Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm Kinda Scared

I have an interview on Tuesday to work as a Walmart associate that stocks shelves and helps to unload trucks.  If I get the job, I will be carrying my own weight.  Disability and food stamps will have to end.  It's a good thing but, I am really, really starting to get use to "go almost when ever you want to go and do almost what ever you want to do" lifestyle.  No, I can't hop on a jet and go to Hawaii on a whim but I can wake up and get up at noon when I feel like it.  No, I can't trek to New York City, get the best table in 21, and order the lobster with champagne without a care, but, I don't go hungry like I was doing a little while back most nights.  You get the idea.  I'm not "rich" free but I am "off the time-clock" free.  It is good.  Going back to work...lord help me.  If I get employed by Walmart, I will be working for (kind of) the late Sam Walton who was one of my idols.  If he was still alive and he didn't break up his fortune to his family members, he would undoubtedly be the richest man in the world.  He was a few times in the past listed as such.  It was said that Mr. Walton was mad at Malcolm Forbes for letting the world know how much money he had.  This was back in the eighties when the Forbes 400 first started publication.  Even though I did not know him, I did and do admire the hell out of him.  Even though I will be way low on the totem pole, I will be honored to work for a major New York Stock Exchange listed company.  People make the jokes about McDonald's workers but, the company is huge and if you get a college degree, you may be able to work in corporate if you have the talent.  Just saying, where ever you are, you have to start somewhere.  Time and luck may pay off.  I will not be so lucky.  I will just be trying to do the right thing for God, my country, and my family.  Wish me luck.  



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