Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I believe that no matter where you are in life, you can find some joy.  Who ever you are, you have something.  Look hard, it might be right under your nose.  Religion can be helpful.  When you think you have nothing and no hope, Jesus can be a good friend.  Use your imagination to bolster your spirit.  Sometimes you have to just do it.  Find something for yourself & keep it to yourself.  Sharing is good but, some things, ideas, places, etc. should be yours and yours alone.  When everybody gets you down, f*** everybody!  Some of your worlds should be your own.

"Secrecy is success, success is secrecy."  -Fred Lenon

Buzz words for this day:  Unstructured Data

In my travels, I found this metal disc with the Volkswagen logo on it today.  It was on the side of the road.  This trinket-trash-treasure will bring a little joy to my miserly life!  Thanks God.

Bottom One Percenter

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