Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lol, Stealing From The Little Guy!

I love, love, love the big-box store Walmart, but, they are thieving crooks!!  Being that I'm a small-fry, a low roller, a tiny tiny fish, I respect and cherish each and every penny I have, get, find, and manifest.  For me, literally, every penny counts.  I guess I'm anal like that.  A penny is no big deal in the grand scheme of things right?

I bought a roasted chicken on sale for $2.49.  At 7% tax which should be .17 cents they charge me .18 cents!

A penny here , a penny there, over the span of the Walmart empire over the course of a few weeks, I bet it could add up to a few million dollars total.

A few people or one person is making out "like A FAT CAT!!!".

Pennies make dollars and a few billion pennies make millions of dollars yo.

           x    .07
              o.1743                              Five or over, you round up.  Four or less, you stay the same.

How do you round off to .18 from this?

Fuck Walmart or fuck the government, or fuck both you mother-fuckers!! (I love you too though cock-suckers).

Taking money from a "barely getting by" negro is totally fucked up.

Lol, I tried to post Rihanna's song " Bitch Better Have My Money" but I couldn't do it.  You get the idea though.



Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kind Of Felt What She Felt

Steve Harvey made a mistake but the slighted woman deserves some sort of "compensation" for the verbal blunder in my opinion. 

I was in Walmart the other day buying some energy-shots.  On my way out, I stopped by a food display near the exit to re-look at the cooked chicken products on sale.  A container of barbequed chicken wings selling for $2.07 caught my eye and I snatched them up because I had two bucks and some change left from my energy-shot purchase.  I go the cashier and pay for them during lite conversation.  She hands me the receipt and I go sit down to review my receipt.  I get in my car, drive home, enter my apartment, and prepare to eat those succulent looking wings.  I lay out a few slices of bread, make some cold tea, then...HEY, where are my wings?  I realize I forgot to get the bag from the bag carousel after I paid for them!!  I was really, really looking toward eat those wings then to have them not be available???  Dude, it hurt a little.  I checked to make sure I had not left them in the car and they were not there.  I wasn't about to go back over a two dollar purchase but joy/pleasure was taken away from me at the very last minute.  It was a double loss because not only did I not have the wings, I paid for them with cash to which I will never see again. 

Rule # 1  -  Never lose money

Rule # 2  -  Never forget rule number one

Mr. Buffett would be disappointed in me.

I ended up buying pizza later that evening.  Damn!!  Totally off my program!

Anyway, have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Learning Every Day

I had my own personal film festival one night by viewing three basketball movies in a row.  The first one was White Men Can't Jump.  This was a good movie and the best out of the three in my opinion.  The second was Coach Carter.  This was also a good movie.  The third one was Love And Basketball.  A good movie too.  

In all of them, there was gain and loss by the characters.  

One lesson I learned is that life rarely goes exactly the way you want it to.  

Another one is that there is no such thing as total happiness.

Another one is that stress and drama will be with you no matter what.

The last one I will share today of the many more is that there are different levels of love.  The levels and intensities vary.  Who and or what you love is your decision and you have to live with your decision(s).  

Stuff goes on every day.


P.S.  The Eagles beat the Patriots last Sunday!  Woooo-Wwwhhooooooooooo!!!

Monday, November 30, 2015

In The Money

If you ever get a chance, lay down on a table heads up next to each other a penny a nickel a dime a quarter and if you can get them, a half-dollar and an Eisenhower dollar.  Why is President Lincoln facing one direction and all the other people facing the opposite direction?

It may not mean anything but I see something yo.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Happily Breaking Up To Pieces?

If life is a test, I have failed and I am failing.

I am 50 years old.

-no "real" friends
-limited family
-no family or kids of my own
-no girl-friend/ no wife
-small income
-high apartment rent (studio)
-high expenses
-no savings
-car needs "a lot" of work
-presently broke

Bible quote from a friend.

"We also rejoice in our suffering, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."       Romans 5, 3-4  NIV

I just don't know.  Sometimes life makes sense.  Other times it doesn't.

                                                                                                   From: Ladylee35.blogspot.com/

Happy some of the time.  Kind of happy under the present circumstances - go figure.

Optimum situational happiness for me (other than church):

                                          -some beer
                                          -some cigarettes
                                          -a sunny, clear with a few clouds, 72 degree day
                                          -space to lay down

Sloth may be one of the deadly sins but, ohh soo heavenly!!!!

Happy Friday 13th


Sunday, November 8, 2015


Last week I was chosen to read scripture for this week's worship service at my church.  I have not done any type of public speaking since my college days so this was going to be an experience.  Plus, me and a guy named Mike are the only two non-white congregants in the church.  Me being black and Mike an Asian guy hang tough.  It's a small church but enough people to give you the "willies" if you speak in front of them. 

I went up, read the three sections and sat back down.  Only a few minor slips but I think I did well because quite a few people told me that I did a good job in front of the audience.  I said that I would read if they needed me because I'm not really an official church member but, at the end of the service when people were leaving, the pastor said that he's going to put me in the rotating line-up for readers and we would work on me becoming a member.  I go practically every week because I think I need to be a part of something bigger than me.  I also need to publically show my love for God.  The church is in you where ever you go I've heard but being with like-minded people in worship can't be beat.  No matter how often I hear organized religion criticized, I will always believe that society needs this type of group.  I know the church scandals are bad but I think the good out-weighs the bad. 

Just some talk.


Monday, November 2, 2015

Hold On To Something

Rule # 1:   Never lose money.

Rule # 2:  Never forget rule number 1.

                            ----Warren Edward Buffet



Saturday, October 24, 2015

Selling Your Stuff During Hard-Times?: Don't Count On It.

I'm going through a rough patch financially right now & I tried to sell some stuff.  This morning, I tried to sell a book signed by President Jimmy Carter, a coffee-table Katrina book signed by the illustrator, and number 1 and number 2 of the comic book titled Cage.  I got rejected by two dealers "on the strip".

This afternoon, I tried to sell a DVD player and home phone system to the same two dealers.  One turned me down.  The other one was closed for the day. 

If you're in need and you think you can sell some stuff, be prepared for rejection. 

I can use some cigarettes and beer, but I can hold off until next month which comes in about a week.



Thursday, October 22, 2015

Loving Money

The love of money is the root of all evil.
                                               -quoted from somewhere in the Bible

When people work, they give up a part of their soul, life energy, in exchange for money.  Your money is an extension of you.  Self-love is evil?  Maybe so, but I guess everyone has to commit some evil in order to be successful.  Necessary evil - evil is necessary in this world. 

Nourish those roots and let God judge you in the end.

Just sayin'.
Just some talk.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My First Unedited Video?

This may work.  It may not.  I'm a video posting virgin.  I may be about to lose my innocence.  

Lol, I think I did it.  I don't think it's an official YouTube video but it is on my blog.  




By Paul Harvey

You'd be amazed at the stuff that turns up in a police department property room.  Police recover things, then nobody claims them.  Or evidence is held and released.  All sorts of things.  Cameras and stereo speakers, TV sets and tools and tool boxes and car radios.  And once a year these unclaimed items are sold at auction.  This year at the police auction in Kansas City, Mo., there was a large number of bicycles.

When the very first bicycle came up and the auctioneer asked who'd start the bidding, a youngster right down in front said, "Five dollars."  Tiny youngster ---ten---maybe 12.

"I've got five, will you give me ten?  Ten, who'll bid 15?"

As the bidding continued the auctioneer looked back at the young man down front.  The boy did not respond.

Later another bicycle came up, and again the boy did $5 but would go no higher.  This went on through several bicycles.  Each time the boy bid $5; never more.  And $5 was not nearly enough.  The bikes were selling for $35 or $40, and some even for more than $100.

During a brief intermission, the auctioneer asked the boy why he had let some of those good bikes sell without bidding higher.  The young man explained that $5 was all he dad.

Back to the auction: there were cameras and CB radios still to be sold, and some more bicycles.  On each bicycle, the boy did $5.  And on each, someone else bid much more.

But now the assembled crowd is beginning to notice the boy who always opens the bidding.  The crowd is beginning to recognize what is happening.

After a tedious hour and a half, the auction is beginning to wind down.  But there  is still one bicycle left, and it is a dandy.  A shiny, like-new ten-speed with 27-inch wheels, dual-position brake levers, stem shifters and a generator light set.

The auctioneer asks, "Do I hear a bid?"
And the young man near the front---who by now has all but given up---quietly repeats: "Five dollars."

And the auctioneer stops his chant.  Just stops.  Stands there.  And the audience sits silent.  Not one hand is raise.  Not one voice calls out a second bid.

Until the auctioneer says:  "SOLD! To the young man in the shorts and sneakers---for$5!"

And the audience applauds.

And a small boy's face lights up like one of the most beautiful sights you ever saw, as he trades the $5 scrunched up in his sweaty fist for what is surely the most beautiful bicycle in the world.

Thanks for reading.


P.S.  Former blogger friend posted a video to her blog.  Looking great without makeup!!  Just seeing her and hearing her voice...MADE MY DAY TODAY.  Glad she is doing well.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hover Boards Exist???

News story said that hover boards were banned in the U.K.  They are not exactly like the ones in Back To The Future being that they have wheels.

Lexus developed a hover board but you need the ground/floor to contain metal.  It may be coming but I think we are still a little ways off.


Maybe some day.


Bright Opulent Playboy

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hustle Hard, Success-Failure Plus

Long story short.

Sold a Stetson brand cowboy hat for $8.00.

Nobody wanted the framed pictures I had.

Bummed a cigarette off a store worker (0.50 cent value).

You win some, you lose some.


Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm Kinda Scared

I have an interview on Tuesday to work as a Walmart associate that stocks shelves and helps to unload trucks.  If I get the job, I will be carrying my own weight.  Disability and food stamps will have to end.  It's a good thing but, I am really, really starting to get use to "go almost when ever you want to go and do almost what ever you want to do" lifestyle.  No, I can't hop on a jet and go to Hawaii on a whim but I can wake up and get up at noon when I feel like it.  No, I can't trek to New York City, get the best table in 21, and order the lobster with champagne without a care, but, I don't go hungry like I was doing a little while back most nights.  You get the idea.  I'm not "rich" free but I am "off the time-clock" free.  It is good.  Going back to work...lord help me.  If I get employed by Walmart, I will be working for (kind of) the late Sam Walton who was one of my idols.  If he was still alive and he didn't break up his fortune to his family members, he would undoubtedly be the richest man in the world.  He was a few times in the past listed as such.  It was said that Mr. Walton was mad at Malcolm Forbes for letting the world know how much money he had.  This was back in the eighties when the Forbes 400 first started publication.  Even though I did not know him, I did and do admire the hell out of him.  Even though I will be way low on the totem pole, I will be honored to work for a major New York Stock Exchange listed company.  People make the jokes about McDonald's workers but, the company is huge and if you get a college degree, you may be able to work in corporate if you have the talent.  Just saying, where ever you are, you have to start somewhere.  Time and luck may pay off.  I will not be so lucky.  I will just be trying to do the right thing for God, my country, and my family.  Wish me luck.  



Monday, October 5, 2015

Talk Stuff - Random

If you've been reading my blog, you know that I will dumpster-dive if the opportunity presents itself.  Opportunity has arrived and may be around for a bit.  People WILL throw away some good stuff.  To make a long story short, so far, I have recovered a relatively healthy house plant (at least a $4.00 value imo), a working compact fluorescent light bulb, and $1.55 in change from a discarded purse.  This is a temporary dumpster so it could be taken away at any time.  Thank you God for what I have received so far.

It seems that the more you pay, the more you get.  I recently bought The Terminator movie on DVD for five bucks (kind of a planned purchase).  Saw available The Terminator Blu-ray.  Added and not on the DVD - 7 deleted scenes, a making of The Terminator featurette, a retrospective with the director & the star, and six photo cards.  I paid $7.88 for it (yes, I do have a Blu-ray player).  Mostly  a DVD guy but I will buy a good Blu-ray. 

Yes people   -   Love then money.



Friday, October 2, 2015


I was in the local branch of my bank today taking care of some business.  The new head teller and I got into conversation about money & she threw a few PF names out there.  She is probably a twenty-something just starting out in life, but, she was keenly aware of the impact that money had on her, her husband, and people in general.  To be that young and that aware scares me.  Overall, people are getting smarter.  This is a tight world.

With that said, it brings me to this book I just discovered on my local library's shelf called "Lighten Up" written by Peter Walsh.  Not saying that the book is anti-capitalism, just say that there is a war going on.  Even billionaires have to stay aware and stay awake because...just saying that circumstances can change on a dime.  You can't be happy all the time because life will not let you be. 

I have not read the book but from its title, it is kind of lying to me and my situation.  If I took that advice, I would be doing a great disservice to myself.  I think others on the low end of the spectrum would be doing a disservice to themselves too if they took this advice. 

I think the title should of been "Lighten Up Some Of The Time".

Just sayin'
Just talkin'



Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Doing.  Doing for money.  Doing to survive.  Making a living.  Do you live because you have to or because you want to?  Right now, I am time rich and money poor.  I don't answer to a time-clock, but, I am very hard-up for cigarettes.

Bill Gates  -  wealthy, retired, philanthropic...What have you done lately?  What's next?

Unless you are somehow severely damaged, I find (at least for me) that you have to do something; some sort of activity.

Being able to "call the shots" and do almost what you want to do when you want to do it and have enough money to take care of yourself   ---   priceless.

Being rich and being free and being healthy and answering to no one but God is the way to go.

S.I.S. - S.I.S.

If you ever achieve a state of "thriving", keep it hush-hush because people will love to bring you down just to see you fall if not because of jealousy.  Be cool, live your mostly drama-free life and....

Just talking.



Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Reality Check

I kind of believe in the "win-win" outcome of life situations.  The sad truth is somebody is going to win and somebody is going to lose.  

Zero sum game.


I heard this on tv one time and never heard it mentioned, ever, anywhere.

"For me to succeed, others must fail".  

Cold, hard truth yo.  If they really teach this kind of stuff in business school.  .  .  going to church may be a waste of time.  It's like, if you do almost the opposite of what is preached in church, you most likely will get along fine in the secular world.  

I will always believe in the power of love but I get more and more cynical as my days on Earth pass.  

If you can find the original, 1995 Money Magazine article on Anne Scheiber, I suggest you read it.  She did what she had to do.  It's a cold world.  You have to generate your own warmth by the grace of God.  

I'm freezing my ass off, but, being that I smoke...I carry fire with me most times, lol.  



Wednesday, September 9, 2015

a note to Jesus

Dear God,

Please help me.  Help me to get the part time seasonal job, that may turn long-term, at Dollar Tree. 

Please bless me with some money.  I can use some gas and some food.

Please bless my mom and my dad.

I turned off my land-line today.  I know, I should of had more faith.  Saving $60.00 a month will be nice but the missed convenience of a home phone...sadly missed.  May everything be okay.

Thank you for the blessings that I do have.

May you be blessed.


Friday, September 4, 2015

CLASSIFIED: Delta 1-1-7-9 Foxtrot:Top Secret

Some shit that's "open to all" is, in fact, confidential yo.

What is confabulated may be true.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

just another day

"I had to fight to survive.  They were all against me but I beat the bastards and left them in the ditch."        -Ty Cobb

When God and the universe are against you, you are pretty much screwed, but, give them hell they will not soon forget.    -B.O.P.

Just some talk.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Another Life-Time

Be strong.  Be healthy.  Be happy.  May God continue to bless you.

Hasta La vista mi amigo.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

:) yeah

Rockin' this song in my car lately.  

L.A. Mass Choir.

Very good, uplifting song!!!

Thank you.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

Successful Functioning Is All There Is

Just a little update on where I'm at.

This is the nursing home where my mom is living.  She seems to be doing okay thank goodness.

This was a good movie.  I can kind of see why rumors would be floating around that Will and Jada might be getting a divorce.  Margot Robbie is one of the most beautiful ladies on the planet not to mention that she can act.

Dude, who is allowed to get a license plate like this?

Classic Car Time

This is an old Cadillac that looks great.  If I was a billionaire, I would not mind owning it.

And finally, I was of the impression that getting rich was about being able to take it real easy.  Not having to work:  sleeping all day and partying all night.


It's about the money until you have enough.  Then it's about the score.  You compete, you live life to the fullest, you aspire to greater and greater things.  You will be down some of the time but you pick yourself up and continue on the never-ending ascension.  

What it's about:

If you don't know, do some research.



Saturday, August 1, 2015

For Guys: Tips On How To Repel Women

I am friendly and can hold a respectable conversation, but, I have totally failed at being intimate, physically without pay, with women.  I am successful at turning them off so if you want to rid yourself of ladies chasing after you, adhere to these tips.

This alone is not fool-proof but a lot of ladies will "write you off" from the get-go.

If you set your standards to "no standards", women will see & sense this and avoid you as best they can.

Good guys are not exciting enough to stimulate them.  Bad guys will get them in debt, get them pregnant when they don't want to be pregnant, and/or land them in jail.

I wear blue coveralls most of the time.  Low-status attire really, really compels women to ignore you.  With eyeglasses...running for the hills??!!!!!!

Movie-love and love for love's sake is a total illusion.  A woman may want to sleep with you because of an attraction but will not hang with you for the long haul or see you as marriage material. 

These five tips should start you on the way to being very without women friends.  If you want to be alone for the rest of your life like I'm successfully doing, do what I do and so shall you be lady-less.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015



meanings of words & phrases

interchangeable meanings


"Money and power, that's all there is."          -Bud Fox, Wall Street movie character


                                                        the end

Friday, July 24, 2015


I was writing a blog post today and the post turned into a kind-of-good work for my dating profile.  If you would like to read it, go to Plentyoffish(dot)com, username, Wafcal1.  I am almost begging!  Anyway, if you go there, welcome to one of my worlds.


Saturday, July 11, 2015


God is good all the time.  All the time God is good.

Handling drama.  

Thank you God.



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Family Love

I saw this story on Allfinancialmatters dot com.  I thought it was a good one so I'm going to repeat it.


There was once a boy named Bradley.  When he was about eight years old, he fell into the habit of thinking of everything in terms of money.  He wanted to know the price of everything he saw, and if it didn't cost a great deal, it did not seem to him to be worth anything at all.

But there are a great many things money cannot buy.  And some of them are the best things in the world.

One morning when Bradley came down to breakfast, he put a little piece of paper, neatly folded, on his mother's plate.  His mother opened it, and she could hardly believe it, but this is what her son had written:

                                Mother owes Bradley:
                                     For running errands                                3  dollars
                                     For taking out the trash                           2 dollars
                                     For sweeping the floor                            2 dollars
                                     Extras                                                     1 dollar  
                                         Total that Mother owes Bradley          8 dollars

His mother smiled when she read that, but she did not say anything.

When lunchtime came she put the bill on Bradley's plate along with eight dollars.  Bradley's eyes lit up when he saw the money.  He stuffed it into his pocket as fast as he could and started dreaming about what he would buy with his reward.

All at once he saw there was another piece of paper besides his plate, neatly folded, just like the first one.  When he opened it up, he found it was a bill from his mother.  It read:

                                   Bradley owes Mother:

                                             For being good to him                               nothing
                                             For nursing him through his chicken pox  nothing
                                             For shirts and shoes and toys                   nothing
                                             For his meals and beautiful room              nothing

                                                     Total that Bradley owes Mother         nothing

Bradley sat looking at this new bill, without saying a word.  After a few minutes he got up, pulled the eight dollars out of his pocket, and place them in his mother's hand.

And after that, he helped his mother for love.

--The Moral Compass: Stories For A Life's Journey by William Bennett, pgs. 22-23

In the words of an old movie - That's The Fact Jack!


Thursday, June 18, 2015

it's official

By this evening, my mom will be put in a nursing home. 

It's not too far from where I live so I should be able to visit a bit.

I'm not happy about this but I'm not sad either.  I think it's just her time to wind down her life.  I didn't make the decision, the hospital doctor did.  I just chose the facility where she would live. 

She is my mother and best friend. 

Thanks for listening.  Pray for her please.


P.S.  When I think about the nine church-goers who were killed recently, I feel that my mom is not that bad off.  No real comparison, but it kind of puts things in perspective.  Thanks.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

daily life drama

I had to take my mom to the hospital last night because she had a bad reaction to something that made her tongue & throat swell up.  Not sure what caused the swelling but she is doing much better now.  She is still in the hospital probably because they want to make sure she is doing okay.   

I was outside of the hospital smoking a cigarette after I had just visited my mom today and I saw some "cold-blooded" event happen.  

Scene:  Van parked outside of the hospital.  Meter-guy preparing to ticket the van.

Lady - Boss,...boss, I'm getting a patient from the hospital and I'll be right out.

Meter-guy - Okay.

He pauses as the lady steps into the emergency room entrance.  He then proceeds to give the woman a ticket even though she specifically asked to gentleman in no uncertain words to give her a break.  Black guy, white woman.  DUDE...you should cut some slack for people under real stress yo.  Dude, you are a bad cookie.

In my previous post I said I would "let go" most of my fish and just save a few.  Well...I still believe there is a solution to the life-boat scenario.  I got off my lazy, fat butt and changed the tank water & cleaned the filters.  Two to three deaths at most.  I'm such a wimp.

Love life:  I introduced myself to a lady I often see at the library and we talked for a bit.  She is nice.  She looks regular without make-up but I bet she is hot when made up.  Anyway, she seems friendly and I might try to take it to the next level next time I see her.  Next level meaning more conversation and getting to know one-another better.  For me it's friends first.

Apartment inspections, car work, jumping on my writing work (other than blog), stuff is happening.  I have to motivate myself to do the writing thing because I've been seriously slacking off.  It just seems to be a chore lately.  

Anyway, have a good one everybody.


Bright Opulent Playboy

P.S.   My man below!

Just thought I'd add a photo of...G.G.