Friday, April 20, 2012



When we first made contact, if I remember correctly, our POF emails were okay.  We had one live chat over the internet and that was kind of okay.  We met in person after a long while at the ***** ***** Diner.  You looked good.  Then you smiled.  You had big teeth.  It shook me a bit but in the back of my mind I was saying that it was not too bad but I wanted to leave quickly before I received any other surprises.  I was surprised that you agreed to have lunch with me because, technically, you were my first date (date with a girl) ever.  I was wondering why you went out with me which is why I asked if someone paid you to be with me.  I didn't intend to call you a hooker/prostitute.  When you have never really been "in the game" you wonder why someone shows interest in you out of the blue.  What were your true motivations?  To this day I am still not sure.  We texted each other a bit.  We emailed each other a bit.  Then, we met one night and hung out at the C******** Bar & Grill during a POF event.  You looked okay.  You were taller than me with heels on which made me step back at first but I was cool with it.  During the evening I asked you to dance & you said no thank you.  Now, I thought most women liked to dance.  I was thinking that we could have a little fun, but you were not down with it.  The party ended, we kissed, then went our separate ways.  I know some women like to take it slow but our courtship was creeping in my opinion.  I visited you at your new house in ************ to watch a movie.  It went okay.  I think you had your teeth changed which shook me because I was becoming cool with the way you were.  Then you visited my place.  This time you changed your hair to a low cut afro.  That shook me but I could live with it.  After a while our texts declined to nada.  I would text you but you would not respond.  Is Maxine tired of me?  Am I boring her?  Was I a rebound relationship?  Is she trying to hurt me?  The thing with me is if anyone becomes a close friend with me, I will have their back for life to the best of my ability, even after the relationship ends if it does.  I had a close buddy in high school named Jeff.  We were friends but that was what I call a friendship of proximics.  Because we lived near each other & went to the same high school, it was only natural that we would associate together.  We went to the same college at first then he moved away to Wisconsin.  We lost contact and have not spoken since but if we ever connect again I will be okay with it even thought I was torn up when he moved away.  I wasn't sure about letting you in my world all the way which is why I bought a second cell phone to use with you.  Not good enough to get in my "inner circle"?  True colors be shown, I guess not.  All's fair in love and war?  I guess so.  You were not my first love, or my first kiss but you were my first date even though it lasted only about 20 minutes.  Being that you treat me like S*** now, I guess you got what you wanted.  No hard feelings.  Thanks for the ride.  May God bless you and your family.  Bye.
P.S.  I hope you and your doctor have a happy life together ;)

Hi John,
I have to say thanks for your brutal honesty.  But let me be honest as well.  I was definitely taken back by your out of date mismatched attire but thought to look past it.  Then I think you made me pay for my tea if I remember correctly.  That along with your statement had me just about done.  But we continued to email and talk.  When we met at the C******** Bar & Grill it was nice but I didn't dance with you because your underarms were a little smelly and that was a complete turn off.  But I figured you were a sweet guy and we could always hang out and be friends.  Until the day at your house.  I had a good time up until you kissed me when I was leaving.  It really threw me because I thought we were just friends.  The first kiss you mentioned I don't even remember so it must not have been as intrusive as the second one at your house.  I was fine with us being friends but when you tried to take it to another level it totally pushed me away.

Names have been changed to conceal identities.

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