Sunday, April 29, 2012

thank you

A Saturday a while back I was visiting my mom.  I drove to her place like I usually do most Saturdays.  I pulled into the parking area in the front of her apartment building and looked for a spot.  I drove to the end of the area.  All of the spaces were taken.  I started to back up to go to the rear parking area to get a spot when some one suddenly pulls out and leaves an open space.  I immediately just back in right after the spot was vacated.  A couple in a red car pulls close and starts to protest.  Apparently they were waiting for the spot.  I got out of my car and the guy on the passenger-side of the other car got out.

guy - We were waiting for that spot.  Why do you have to be an a**hole?

me - I don't see you in it.

lady on driver's side of other car - Don't worry about it.  Let's go.  We'll get another spot.

The guy walks to the passenger-side of their car & clearly wanted to fight (verbally at least) for the spot.  The lady-driver wasn't having it.  They left & I went on my way.  When we got out of our cars, I was ready to discuss, & possibly even give them the space but when the guy called me an a**hole . . . thank you, you lose punk bitch.  A**holes finish first & nice guys finish last.  I was going to be the usual nice guy that I kind of am but I re-realized that I want to develop my inner-a**hole.

Bottom One Percenter

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