Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I went to my aunt's funeral which was my first.  It went by pretty quick.  I'm sad to have seen her go & hope she is in a better existence. 

I found this T.T.T. last Tuesday.  I like it.  I like most of the T.T.T. that I pick up.  It may not have value to others but I'll enjoy & value it and the other T.T.T. that I have.


I went outside for a smoke at about 3am in the morning.  In the distance, I saw a woman walking around looking kind of disoriented.  I continue smoking then notice her walking in the middle of the street.  She looked like she might of needed help or directions so I approach her.  We talk & I find out she needs a ride home.  She was kind of "out of it" but she was "in" enough to communicate to me.  Jesus!  I hate myself for being a kind of nice guy because I end up getting her in my car, buying her some fast-food, then taking her home.  I gave her some of my cigarettes too!!  I didn't get anything in return.  Can you say sucker?!?!  I'm glad this blog is anonymous because family & friends wouldn't let me live this down.  My mom always tells me to never pick up strangers especially at night.  I just don't know.  To possibly get pussy or not to get pussy, that is a no-brainer kind of. 

Colorado fires are really out of hand when some of the fires have names like hurricanes!!!!

For me, right now, I'm having strange days and strange understandings.  Pray for me please.  Thanks.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Some words can be helpful.  Other words are just lies.  "Do the thing and you will have the power."  If you drive a car and you run out of gas you will not, magically or otherwise, have more gas to continue.  Just by doing the thing you will probably not have the power in most circumstances.  Researchers say that exercise will give you energy.  Maybe so, but, I'm not going to stop "fueling my tank" by eating.  I think exercise makes the body more efficient & effective with the energy it has available.  It probably doesn't  really give you more energy.  "Keep going to the point of death and I will give you the crown of life."  I'm not sure where this gem came from but I think the crown of life is Heaven after you die which makes it a death crown in this realm.  Wow...words can be...wicked.

T.T.T.  The screw & wings were found the other day.  The paper crown was found today.  God knows I have been to the point of death a few times.  Is this my crown of life?

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

please God...

One of my aunts on my mother's side of the family recently had a stroke.  The stroke occurred on both sides of her brain.  She has been in the hospital for a few weeks now and she is mostly unresponsive.  I have not visited her because she and her husband live in Florida & I'm in New Jersey.  I heard from my mom that the family (her husband and adult children) is deciding whether to keep her alive or "let her go."  I assume she is on life-support.  That wasn't made clear to me.  If she is on life-support and insurance will cover it, I think they should keep her alive.  I believe there is always some hope that she can pull through and recover.  If  money is an issue, I guess the deciscion to let her die is understandable.  I swear, if I win the Megamillions jackpot, SHE CAN HAVE IT ALL to keep her alive and possibly recover.  She is a good woman and has always been friendly and accepting of me.  Plus, she is my mom's sister so anything to help the family. Please God, help my aunt to fully recover.  All you guys out there please pray for her.  Thanks.

                                          the individual needs the group & the group needs the individual.

Bottom One Percenter

Friday, June 15, 2012


In my travels, I found some trinket trash treasure the other day.  The L shaped  thingy, the butterfly, and the piece of plastic can be categorized as T.T.T. but I think the small, empty, vodka bottle is just trash.

I knew I was poor but standing outside of myself & seeing me blog about T.T.T. has made me realize that I am very low class.  I am thankful for what I have but my life could be so much more palatable.  Relative to most Americans, I am financially poor.  Que sera sera.

This shoe has been on the side of the road (in my car trips not my walking travels) for weeks just sitting there.  On the way home, at night, I decide to stop, get out of my car and GET THAT SHOE!  Maybe I can refurbish it & wear it.  Upon closer inspection, I determine that it is a little too far gone.  T.T.T.?  Trash?  This goes to illustrate how tight money is in my life.  I'm usually more broke than the Liberty Bell.  Anyway, I'm keeping hope alive with a possible lottery jackpot win for real money.  Have a good one all.

"Money isn't everything, your health is the other ten percent."  -Lilian Day

Bottom One Percenter

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

interesting **it

I recently saw a library documentary DVD made by National Geographic (famous for their magazines) covering  & going behind the closed doors of the National Security Agency.  This documentary was released in 2012 so it was relatively new.  The creators interviewed key people in the NSA.  The subjects spoke about what they do there.  The NSA  is supposedly looking out for the best interests of the United States Of America.  Hopefully they are using their powers for good & not evil.

They opened up a bit but not too much.  Now, I have the DVD "Enemy Of The State" starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman.  This fictional movie shows the powers of the NSA being abused by a few corrupt people.  It also showed possible modern technology (for that time), that the NSA used.  The storyline may be fictional but if the tech stuff was real then this movie was more interesting than the documentary I saw plus the movie is relatively old but still informative imo.  The movie was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer & directed by Tony Scott.  These guys are heavy-weights in the film industry & usually make good films with this one as no exception.

I highly recommend both, the documentary and the film.  I hope their are no people in the NSA like the character John Voight played in Enemy Of The State.  If so, we Americans should be very afraid.

Now, I have to try to figure out a way to apply hacker technology to stock speculation so I can hit the jackpot & rise from the bottom one percent to the top .0001 percent.  Forbes 400 here I come ;)  

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