Wednesday, April 30, 2014


We will give you the $7.99 pizza deal.

The cost to fix your car is $1,877.29.

I paid $200.00 for my Jordans.

For me to love you long time will set you back $100.00.

A research fee of $29.00 is required for consideration.

You must have your ticket ready to board the plane.

To survive in this realm you must pray to me at least once a day.

The unwritten laws must be obeyed or you will be punished.








Revel In Production?

Remunerate Inside Pussy?

Dam, Damm, Damn, I need a drink!!!


Saturday, April 12, 2014


I had the idea that I would try cross-dressing.  I'm a man who would attempt to pass as a woman by wearing female clothing in public.  I want to see how the other half lives.  I am pushing the envelope through experimentation.  I'm not gay.  If anything I'm bi because I know I like ladies.  Upon reflection back to the ninth grade when my first serious crush said "you're weird", I realize that I'm a little underdeveloped.  I think I'm slightly retarded.  My father said way back that I have low self esteem.  He was being kind.  Anyway, I told Marilyn, one of the ladies at the church thrift store that I go to, about my idea & she said that when I'm ready they would be able to help outfit me.  I could probably get a dress, a handbag, and a pair of shoes but I'd be on my own when I get a wig, make-up, stockings, & whatever else I would need.  If Ru Paul can do it....  I would be doing it now but I spent fifty bucks signing up on the website What's Your Price dot com where guys pay women for dates.  I offered $37.00 to this one woman and she counter offered $50.00.  She, imo, is clearly not fifty dollar material so I countered with $35.00 to which the site responded by saying I could not go lower so I countered with $39.00.  She hasn't responded yet.  You can go as low as $5.00 to start so I thought I was generous.  We will see what happens.  It's mostly SSDD with me so I'll report back later on my two projects.  Thanks for reading.  Talk at ya.  

Bottom One Percenter

P.S.  May God bless the passengers & crew of flight MH-370.  Hopefully they are okay.