Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Learning Every Day

I had my own personal film festival one night by viewing three basketball movies in a row.  The first one was White Men Can't Jump.  This was a good movie and the best out of the three in my opinion.  The second was Coach Carter.  This was also a good movie.  The third one was Love And Basketball.  A good movie too.  

In all of them, there was gain and loss by the characters.  

One lesson I learned is that life rarely goes exactly the way you want it to.  

Another one is that there is no such thing as total happiness.

Another one is that stress and drama will be with you no matter what.

The last one I will share today of the many more is that there are different levels of love.  The levels and intensities vary.  Who and or what you love is your decision and you have to live with your decision(s).  

Stuff goes on every day.


P.S.  The Eagles beat the Patriots last Sunday!  Woooo-Wwwhhooooooooooo!!!

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