Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cheap is as...

Go Soul!!  This photo has nothing to do with this post.  Just happy they won yesterday.  Dan Radabaugh & the team are great!!!  Anyway...

Being that I am a newly reformed miser, I try to buy good deals.  When I buy movies on DVD, 9 times out of 10, I only look through the five dollar bin when at a big-box store.  I picked up two DVDs out of the bin to purchase yesterday.  The thing is sometimes more expensive DVDs are mixed in the bargain bin.  Either it's an honest mistake or the merchants are trying to pull a fast one.  Anyway, I get a price check on a two disc DVD case thinking it might be more than five dollars and it turns out to cost five dollars so I green-light the purchase. The total comes to over the $10.70 expected (about +$17.00).  The other single disc DVD turns out to cost about $13.00!!  They tried to sneak it past me.  It's okay happening one or two times a year but this happens almost every time which is why I always get a price check.  I still love the big-box stores.  I guess they are just trying to keep us on our toes.  BTW, good deals on used DVDs can be had on  This site also sells used books, text books, video games, music CDs, & gaming systems.  Save on.

Bottom One Percenter
P.S.  Maybe chaos can be a good thing.

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