throw it on the ground, stomp on it to a pulp, then set it on fire!!!

If I give you my mind & you don't want it, fine, say thanks but no thanks.  Indifference & unresponsiveness is a hell that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

If I give you my soul & you don't want it, fine.  I'm sure the devil will give me at least twenty bucks for it.

"I'll never stop breaking the law for you.  I'll never stop helping to pull you through.  What ever it takes, to get what you need, ignore the alarms, ignore the police, I'll never stop breaking the law for you."    -Emeli Sande

All is fair in love and war.  It is ALL love and war.

I got some gold jewelry from my regular thrift store this past week-end.  I paid one dollar for a pair of ear-rings and two pins.  They probably are not real gold, but, if I cash them in and I'm able to get a "great" return on my investment, should I share some of the proceeds with the thrift store?

Is profit evil?

What is crime?

Just Some Talk

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  A friend just called me up needing a place to stay for two days.  She's not really a friend of mine but a friend of a friend.  She had a drug problem and now she is "hooking me in" to her world.  Pray for me people.  These may be my last days because she said I couldn't tell my father about her situation.  Wish me luck.  Pray for the lady..

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Trinket Trash Treasure!

True story:

I was walking around my apartment complex collecting extra unwanted McDonalds coupons from building mail trash boxes.  I had planned on going to four buildings.  I got what I could possibly use and was on my way home when I saw a flattened gold ear-ring in the street.  I passed by it thinking it was just junk but I thought, what the hell, it might be worth something.

I took it to a gold buying store today and the guy gave me FIFTEEN DOLLARS CASH for it! 

Finding $15.00 in the street is a good thing for the finder.  It was bent & mangled up a little so I think the owner really didn't want it or didn't realize the true value of the ring.

Anyway, I just spent $3.00 on used library books.  I will spend the rest on inexpensive food and cigarettes.  I know I should be saving some but my low income warrants a "spend it now and to hell with the future" mentality. 

Small windfalls are nice and highly appreciated.  Thank you God!!!

