Friday, April 13, 2012

Eli Wallach

He is a good actor!  I first saw him as an old, wealthy executive in The Associate starring Whoopi Goldberg.  The feisty, old, rich character played by Mr. Wallach was done incredibly well.  I would dare to say excellently.  Well done sir.  Then, I saw him play an old corporate executive in Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.  This movie was released in 2010.  He looked old but he still had the juice!  The scene where his character gets mad at Josh Brolin's character was priceless.  He was on even at his advanced age (96 at present).  I heard, a while back from an acquaintance, that he starred in a lot of westerns during his acting career.  I have not seen any of his early or mid-career work but judging by the enthusiasm he displayed in some of his late-career work, I really missed out.  Tonight I saw a movie called Samurai starring Eli Wallach.  The movie was made in 1975.  It was a western/comedy.  I bought the DVD at a close-out sale for fifty cents.  It was blank midway for a bit but what I did get to see was outstanding!  It was fun!  After seeing the movie, I felt like I owed the store $9.50.  I like most movies but Samurai was fun in my opinion.  I will have to see more of his stuff.  By the time you read this, I will have checked out his filmography on Wikipedia.  I recommend his works (at least the ones I have mentioned).  You still have some good years left Eli!  Keep on truckin'!  Keep doing what you love.

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  Apparently the movie Samurai was a low-budget spaghetti western directed by Sergio Corbucci.  It was also called The White, The Yellow, And The Black and Shoot First...Ask Questions Later.  Multiple titles aside, it was still fun!

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