Saturday, October 24, 2015

Selling Your Stuff During Hard-Times?: Don't Count On It.

I'm going through a rough patch financially right now & I tried to sell some stuff.  This morning, I tried to sell a book signed by President Jimmy Carter, a coffee-table Katrina book signed by the illustrator, and number 1 and number 2 of the comic book titled Cage.  I got rejected by two dealers "on the strip".

This afternoon, I tried to sell a DVD player and home phone system to the same two dealers.  One turned me down.  The other one was closed for the day. 

If you're in need and you think you can sell some stuff, be prepared for rejection. 

I can use some cigarettes and beer, but I can hold off until next month which comes in about a week.



Thursday, October 22, 2015

Loving Money

The love of money is the root of all evil.
                                               -quoted from somewhere in the Bible

When people work, they give up a part of their soul, life energy, in exchange for money.  Your money is an extension of you.  Self-love is evil?  Maybe so, but I guess everyone has to commit some evil in order to be successful.  Necessary evil - evil is necessary in this world. 

Nourish those roots and let God judge you in the end.

Just sayin'.
Just some talk.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My First Unedited Video?

This may work.  It may not.  I'm a video posting virgin.  I may be about to lose my innocence.  

Lol, I think I did it.  I don't think it's an official YouTube video but it is on my blog.  




By Paul Harvey

You'd be amazed at the stuff that turns up in a police department property room.  Police recover things, then nobody claims them.  Or evidence is held and released.  All sorts of things.  Cameras and stereo speakers, TV sets and tools and tool boxes and car radios.  And once a year these unclaimed items are sold at auction.  This year at the police auction in Kansas City, Mo., there was a large number of bicycles.

When the very first bicycle came up and the auctioneer asked who'd start the bidding, a youngster right down in front said, "Five dollars."  Tiny youngster ---ten---maybe 12.

"I've got five, will you give me ten?  Ten, who'll bid 15?"

As the bidding continued the auctioneer looked back at the young man down front.  The boy did not respond.

Later another bicycle came up, and again the boy did $5 but would go no higher.  This went on through several bicycles.  Each time the boy bid $5; never more.  And $5 was not nearly enough.  The bikes were selling for $35 or $40, and some even for more than $100.

During a brief intermission, the auctioneer asked the boy why he had let some of those good bikes sell without bidding higher.  The young man explained that $5 was all he dad.

Back to the auction: there were cameras and CB radios still to be sold, and some more bicycles.  On each bicycle, the boy did $5.  And on each, someone else bid much more.

But now the assembled crowd is beginning to notice the boy who always opens the bidding.  The crowd is beginning to recognize what is happening.

After a tedious hour and a half, the auction is beginning to wind down.  But there  is still one bicycle left, and it is a dandy.  A shiny, like-new ten-speed with 27-inch wheels, dual-position brake levers, stem shifters and a generator light set.

The auctioneer asks, "Do I hear a bid?"
And the young man near the front---who by now has all but given up---quietly repeats: "Five dollars."

And the auctioneer stops his chant.  Just stops.  Stands there.  And the audience sits silent.  Not one hand is raise.  Not one voice calls out a second bid.

Until the auctioneer says:  "SOLD! To the young man in the shorts and sneakers---for$5!"

And the audience applauds.

And a small boy's face lights up like one of the most beautiful sights you ever saw, as he trades the $5 scrunched up in his sweaty fist for what is surely the most beautiful bicycle in the world.

Thanks for reading.


P.S.  Former blogger friend posted a video to her blog.  Looking great without makeup!!  Just seeing her and hearing her voice...MADE MY DAY TODAY.  Glad she is doing well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hover Boards Exist???

News story said that hover boards were banned in the U.K.  They are not exactly like the ones in Back To The Future being that they have wheels.

Lexus developed a hover board but you need the ground/floor to contain metal.  It may be coming but I think we are still a little ways off.


Maybe some day.


Bright Opulent Playboy

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hustle Hard, Success-Failure Plus

Long story short.

Sold a Stetson brand cowboy hat for $8.00.

Nobody wanted the framed pictures I had.

Bummed a cigarette off a store worker (0.50 cent value).

You win some, you lose some.


Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm Kinda Scared

I have an interview on Tuesday to work as a Walmart associate that stocks shelves and helps to unload trucks.  If I get the job, I will be carrying my own weight.  Disability and food stamps will have to end.  It's a good thing but, I am really, really starting to get use to "go almost when ever you want to go and do almost what ever you want to do" lifestyle.  No, I can't hop on a jet and go to Hawaii on a whim but I can wake up and get up at noon when I feel like it.  No, I can't trek to New York City, get the best table in 21, and order the lobster with champagne without a care, but, I don't go hungry like I was doing a little while back most nights.  You get the idea.  I'm not "rich" free but I am "off the time-clock" free.  It is good.  Going back to work...lord help me.  If I get employed by Walmart, I will be working for (kind of) the late Sam Walton who was one of my idols.  If he was still alive and he didn't break up his fortune to his family members, he would undoubtedly be the richest man in the world.  He was a few times in the past listed as such.  It was said that Mr. Walton was mad at Malcolm Forbes for letting the world know how much money he had.  This was back in the eighties when the Forbes 400 first started publication.  Even though I did not know him, I did and do admire the hell out of him.  Even though I will be way low on the totem pole, I will be honored to work for a major New York Stock Exchange listed company.  People make the jokes about McDonald's workers but, the company is huge and if you get a college degree, you may be able to work in corporate if you have the talent.  Just saying, where ever you are, you have to start somewhere.  Time and luck may pay off.  I will not be so lucky.  I will just be trying to do the right thing for God, my country, and my family.  Wish me luck.  



Monday, October 5, 2015

Talk Stuff - Random

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I will dumpster-dive if the opportunity presents itself.  Opportunity has arrived and may be around for a bit.  People WILL throw away some good stuff.  To make a long story short, so far, I have recovered a relatively healthy house plant (at least a $4.00 value imo), a working compact fluorescent light bulb, and $1.55 in change from a discarded purse.  This is a temporary dumpster so it could be taken away at any time.  Thank you God for what I have received so far.

It seems that the more you pay, the more you get.  I recently bought The Terminator movie on DVD for five bucks (kind of a planned purchase).  Saw available The Terminator Blu-ray.  Added and not on the DVD - 7 deleted scenes, a making of The Terminator featurette, a retrospective with the director & the star, and six photo cards.  I paid $7.88 for it (yes, I do have a Blu-ray player).  Mostly  a DVD guy but I will buy a good Blu-ray. 

Yes people   -   Love then money.



Friday, October 2, 2015


I was in the local branch of my bank today taking care of some business.  The new head teller and I got into conversation about money & she threw a few PF names out there.  She is probably a twenty-something just starting out in life, but, she was keenly aware of the impact that money had on her, her husband, and people in general.  To be that young and that aware scares me.  Overall, people are getting smarter.  This is a tight world.

With that said, it brings me to this book I just discovered on my local library's shelf called "Lighten Up" written by Peter Walsh.  Not saying that the book is anti-capitalism, just say that there is a war going on.  Even billionaires have to stay aware and stay awake because...just saying that circumstances can change on a dime.  You can't be happy all the time because life will not let you be. 

I have not read the book but from its title, it is kind of lying to me and my situation.  If I took that advice, I would be doing a great disservice to myself.  I think others on the low end of the spectrum would be doing a disservice to themselves too if they took this advice. 

I think the title should of been "Lighten Up Some Of The Time".

Just sayin'
Just talkin'

