Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I just recently read that pain is the seed of either a reverence toward life or killing. 

I'm thinking that the avoidance of pain is what keeps a lot of people going.  Anthony Robbins said that we (people) want to avoid pain and gain pleasure but we will do a whole lot more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. 

I'm thinking that consciousness is a response to avoiding pain and/or gaining pleasure.  One tries to survive with the least pain & the greatest pleasure.

You should have goals.  Maybe not.  Having goals means doing almost what ever it takes to achieve your objective no matter how painful or pleasurable the turns and twists may be. 

You must fight, then rest, then fight some more. 






Connection.  Relationships.  People needing people. 

It's a jungle.  Do what you can, where you are, with what you've got.  Live life.  Be aware of the possibilities.

Have some chocolate cake!  Then smoke a cigarette.

P.S.  When I win the lottery, I won't be so fucking analytical.  I'll be able to pay for some sex then things will be co-pathetic.  Bahh!!  out :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013


                                                        $12.00 - el cheapo price, not bad quality.

Back in the day my father would constantly tell me to stop wearing "tennis" shoes & wear dress shoes.  I knew I was on the move most of the time & I needed to run some of those times so I believe I knew better.  I could always switch over when the occasion called for shoes.  Sky-blue Pro-Keds use to be the shit.  I thought I was all that and a bag of chips!  I started growing up and I lost track of what was hot & what was not.  Nike with Air Jordans came in but I was mostly an Adiddas/Converse man.  As you can see from the photo above, I now buy bo-bo's.  If they're cheap in price & they cover my feet...?  SOLD!  I'm all for supporting black celebrity athletes but, I would rather have Mr. James or Mr. Jordan giving me some money instead of the other way around.  $150.00 for a pair of sneakers (actually more I think)????  Can you say "sucker born every minute"?  I'm just sayin'.  If I was a billionaire I still wouldn't justify myself paying one hundred fifty dollars for tennis shoes!

Damn bro!


Thursday, January 3, 2013


I took a trip to New York City, back to my old neighborhood in the Bronx on new year's eve.  I was 13 when my family moved so I really didn't get to make real good friendships with anybody.  Don't get me wrong, I remember quite a few people from way back then but it has been such a long time being apart that I don't know them plus they are now grown with their own lives & probably not living there now so....  I remember my apartment complex, the buildings & the general area.

I remember having fun playing games, a little bit of school time, and the fear of gangs & bullies. They say the more things change, the more they stay the same.  That statement seems true in this case at least with the look of the place.  FYI, the South Bronx wasn't and isn't all that bad.  I'm lucky and glad to be a former New Yorker.  I probably will not be taking any more trips back to New York because New Jersey Turnpike toll prices and the George Washington Bridge toll price are way too high!!!  LOL, I almost could not afford to get back home (present home)!!

Anyway, I have some auto pics for ya.

The owner said his Ford Mustang is a 2013.

Dodge Charger   -   The officer said it was okay to take a photo.

Chevy Silverado   -   A good hauler.
Mini Cooper   -   "Spunky"

