Sunday, April 15, 2012

Way of the miser?

I went shopping on Saturday morning.  Yes, I visited two church thrift stores.  The first one I visited was a church shop I go to every so often.  The second church store was an unscheduled visit.  I walked two long blocks from church #1 to visit church #2.  It was my first time at #2.  Being that I am a born-again miser, what am I doing shopping for stuff that I don't need?  Out of all the things in the picture, I only really needed the ash tray.  What the H*** do I need a wooded unicorn head for?  I gambled on the music CD.  I scored - the music is good (title - Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil.  Music inspired by the motion picture.  [new to me]).  The metal index card box and index cards were pure wants.  I like boxes & the cards came with the box.  The wooden block shaped like a house was nice so I got it.  Forgive me father, for I have sinned.  I have betrayed the way of the miser and par-took in the lust of material acquisition & gratification.  I am bad.  I have done wrong.  I know that it is okay once in a while to go to church, let alone two churches, but I must control my desires.  Please help me lord.  I didn't mean to spend so much money either.  The three dollars spent could have been saved or, better yet, put toward the purchase of lottery tickets.  If I had done better in my earlier years, I would not be wanting of money now.  Damn!  I was weak but I will try harder to be more economical with my financial resources.  I will be better.  Thanks for the blessings that I do have though.

Bottom One Percenter

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