Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why do things change?

I heard it said once that, to paraphrase, if you find your way to serve in life, you will be okay.  Well, I got this job & been on the job for about six months when I decided for myself that I really had no future of "great prosperity"  so I would settle in, keep this front-line job for the rest of my life and just wait on the lord.  I quit the job and moved on.  I'm seriously considering going back to this job & try again to make a career out of it.  Why did I quit the first time?  I got tired.  They took me back for the grave-yard shift & I stayed only two weeks.  They may take me back again if I apply.  I now have personal self-purpose, but, it gets lonely.  Living for the fight because that's all I've got - still lonely.  Love is real.  There's just not a lot for me & others who are situated toward the bottom of the totem-pole.  I'll endure & calmly go on for as long a God sees fit.  Barbarians, trash, & outcasts - unite, survive, and thrive!!

Just some talk

Change is the nature of the universe.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Who the fuck really knows what the fuck is going on??


(Lol, only the Shadow knows....)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Penny Power

What is not seen, what is unimaginable may have an effect on economics.  What is very small may have an effect on economics.  The humble penny does make a difference.  If you don't respect your pennies, your dollars will not add up & respect you.  You mark my words, every penny counts!!

I'm a low roller but I do get to roll.  God knows I want more money but he also knows that I'm thankful for the small change that I have.

As Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez say, your money is your life energy.  Use it wisely.

Side Note:  I get to blog because my night-school classes have been cancelled for the last two days of snow & record low temperatures in the north eastern United States.  LOL, getting fucked up on beer this afternoon was nice.  



Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Photo For Ms. Debtchallenger

Shawnna, if you're still reading my blog, check this out.  Pretty good stuff.  Cheap in price but tasty.  


Bottom One Percenter

Sunday, January 12, 2014

When Money Fails. . .

When you go to the/a store, you expect to get what you want, goods or services, in exchange for the "legal tender" you give to them (at least it is expected in the United States Of America).  What would happen if this agreed upon trade was not 100% reliable?  

I was taught that back in the day Germany suffered a period of super inflation.  The loss of value to their currency was so great that, literally, a wheel barrel filled with cash could barely buy a loaf of bread!

I'm not saying this has or will happen any time soon, but, what I am saying is that - "things (people, money, God, etc.) will let you down at least once in your life."  Nothing is fool-proof.  God will let you down to test you.  People will let you down some of the time because they're not perfect.  Money?  The store may be closed when you need them to be open.  What you want may not be available right now.  The price of a regular, steady item that you buy may noticeably go up out of your comfort range.  Shit happens.  

I went to the liquor store tonight to buy a case of beer and the store was closed.  I got there thirty minutes after the closing time.  I went to the live girl nude dance/peep show in my area tonight that's suppose to be open 24/7.  They were closed. Some of the time the big-box store that I frequent runs out of Deer-Park or Poland Spring water.  These two brands are the only ones my mom will drink.  No purified water for her.  The same big-box store doesn't sell Winston Redbox 100s cigarettes which is what I prefer.  When I buy from them, I always have to settle for a Gold box.  I have been living alone in my current apartment over 17 years and have received the "free" heat during the winters, heat that is due me, only once and that was the 1st year I moved here, and, only upon request.

It is said that money talks & bullshit walks.  Well, small money sometimes walks and, therefore, is bullshit.  I can only speculate but am pretty sure that having deep pockets is a wonderful thing.  I, personally, respect small as well as big money.  A few coins sometimes means the difference in having or not having a pack of cigarettes for me.  A lot of people don't give respect to small money that it's due.  Most big money started out as small money.  In my book, small money talks, just not as loud as big money.  The more you have, the less likely it will fail you. Aaaaaaahhhhhggggg.  

What teams are going to be in this years Superbowl?  

Talk at ya.


Monday, January 6, 2014


The Wolf Of Wall Street movie. 

I saw it THREE times in theatres and plan on buying the DVD when it comes out! 

Jordan Belfort's life as fictionally portrayed in this movie was outstanding.  Martin and Leonardo - good job.
