Sunday, August 26, 2012

T.T.T. index theory

Finding T.T.T. along the side of the road during a walk is kind of a hobby of mine.  My T.T.T. index theory postulates that the better the quality of T.T.T., the better the economy is.  When people are prosperous, they tend to throw away "good" or better than average quality T.T.T.  When the economy is in decline, people want to hold on to their wealth thereby clinging to good quality stuff & discarding low quality stuff.  The picture above shows a plethora of low quality T.T.T. all collected on one walk.  The peace time economic conflict is getting fiercer.  Being that I go hungry toward the middle and end of the week, I personally know.  Darwinian economics is scary sh** for those of us toward the bottom strata of the economic totem pole.

A preacher recently spoke on the power of words.  I believed in his sermon except that words on green pieces of paper have more power than the spoken word being that they are backed by the federal government and their guns & weapons!  

"Money talks and bullshit walks."  -Angelo Errichetti, former mayor of Camden, NJ

America, what would our forefathers think of the world now?

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