Friday, October 2, 2015


I was in the local branch of my bank today taking care of some business.  The new head teller and I got into conversation about money & she threw a few PF names out there.  She is probably a twenty-something just starting out in life, but, she was keenly aware of the impact that money had on her, her husband, and people in general.  To be that young and that aware scares me.  Overall, people are getting smarter.  This is a tight world.

With that said, it brings me to this book I just discovered on my local library's shelf called "Lighten Up" written by Peter Walsh.  Not saying that the book is anti-capitalism, just say that there is a war going on.  Even billionaires have to stay aware and stay awake because...just saying that circumstances can change on a dime.  You can't be happy all the time because life will not let you be. 

I have not read the book but from its title, it is kind of lying to me and my situation.  If I took that advice, I would be doing a great disservice to myself.  I think others on the low end of the spectrum would be doing a disservice to themselves too if they took this advice. 

I think the title should of been "Lighten Up Some Of The Time".

Just sayin'
Just talkin'



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