Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kind Of Felt What She Felt

Steve Harvey made a mistake but the slighted woman deserves some sort of "compensation" for the verbal blunder in my opinion. 

I was in Walmart the other day buying some energy-shots.  On my way out, I stopped by a food display near the exit to re-look at the cooked chicken products on sale.  A container of barbequed chicken wings selling for $2.07 caught my eye and I snatched them up because I had two bucks and some change left from my energy-shot purchase.  I go the cashier and pay for them during lite conversation.  She hands me the receipt and I go sit down to review my receipt.  I get in my car, drive home, enter my apartment, and prepare to eat those succulent looking wings.  I lay out a few slices of bread, make some cold tea, then...HEY, where are my wings?  I realize I forgot to get the bag from the bag carousel after I paid for them!!  I was really, really looking toward eat those wings then to have them not be available???  Dude, it hurt a little.  I checked to make sure I had not left them in the car and they were not there.  I wasn't about to go back over a two dollar purchase but joy/pleasure was taken away from me at the very last minute.  It was a double loss because not only did I not have the wings, I paid for them with cash to which I will never see again. 

Rule # 1  -  Never lose money

Rule # 2  -  Never forget rule number one

Mr. Buffett would be disappointed in me.

I ended up buying pizza later that evening.  Damn!!  Totally off my program!

Anyway, have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone.


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