Thursday, November 28, 2013

S.O.A.B. !

Patrick passed away a few days after I got him.  I didn't know him well so I don't feel too bad.  I got what I call "the group of thirty-one plus".  I paid for ten feeder guppies but I got a little over thirty-five of them.  They seem happy now even though two or three of them passed away.  So far so good (other than the few deaths).  

I have some random pictures plus pictures of my fish.  I hope you like the pics.  

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  Don't shop too hard on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Bottom One Percenter

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Loss In The Family

Someone in my family recently died.  I feel kind of bad.  Casper, one of my fish, who lived in the bottom tank of my apartment passed away the other day.  It might not be a "big deal" to others but Casper was my friend.  He started just sitting on the filter the last few days of his life.  I thought he was depressed but maybe he was sick.  Anyway, I hope he is in fish Heaven having a good time.  I think the filter was defective which may have lead to his death.  Jolene's tank is crystal clear but Casper's tank was a little cloudy.  I replaced the filter and bought another "friend".  The fish cost eleven cents but he is alive.  My mom named him.  Patrick is the new member of my family.  Patrick hides like Casper did but hopefully he is okay.  I didn't see him this morning but maybe he is there somewhere.  Still a little sad but life goes on.



Sunday, November 17, 2013

Yeah Man!

I just saw the first episode of the new Fox police drama "Almost Human".  I thought it was good.  When the detective pushed his first android partner out of the moving car I was shocked a little. Even though this android didn't have "the soul" that humans and Dorian had, he still should of had rights.  He may not have been sentient but the possibility could of occurred in his future through upgrades and technological improvements.  Some people in the past thought that black people were just animals.  Some people in the past thought Asians had no souls.  Life is a mystery.  Most, if not all, should have respect.  Just talkin'.  Being feelowsofical today.  Bayoya - - - -.


P.S.  Future technology as envisioned in this show looks pretty sophisticated.  Movie-caliber effects.  Was ILM involved in this production in any way?   Talk to me.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Random Pics + A Few Words

Your ring.

Ring I saw at Walmart for $14.00 .  Get appraisal S.

See ya later.  If you want to contact me, hit me up in the comments or email me.  (Un-manly tears rolling down face) I love you D.C.  I'll never forget you (leaves apartment to go buy rocky-road ice cream to eat away the pain with intermittent cigarette breaks to prevent weight gain).

I had to express my sadness/anger.  Laugh if off & don't take it seriously.

A post on a day off from school week.

Bottom One Percenter

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I have not been blogging a lot lately but I just came on-line and found that Shawnna removed her blog (ChallengerDebt) from the blogosphere.  Things change.  Stuff happens.  There is a beginning and there is an end. 


So long Ms. Debt Challenger. 

One of my written goals is to fly to Atlanta and meet Shawnna and her husband in person.  It will not happen any time soon but the goal will remain active and one day, when it is least expected, I will find them and say...Hello, how are you guys doing?

May God bless them.
